
Naidheachdan teth an t-seachdain seo: fathannan iPad Pro, deireadh Adobe Flash, Apple Car, msaa.

Anns na naidheachdan teth an t-seachdain seo: Cheasnaich anailisiche earbsach Apple na fathannan mu Apple Car, an iPad Pro ùr a chaidh a chuir air bhog sa chiad ràithe de 2021, agus deireadh Adobe Flash.Leugh air adhart airson na sgeulachdan teth Apple an t-seachdain seo.
An t-seachdain sa chaidh, dh'ionnsaich sinn barrachd fiosrachaidh mu phlana leasachaidh leantainneach Apple airson a dhol a-steach don ghnìomhachas carbaid dealain fèin-dràibhidh cho tràth ri 2025. O chionn ghoirid, ge-tà, chuir Guo Mingchi, anailisiche earbsach Apple, an cèill teagamhan mun chlàr-ama.
Sgrìobh Guo ann an aithisg neach-tasgaidh an t-seachdain seo ma thòisicheas leasachadh am-bliadhna agus ma thèid e air adhart mar a bha dùil, is dòcha gun tèid Apple Car a chuir air bhog eadar 2025 agus 2025. Ach air sin a ràdh, stèidhichte air inbhean Apple agus na h-atharrachaidhean luath anns a’ chàr dealain is fèin-dràibhidh. gnìomhachasan, thuirt Guo mura h-eil càraichean Apple rim faighinn gu 2028 no nas fhaide air adhart, cha bhith e “na iongnadh.”
An àite eile an t-seachdain seo, tha aithisgean a’ nochdadh gu bheil dùil fhathast gun cuir Apple air bhog iPad Pro 12.9-òirleach ùr le mion-LED anns a’ chiad ràith de 2021. Chan e seo a’ chiad uair a tha aithisgean a’ nochdadh gum bi am mion-LED iPad Pro ri fhaighinn anns a’ chiad ràithe de 2021. chiad chairteal.Ro 2021, faodar a chleachdadh fhathast mar fhianais airson an t-sèine solair, a’ sealltainn gu bheil an gluasad fhathast a’ dol air adhart mar a bha dùil.
Tha eachdraidh a’ sealltainn gum faodar an iPad Pro ùr a chuir air bhog uaireigin aig deireadh a’ chiad ràithe, is dòcha sa Mhàrt.
Thàinig Apple am follais an t-seachdain seo ann an call cùis-lagha ainmeil.Dhiùlt britheamh ann am Florida tagraidhean Apple gun robh innealan virtualization Corellium a’ briseadh laghan dlighe-sgrìobhaidh.Tha Corellium na àrd-ùrlar sgrùdaidh tèarainteachd a leigeas le luchd-cleachdaidh dreach brìgheil de iOS a ruith air coimpiutair deasg.
Tha dàta ùr a chaidh fhoillseachadh an t-seachdain seo a’ sealltainn gun robh smachd aig Apple a-rithist air gnìomhachd fònaichean sgairteil aig àm na Nollaige anns na Stàitean Aonaichte.Is e iPhone 11 an iPhone as mòr-chòrdte a chaidh a chuir an gnìomh air Latha na Nollaige, air a leantainn le iPhone XR agus iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Is fhiach a bhith mothachail cuideachd nach eil an iPhone 12 mini ri lorg air liosta na bliadhna seo, a tha a’ cur momentum ris an toradh a tha gu math sònraichte dha Apple.
Èist ris na naidheachdan teth làitheil air 9to5Mac.Gheibhear 9to5Mac Daily air iTunes agus app Podcasts Apple, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, no tron ​​​​bhiadh RSS againn a tha coisrigte do Overcast agus cluicheadairean Podcast eile.
Le taic bho HabitMinder: Atharraich do chleachdaidhean, atharraich do bheatha.Cuidichidh HabitMinder thu gus cleachdaidhean fallain a leasachadh agus mothachadh air uallach a chumail suas.Tòisich an-asgaidh air iOS, Mac agus Apple Watch.
Thèid prògram ùr de 9to5Mac Daily a chlàradh gach latha seachdaineach.Fo-sgrìobh dha na podcastan againn ann an iTunes / Apple Podcast, no fo-sgrìobh don chluicheadair podcast as fheàrr leat gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil taisbeanaidhean ùra rim faighinn cho luath ‘s a thèid an leigeil ma sgaoil.Sgeulachdan air an deach beachdachadh sa phrògram seo:
Faodaidh mmWave 5G iPhone a dhol a-steach do bharrachd dhùthchannan / roinnean am-bliadhna.Thathas ag aithris gum bi iPhone 13 uidheamaichte le sganair LiDAR Kuo anns a h-uile modal: leigidh Apple a-mach AirTags, a’ chiad inneal AR, AirPods ùra agus toraidhean eile.Thathas ag aithris gu bheil Apple a’ gabhail ri GaN gus dealbhadh charger nas lugha a choileanadh ann an 2021
Share your opinion! Send us an email to You can also rate us in Apple Podcast or recommend us in Overcast to help more people discover the show!
{” attributes”: {” url”: “https:\ / \ / \ / 9to5macdaily”, “itemsToShow”: 5, “showCoverArt”: true, “showEpisodeTitle”: true, “showEpisodeDescription”: true}, “Title”: “9to5Mac Daily”, “link”: “https:\ / \ / \ /”, “cover”: “https:\ / \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2018 \ / 01 \ /9to5macdaily-12.jpeg?quality = 82 & strip = all”, “track”: [{" id": "podcast-track-1", "link": "Https: \ / \ / \ / link \ / 22367 \ / 14196667 \ / 9to5mac-daily-january-05-2021", "src":" http:\ / \\ / \ / redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2021 \ / 01 \ /9to5Mac-Daily-01-05-2021.mp3 "," type ":" audio \ / mpeg", "description": "Listen to the news review of the day on 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily can be found in iTunes and Apple's Podcasts application, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or get Yin and others through our dedicated RSS feed Podcast player.\nDo you like podcasts?:\nThe Apple store on Amazon supports 9to5Mac Daily!\n\n\nNew episodes of 9to5Mac Daily are recorded every weekday. iTunes\/Apple Podcast or your favorite Odcast in your podcast player to ensure that new episodes are available as soon as they are launched.\nStories discussed in this episode:\u00a0 \n\nmmWave 5G iPhone may enter more countries/regions this year\niPhone is rumored to be equipped with LiDAR scanners in all models\nKuo: Apple will release AirTag, the first AR device, new AirPods and other products in 2021 \nApple rumored to use GaN for smaller charger designs\n\nFollow opportunities:\nTwitter: @ChanceHMiller\nListen and subscribe:\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nRSS\nStitcher\nTuneIn\nGoogle Play\n \nShare your thoughts! \nPlease leave us a message on You can also rate us in the Apple Podcast or recommend us in the Overcast to help more people discover the show! "," title":" January 5, 2021, iPhone 13 rumors, Apple AR headset","Duration":"05:40"},{"id":"podcast-track-2"," link ":" https:\ / \ / \ / link \ / 22367 \ / 14195369 \ / 9to5mac-daily-january -04-2021", "src":" http:\ / \ / \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2021 \ /01\/9to5Mac-Daily-01-04-2021.mp3","type":" audio\/mpeg","description":"Listen to the news review of the day on 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily can be found on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our RSS feed dedicated to Overcast and other Podcast players. \nEnjoy Podcast? :\NBuy Apple on Amazon to support 9to5Mac Daily! \n\n\nNew clips of 9to5Mac Daily will be recorded every working day. Subscribe to our podcast in iTunes \ / Apple Podcast or your favorite Podcast player to ensure that new episodes are available as soon as they are released. \nStories discussed in this episode:\u00a0\n\nLabor violations\u2013 Apple was slow and unwilling to act, according to the report. \nApple promotion\u2018Studio series\u2019 playlist\nFitness and Apple Music integration\nHow to completely remove Adobe Flash from Mac\nAdobe terminates support for Adobe Flash Player\n\nFollow opportunities:\nTwitter: @ChanceHMiller\ nListen and subscribe:\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nRSS\nStitcher\nTuneIn\nGoogle Play\n\nShare your thoughts! \nPlease leave us a message on You can also rate us in Apple Podcast or recommend us in Overcast to help more people discover the show! "," title":" January 4, 2021\u2013 Apple Fitness + update, Adobe Flash end "," duration":" 05:09"},{" id":" podcast-track-3"," link ":" https: \ / \ / \ / link \ / 22367 \ / 14189986 \ / 9to5mac-daily-january-01 -2021 ", "src":" http: \ / \ / dts.podtrac. com \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 12 \ /9to5Mac-Daily-01-01-2021.mp3 ", "type": "Audio \ / mpeg", "description" ::" Listen to the review of current popular stories on 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily can be found on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our RSS feed dedicated to Overcast and other Podcast players. \nSponsored by HabitMinder: Change your habits, change your life. HabitMinder helps you develop healthy habits and maintain a sense of responsibility. Get started for free \u00a0 on iOS, Mac and Apple Watch. \n\n\nA new episode of 9to5Mac Daily will be recorded every weekday. Subscribe to our podcast in iTunes \ / Apple Podcast or your favorite Podcast player to ensure that new episodes are available as soon as they are launched. \nStories discussed in this episode:\u00a0\n\nApple Silicon Macs will still appear: redesigned iMac, new MacBook Pro and more\n\nEnjoy podcasts? :\NBuy Apple support 9to5Mac Daily on Amazon! \nFollow opportunities:\nTwitter: @ChanceHMiller\nListen and subscribe:\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nRSS\nStitcher\nTuneIn\nGoogle Play\n\nShare your thoughts! \nPlease send us an email to You can also rate us in Apple Podcast or recommend us in Overcast to help more people discover the show! ", "Title": "January 1, 2021\u2013 Mac status in 2021", "Duration": "06: 26"}, {" id": "podcast-track-4", "link" :" https:\ / \ / \ / link \ / 22367 \ / 14189987 \ / 9to5mac-daily-december-31-2020", "src":" http:\ / \ / \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 12 \ /9to5Mac-Daily-12-31-2020.mp3","type":"audio \/mpeg","description": "Listen to the news review of the day on 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily can be found on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our RSS feed dedicated to Overcast and other Podcast players. \nSponsored by HabitMinder: Change your habits, change your life. HabitMinder helps you develop healthy habits and maintain a sense of responsibility. Get started for free \u00a0 on iOS, Mac and Apple Watch. \n\n\nA new episode of 9to5Mac Daily will be recorded every working day. Subscribe to our podcasts in iTunes\/Apple Podcasts, or subscribe in your favorite podcast player to ensure that new episodes can be delivered as soon as they appear. \nStories discussed in this episode:\u00a0\n\nIntel investors stated that chip manufacturers must work hard to win Apple’s return\nGazelle will shut down its used equipment trade-in program next year\nAlready during the COVID-19 pandemic Apps promoting secret gatherings are removed from the app store\n\nEnjoy podcasts? :\NBuy Apple on Amazon to support 9to5Mac Daily! \nFollow opportunities:\nTwitter: @ChanceHMiller\nListen and subscribe:\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nRSS\nStitcher\nTuneIn\nGoogle Play\n\nShare your thoughts! \nGive us the next line on You can also rate us in the Apple Podcast or recommend us in the Overcast to help more people discover the show! "," title":" December 31, 2020\u2013\u00a0Apple and Intel, more "," duration":" 05:43"},{" id":" podcast-track-5" , "Link":" https:\ / \ / \ / link \ / 22367 \ / 14189988 \ / 9to5mac-daily-december-30-2020 "," src":" http:\ / \ / dts. \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 12 \ / 9to5Mac-Daily-12-30-2020.mp3 "," type ":"Audio\/mpeg","description":"Listen to the news review of the day on 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily can be found on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our RSS feed dedicated to Overcast and other Podcast players. \nSponsored by HabitMinder: Change your habits, change your life. HabitMinder helps you develop healthy habits and maintain a sense of responsibility. Get started for free \u00a0 on iOS, Mac and Apple Watch. \n\n\nA new episode of 9to5Mac Daily will be recorded every weekday. Subscribe to our podcasts in iTunes \ / Apple Podcast, or subscribe in your favorite podcast player to ensure that new episodes are available as soon as they are released. New smartphone activation in the US\nHomePod mini added support for 18W power adapters through the 14.3 software update\nApple lost its copyright lawsuit against iOS virtualization company Corellium\n\nEnjoy podcasts? :\NBuy Apple on Amazon to support 9to5Mac Daily! \nFollow the opportunity:\nTwitter: @ChanceHMiller\nListen and subscribe:\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nRSS\nStitcher\nTuneIn\nGoogle Play\n\nShare your thoughts! \nGive us the next line on You can also rate us in the Apple Podcast or recommend us in the Overcast to help more people discover the show! "," title":" December 30, 2020\u2013\u00a0iPhone wins Christmas, HomePod mini-trace","Duration":"06:53"}],”playerId”:”jetpack-podcast-player- block-688543-1″}
Thàinig Jeff Benjamin (Jeff Benjamin) còmhla ri Zac Hall gus agallamhan fàgail a dhèanamh le Apple Watch Series 3 agus Series 5 mus ainmich e na modalan ùra.Tha 9to5Mac Watch Time na shreath podcast air a chumail le Zac Hall.Anns an t-sreath seo, bidh sinn a’ bruidhinn ri daoine fìor mu mar a bheir Apple Watch buaidh air am beatha.
Le taic bho HabitMinder: Atharraich do chleachdaidhean, atharraich do bheatha.Cuidichidh HabitMinder thu gus cleachdaidhean fallain a leasachadh agus mothachadh air uallach a chumail suas.Tòisich an-asgaidh air iOS, Mac agus Apple Watch.
Le taic bho Pillow: Tha cluasag na fhuasgladh lorg cadail uile-ann-aon a chuidicheas tu gus cadal oidhche nas fheàrr fhaighinn.Luchdaich sìos e bhon App Store a-nis.
Lean Zach: Instagram @apollozac Twitter @apollozac Lean Miles: Instagram @SomeOfMiles Twitter @SomeOfMiles Lean 9to5Mac: Instagram @ 9to5mac Twitter @ 9to5mac Facebook èist agus fo-sgrìobh:
{"Properties": {" url": "http: \ / \ / \ / 9to5macWatchTime", "itemsToShow": 5, "showCoverArt": fìor, "showEpisodeTitle": fìor, "showEpisodeDescription": fìor }, “title”: “Ùine Faire 9to5Mac”, “ceangal”: “https: \ / \ / \ /”, “còmhdach”: “https: \ / \ / \ / wp-content \ /uploads\/sites\/6\/2019\/06\/Watch-Time-art.jpg", "tracks":[{ "id": "podcast-track-12", "link":"http: \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5macWatchTime \ /~3 \ / AWUkiMYoeeo \ /", "src" : " http: \ / \ / \ / redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 12 \ /9to5Mac-Watch-Time-12-31-2020.mp3 ", "type": "audio \ / mpeg" , "Description": "Tha Miles Somerville na leth den t-sianal YouTube aig 9to5Mac, le Jeff Benjamin. An t-seachdain seo, obraichidh sinn le Miles gus ionnsachadh mar a chleachdas e Apple Watch.\n9to5Mac Watch Time 's e sreath podcast a th' ann an Zac Hall. sreath, bidh sinn a’ bruidhinn ri daoine fìor mu mar a tha Apple Watch a’ toirt buaidh air am beatha. Subscribe a-nis gus grèim fhaighinn air gach prògram agus èisteachd ris gu fèin-ghluasadach a’ chiad uair a thèid prògraman ùra fhoillseachadh a h-uile dà sheachdain: \u00a0\ud83d\udfe3 Apple Podcasts\u00a0| \ud83d\udfe0cloudy\u00a0|\u00a0\ud83d\udfe2 Spotify\n Le taic bho HabitMinder: Atharraich do chleachdaidhean, atharraich do bheatha.Faodaidh HabitMinder do chuideachadh gus cleachdaidhean fallain a leasachadh agus mothachadh air uallach a chumail suas.\u00a0 an-asgaidh airson tòiseachadh\u00a0 ri fhaighinn air iOS, Mac agus Apple Watch.\nAir a urrasachadh le Cluasag: Tha cluasag na fhuasgladh lorg cadail uile-ann-aon a chuidicheas tu gus oidhche mhath a chaitheamh.Theirig dha do leabaidh.Luchdaich sìos e bhon App Store a-nis.\n\n\nLean Zac:\nInstagram @apollozac\nTwitter @apollozac\\nLean na mìltean:\nInstagram @SomeOfMiles\nTwitter @SomeOfMiles\nlean 9to5Mac:\nInstagram @9to5mactonbook\nYoumac. \/9to5Mac\nÈist agus fo-sgrìobh:\n\nApple Podcasts\nSpotify\nOvercast\nRSS\n\nAn toil leat am Podcast?\nCeannaich Apple air Amazon gus taic a chumail ri Àm Freiceadan 9to5Mac!" , " Title " : " Miles Somerville drumaichean is fuaimean air YouTube " , " Faid " : " 28:16 " }, { " id " : " podcast-track-13 " , " Link " : " http: \ / \ / feedproxy \ / ~~ r \ / 9to5macWatchTime \ /~3 \ / oYyQ5dyKbGE \ / " , " src " : " http: \ / \ / \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / luchdachadh suas \ / làraich \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 10 \ / 9to5Mac-Watch-Time-10-23-2020.mp3", "Type": "audio \ / mpeg", "description": " Tha Arthur Ware, no @bt_spanky air Instagram, na shaighdear agus Mississippi a tha a’ faighinn cuidhteas trom-inntinn tro Apple Watch Nas fhaide air adhart, lorg mi rèis Spartan agus am marathon.Seo an sgeulachd aige agus an turas leantainneach aige anns a’ chuilbheart 9to5Mac Watch Time.\n Is e sreath podcast a th’ ann an Time Watch 9to5Mac le Zac Hall.Anns an t-sreath seo, bidh sinn a’ bruidhinn ri daoine fìor mu mar a bheir Apple Watch buaidh air am beatha.Subscribe a-nis gus gach prògram fhaicinn agus tachartasan ùra a leigeil ma sgaoil a h-uile dà sheachdain.Èistidh iad gu fèin-obrachail ri: \u00a0\ud83d\udfe3 Apple Podcasts\u00a0 |\ud83d\udfe0cloudy\u00a0 |\u00a0\ud83d\udfe2 Spotify \nLe taic bho chalaraidhean: \u00a0 cunnt calaraidhean gu dìreach air iPhone, iPad, Mac agus Apple Watch, cùm sùil air macro, uisge agus gach biadh a tha thu a’ faighinn.\ u00a0 Feuch e saor.\nAir a urrasachadh le Cluasag: 'S e fuasgladh lorg cadail uile-ann-aon a th' ann an cluasag a chuidicheas tu gus oidhche cadail nas fheàrr fhaighinn.Luchdaich sìos e bhon App Store a-nis.\n\n\nLean Zac:\nInstagram @apollozac\nTwitter @apollozac\\nLean Artair:\nInstagram @bt_spanky\nAn fhìor sgeulachd air cùl nan Spartans ann an Apple Watch Commercial\n\n\nhttps: \ / \ / \ / coimhead?v = N-x8Ik9G5Dg\n\n\nLean 9to5Mac:\nInstagram @9to5mac\nTwitter @9to5mac\nFacebook\\/9to5Mac\nÈist&Fo-sgrìobh:\n\nApple Podcast\nSpotify\nOvercast\nRSS podcast ?\nCeannaich Apple air Amazon gus taic a chumail ri ùine faire 9to5Mac!" , " Title " : " Tha Arthur Ware a' faighinn thairis air cnapan-starra agus a' fàs na lùth-chleasaiche Spartanach " , " Duration " : " 01:16:11 " }, { " id " : " podcast-track-14 " , " link " : " http : \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5macWatchTime \ /~3 \ / neWD34qO9Eg \ / " , " src " : " http: \ / \ / \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 09 \ /9to5Mac-Watch-Time-09-23-2020.mp3 " , " type " : " fuaim \ / mpeg "," tuairisgeul ":" Bheachdaich Anastasia Folorunso, podcast co-aoigheachd de cheòl neo-thraidiseanta, air gnìomhachd Apple Watch Series 6 le Zac, cloc ùr k mu choinneimh watchOS 7, seirbheis Apple Fitness + a tha ri thighinn agus barrachd.\n Is e sreath podcast a th’ ann an 9to5Mac Watch Time air a chumail le Zac Hall.Anns an t-sreath seo, bidh sinn a’ bruidhinn ri daoine fìor mu mar a bheir Apple Watch buaidh air am beatha.Subscribe a-nis gus gach prògram fhaicinn agus tachartasan ùra a leigeil ma sgaoil a h-uile dà sheachdain.Èistidh iad gu fèin-obrachail ri: \u00a0\ud83d\udfe3 Apple Podcasts\u00a0 |\ud83d\udfe0cloudy\u00a0 |\u00a0\ud83d\udfe2 Spotify\nLe taic bho HealthView:\u00a0 Deas-bhòrd slàinte is fallaineachd cumhachdach airson iPhone is Apple Watch.Feuch e an-asgaidh.\u00a0\nAir a urrasachadh le Cluasag: Tha cluasag na fhuasgladh lorg cadail uile-ann-aon a chuidicheas tu gus oidhche cadail nas fheàrr fhaighinn.Luchdaich sìos e bhon App Store a-nis.\n\n\nLean Zac:\nInstagram @apollozac\nTwitter @apollozac\\nLean Anastasia:\nTwitter @a_folorunso\\nLean 9to5Mac:\nInstagram @9to5mac\nTwitter\nTwitter @YouTube. \/9to5Mac\nÈist agus fo-sgrìobh:\n\nApple Podcasts\nSpotify\nOvercast\nRSS\n\nAn toil leat am Podcast?\nCeannaich Apple air Amazon gus taic a chumail ri Àm Freiceadan 9to5Mac!" , " Title " : " Anastasia Folorunso air Sreath 6 Apple Watch, watchOS 7 agus Fitness+", "Fad": " 47:42 "}, {" id": "podcast-track-15", "Ceangal" : " http: \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5macWatchTime \ /~3 \ / GBGMzpClWow \ /", "src":" http: \ / \ / \ / redirect.mp3 \/ \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 09 \ /9to5Mac-Watch-Time-09-09-2020-1.mp3 ", "type": "audio \ / mpeg" , "Tuairisgeul": "Thàinig Jeff Benjamin (Jeff Benjamin) còmhla ri Zac Hall gus agallamhan a dhèanamh le Apple Watch Series 3 agus Series 5 mus do leig e a-mach modalan ùra.Tha 9to5Mac Watch Time na shreath podcast air a chumail le Zac Hall.Anns an t-sreath seo, bidh sinn a’ bruidhinn ri daoine fìor mu mar a bheir Apple Watch buaidh air am beatha.Subscribe a-nis gus gach prògram fhaicinn agus tachartasan ùra a leigeil ma sgaoil a h-uile dà sheachdain.Èistidh iad gu fèin-obrachail ri: \u00a0\ud83d\udfe3 Apple Podcasts\u00a0 |\ud83d\udfe0cloudy\u00a0 |\u00a0\ud83d\udfe2 Spotify \nAir a urrasachadh le Cluasag: Tha cluasag na fhuasgladh tracadh cadail uile-ann-aon a chuidicheas tu gus oidhche cadail nas fheàrr fhaighinn.Luchdaich sìos e bhon App Store a-nis.\nFantatical Premium le taic bho Flexibits: \u00a0 Rach gu gus 20% a shàbhaladh airson a’ chiad bhliadhna agad!\n\n\nLean Zac:\nInstagram @apollozac\nTwitter @apollozac\\nLean 9to5Mac:\nInstagram @9to5mac\nTwitter @9to5mac\nFacebook\\/9to5Mac\nÈist agus fo-sgrìobh: Podcasts\nSpotify\nOvercast\nRSS\n\n\n\n\nhttps: \ / \ / \ / faire?v=ZMfgo8DPDHQ&\n\n\n An toil leat podcasting?\nCeannaich Apple air Amazon gus taic a chumail ri Àm Freiceadan 9to5Mac!" , " Title " : " Tha Jeff Benjamin air Apple Watch Series 3 agus Sreath 5 air thoiseach air modalan ùra", " Duration " : " 36:06 " }, { " id " : " podcast-track-16 " , " link " : " http: \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5macWatchTime \ /~3 \ / eL7GYOmx_cQ \ /", "src": "http:\ / \ / \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp -content \/ uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 06 \ /9to5Mac-Watch-Time-06-26-2020.mp3 " , " type ": "audio \ / mpeg", "tuairisgeul":" Zac Hall agus Michael Potuck bho 9to5Mac unzipped watchOS 7 agus na h-ùrachaidhean as ùire aig Apple gus an craoladh beò sònraichte 9to5Mac Watch Time seo fhaicinn.\n Is e sreath podcast a th’ ann an Time Watch 9to5Mac le Zac Hall.Anns an t-sreath seo, bidh sinn a’ bruidhinn ri daoine fìor mu mar a bheir Apple Watch buaidh air am beatha.\n\nAir a urrasachadh le \u00a0CleanMyMac X: \u00a0Get\u00a0CleanMyMac X\u00a030% tha an lasachadh dligheach gu 5 Iuchar. \nLe taic bho MacStadium: Faigh 50% dheth airson a’ chiad sia mìosan de Mac\u00a0mini le còd ballrachd2 WW2.\nAir a urrasachadh le Cluasag: 'S e fuasgladh lorg cadail uile-ann-aon a th' ann an cluasag a chuidicheas tu gus oidhche cadail nas fheàrr fhaighinn.Luchdaich sìos e bhon App Store a-nis.\n\nFo-sgrìobh a-nis gus gach prògram fhaicinn, agus èist gu fèin-ghluasadach às deidh taisbeanaidhean ùra a bhith air an leigeil ma sgaoil a h-uile dà sheachdain: \u00a0 \ ud83d \ udfe3 Podcasts Apple \ u00a0 |\ ud83d \ udfe0 sgòthach \ u00a0 |\ u00a0 \ ud83d \ udfe2 Spotify\n\n\nCeanglaichean air an deach beachdachadh sa phrògram seo:\n\nwatchOS 7 (airson Apple Watch): tracadh cadail, roinneadh aghaidh, eacarsaichean ùra a’ toirt a-steach dannsa, lorg nighe làimhe, barrachd\nfo-sgrìobhadh, scòradh agus beachd!\n\nLean Zac:\nInstagram @apollozac\nTwitter @apollozac\\nLean 9to5Mac:\nInstagram @9to5mac\nTwitter @9to5mac\nFacebook\nSeo\u2019 Bidh sruth beò an-diugh\u2019 a’ tòiseachadh le bhidio AM EST às deidh 11m EST): \nhttps: \ / \ / \ / watch?v = i49T9t86MmQ\nÈist agus fo-sgrìobh:\n\nApple Podcasts\nSpotify\nOvercast\nRSS\n\nAn toil leat podcasts?\nCeannaich Apple air Amazon gus taic a chumail ri Àm Freiceadan 9to5Mac!" , " title " : " Dè tha ùr ann an watchOS 7?Rianachd cadail, roinneadh aghaidh, nighe làmhan, msaa."," fad":" 56:58 "}],"playerId": "jetpack-podcast-player-block-688543-2 ″}
Faodar 9to5Mac Happy Hour a chleachdadh air iTunes agus app Podcasts Apple, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, no tron ​​​​bhiadh RSS againn a tha coisrigte do Overcast agus cluicheadairean Podcast eile.
Le taic bho Sun Basket: Nuair a thadhlas tu air agus a chleachdas tu an còd promo happyhour, faodaidh tu $35 a shàbhaladh air an òrdugh agad.
Le taic bho CleanMyMac X: Ionnsaich tuilleadh mu CleanMyMac X agus luchdaich sìos e an-asgaidh bho
{" buadhan": {" url": "http: \ / \ / \ / 9to5cast \ /iUSC", "itemsToShow": 5, "showCoverArt": fìor, "showEpisodeTitle": fìor, "showEpisodeDescription" “:True},” title ”:” uair shona 9to5Mac ”,”,”link”:” https: \ / \ / \ / ”,” còmhdach ”:” https: \ / \ / \ /wp -content \ / luchdachadh suas \ / làraich \ / 6 \ / 2018 \ / 02 \ /9to5mac-happy-hour-podcast-artwork-downsized.jpg?quality=82&strip=all”,,”track”: [{"id": "Podcast-track-23", "link": "http:\/ \/ ​​ \/~r\/ 9to5cast \/ iUSC \ /~3 \/ 7Y_ffqMplOM \/", "src" : http: \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~5 \ / FEPkFrX0URU \ /HappyHour_12-30-20.mp3 ", "seòrsa": "fuaim \ / mpeg", "Tuairisgeul": "Bheachdaich Benjamin Mayo agus Zac Hall aig 9to5Mac air na naidheachdan as ùire mu 5G UWB, innealan-brosnachaidh ath-ghoirid iOS 14, agus cur air bhog toradh 2020 Apple agus ùrachaidhean seirbheis. \nLe taic bho Helix Sleep: Ionnsaich tuilleadh agus frithealadh Airson Ceasnachadh Cadal Helix, feuch an tadhal air\nAir a urrasachadh le Sun Basket: \u00a0 Rach gu \\ /happyhour\u00a0 agus cleachd an còd promo gus $35 a shàbhaladh air òrdughan\nAir a urrasachadh le CleanMyMac X: Ionnsaich tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu CleanMyMac X agus ann an \ hour tha e an-asgaidh a luchdachadh sìos.\n\n\nLean\nZac Hall\u00a0 @apollozac\nBenjamin Mayo\u00a0 @ bzamayo\nSubscribe\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nSpotify\n\n\n\nhttps: \/Ezar \/ you " , " title " : " Apple \ u2019s 2020 ann an lèirmheas " , " , " : " 01:43 :25 " }, { " id " : " podcast-track-24 " , " link " : " http:\/ \/ \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~3 \ / z5guym5vY_w \ / " , " src " : " http: \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~5 \ / vBRvRZxb1vA \ /HappyHour_12-21-20.mp3 " , " type": "audio \ / mpeg", " description " : " Tha Benjamin Mayo bho 9to5Mac agus Zac Hall a’ beachdachadh air watchOS 7.2 Changes, feartan ùra de HomeKit, claisneachd HomePod airson Apple TV, AppleTV + a’ chiad cheann-bliadhna agus beachd Zac air an toradh AirPod Max.\nLe taic bho BetterHelp: Tòisich ga chleachdadh sa bhad agus faigh lasachadh de 10% airson a’ chiad mhìos.Thèid an còd lasachaidh "\u201cmachappyhour" a chuir an sàs gu fèin-obrachail.\nLe taic bho Fundrise: \u00a0 a’ cur fàilte air tasgadh thogalaichean san àm ri teachd.\nLe taic bho Pillow: \u00a0Tha Pillow na fhuasgladh tracadh cadail uile-ann-aon a chuidicheas tu gus oidhche mhath a chaitheamh \u2019 cadal.Luchdaich sìos e bhon App Store a-nis.\n\n\nLean\nZac Hall\u00a0 @apollozac\nBenjamin Mayo\u00a0 @ bzamayo\nSubscribe\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nSpotify", "Title": "Lèirmheas AirPods Max, Apple TV + ceann-bliadhna" , " : " 01:27:10 " }, { " id " : " podcast-track-25 " , " Link " : " http: \ / \ / .com \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~3 \ / rol4gPonZk8 \ / " , " src " : " http: \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~5\/U5m9bgLhC7w \/ 9to5Mac-Happy- Hour-12-18-2020.mp3", "type":"audio \/mpeg", "description":"Bheachdaich Benjamin Mayo agus Zac Hall aig 9to5Mac air adhart mu phrìobhaideachd Stadia airson iOS, Tagaichean App Store, freagairt Facebook don rud ùr ceadan tracadh, Apple TV + ann an iOS 14.3, dhiùlt Tim Cook sreath de naidheachdan a chaidh fhoillseachadh air Gawker às deidh dha Apple fhaighinn agus Apple Fitness + a leigeil ma sgaoil.\nLe taic bho LinkedIn Jobs: \u00a0 theirig gu \\/HAPPYHOUR\u00a0 gus lasachadh $50 fhaighinn air a’ chiad dhreuchd agad!\nLe taic bho \u00a0ExpressVPN: \u00a0 faigh còraichean prìobhaideachd eadar-lìn sa bhad agus faigh pasgan 1-bliadhna an-asgaidh airson 3 mìosan aig \\/HappyHour.\nLe taic bho RemoteHQ: \u00a0 aig \\/happyhour a’ feuchainn ri coinneamh bhrìgheil trì mìosan san àm ri teachd.\n\n\nLean\nZac Hall\u00a0 @apollozac\nBenjamin Mayo\u00a0 @ bzamayo\nSubscription\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nSpotify", "title": "Privacy Nutrition Label, Apple Fitness" + Start Experience" Ùine":" 01:14:20 "}, {" id": "podcast-track-26", "link": "http:\/ \/ ​​ \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \/ iUSC \ /~3 \ / 4kXO36jN7G0 \ /", "src": "http:\ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~5 \ / dft8HwaiJeY \ / 9to5Mac -Happy -Hour-12-11-2020.mp3", "type":"audio //mpeg", "tuairisgeul":" Bheachdaich Benjamin Mayo agus Zac Hall bho 9to5Mac air sgaoileadh a’ charger MagSafe Duo ùr aig Apple, a tha gu bhith air a chuir air bhog. Apple Fitness+, feart ùr de iOS 14. 3. Sùileachadh airson a’ chip Apple àrd aig Mac agus a’ chiad turas iongantach de Apple AirPods Max.\nLe taic bho TextExpander: \u00a0Visit\\/podcast\u00a0, agus an uairsin tagh "9to5Mac Happy Hour" gus 20% den chiad bhliadhna a shàbhaladh!\nTron fhànais: \u00a0 Bu chòir dhut a bhith a’ faireachdainn nas toilichte, agus bidh an fhànais a’ dèanamh meòrachadh furasta.Tadhail air \\/mac\u00a0 gus deuchainn aon mhìos an-asgaidh a thòiseachadh.\nLe taic bho BetterHelp: Tòisich ga chleachdadh an-dràsta agus faigh lasachadh de 10% airson a’ chiad mhìos.Thèid an còd lasachaidh "\u201cmachappyhour" a chuir an sàs gu fèin-obrachail.\n\n\nLean\nZac Hall\u00a0 @apollozac\nBenjamin Mayo\u00a0 @ bzamayo\nSubscribe\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nSpotify", "title": "Fiosrachadh dithis neach aig MagSafe, iOS 14ds. " , " duration " : " 01:24:38 " }, { " id " : " podcast-track-27 " , " link " : " http:\/ \/ ​​ \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~3 \ / YDG3PyA9XcY \ /", "src": "http:\ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~5 \ / 6wV-cby4Ov0 \ /9to5Mac-Happy-Hour-12-04-2020-1.mp3", "type": "audio \ / mpeg", " description " : " Bhruidhinn Benjamin Mayo agus Zac Hall Mar a tha cùis leathair ùr Apple airson iPhone 12 ag obair, cur air bhog MagSafe Duo, Apple Music Replay agus Spotify Wrapped, fathannan MacBook Pro agus MacBook Air ann an 2021, taghadh app bliadhnail Apple, Apple Fitness + gu bhith air a leigeil ma sgaoil, agus faodar toraidhean dìomhair Apple a leigeil ma sgaoil Dùbhlachd 8. \nLe taic bho Amazon Alexa: Na faigh ach dà phasgan de bholgan Smart Single a dh’ atharraicheas dath air, faodaidh tu lasachadh $ 10 a mhealtainn.\nAir a urrasachadh le RemoteHQ:Tr y Faodar àm ri teachd na coinneimh bhrìgheil anns na trì mìosan a tha romhainn a chumail air\nLe taic bho CleanMyMac X: \u00a0 feuch\u00a0CleanMyMac X saor\u00a0&\u00a0 faigh tlachd bho lasachadh 30%\u00a0 gus am Mac agad a bharrachadh agus a ghlanadh.\n\n\nLean\nZac Hall\u00a0 @apollozac\nBenjamin Mayo\u00a0 @ bzamayo\nSubscription\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nSpotify\n\n\n\nhttps:\/\/ \ / faire?v = E6LnwmaW2yE", "Title":"Foillseachadh MagSafe Duo, An App as Fheàrr den bhliadhna, Dìomhaireachd Toraidhean Apple", "Faid":" 01:01:18 "}],"playerId": "jetpack-podcast-player -bloc -688543-3 ″}
Tha Stacktrace de 9to5Mac ri fhaighinn air iTunes agus tagraidhean Podcasts Apple, agus gheibhear Stacktrace cuideachd tron ​​​​bhiadh RSS againn a tha coisrigte do Overcast agus cluicheadairean Podcast eile.
Le taic bho MacStadium: Ceannaich M1 Mac mini le aoigheachd sgòthan airson $99, no cleachd còd promo 9TO5MAC gus tlachd fhaighinn às a’ chiad dà mhìos de bhith a’ lughdachadh cosgais mion-ghinealach 3rd no 4th (Intel).Cuir a-steach an tabhartas Mac mini an seo.
Tog criomag tagraidh WidgetKit Swift SwiftUI Sundell A’ tòiseachadh Faigh a-mach FusionCast AirBuddy

Ùine puist: Faoilleach-06-2021