Na akụkọ na-ekpo ọkụ n'izu a: Onye nyocha Apple a pụrụ ịdabere na ya jụrụ asịrị nke Apple Car, iPad Pro ọhụrụ ewepụtara na nkeji mbụ nke 2021, yana njedebe Adobe Flash.Gụkwuo maka akụkọ Apple niile na-ekpo ọkụ n'izu a.
N'izu gara aga, anyị mụtara nkọwa ndị ọzọ gbasara atụmatụ mmepe Apple na-aga n'ihu iji banye ụlọ ọrụ ụgbọ ala eletrik na-anya onwe ya dị ka 2025. N'oge na-adịbeghị anya, Otú ọ dị, Guo Mingchi, onye nyocha Apple a pụrụ ịdabere na ya, kwupụtara obi abụọ banyere oge nhazi oge.
Guo dere na akụkọ ndị na-etinye ego n'izu a na ọ bụrụ na mmepe amalite n'afọ a ma na-aga n'ihu dị ka atụmatụ a tụrụ anya, Apple Car nwere ike ịmalite n'etiti 2025 na 2025. Ma mgbe ọ kwuchara nke ahụ, dabere na ụkpụrụ Apple na mgbanwe ngwa ngwa na ụgbọ ala eletrik na nke onwe ya. ụlọ ọrụ, Guo kwuru na ọ bụrụ na ụgbọ ala Apple adịghị ruo 2028 ma ọ bụ mgbe e mesịrị, ọ gaghị abụ "ọ bụghị ihe ijuanya."
N'ebe ọzọ n'izu a, akụkọ na-egosi na Apple ka na-atụ anya ka ẹkedori a ọhụrụ 12.9-inch iPad Pro na mini LED na mbụ nkeji iri na ise nke 2021. Nke a abụghị oge mbụ na akụkọ na-egosi na mini LED iPad Pro ga-adị na mbụ nkeji iri na ise.N'afọ 2021, a ka nwere ike iji ya mee ihe dị ka ihe akaebe maka ụdọ ọkọnọ, na-egosi na mgbanwe ahụ ka na-aga n'ihu dịka atụmatụ.
Akụkọ ihe mere eme na-egosi na enwere ike ịmalite iPad Pro ọhụrụ oge na njedebe nke nkeji mbụ, ikekwe na Machị.
Apple bịara n'ihu n'izu a na mfu nke ikpe ama ama.Onye ọka ikpe na Florida jụrụ nkwupụta Apple na ngwaọrụ Corellium virtualization mebiri iwu nwebiisinka.Corellium bụ usoro nyocha nchekwa na-enye ndị ọrụ ohere ịme ụdị iOS mebere na kọmputa desktọpụ.
Ihe omuma ohuru eweputara n'izu a gosiputara na Apple chịkwaa mgbake nke smartphones n'oge ekeresimesi na United States.iPhone 11 bụ iPhone kachasị ewu ewu na-arụ ọrụ n'ụbọchị ekeresimesi, iPhone XR na iPhone 12 Pro Max sochiri ya.
Ọ dịkwa mma ịmara na iPhone 12 mini enweghị ebe a na-ahụ na ndepụta nke afọ a, nke na-agbakwunye ike na ngwaahịa ahụ bụ niche maka Apple.
Gee ntị na nchịkọta akụkọ na-ekpo ọkụ kwa ụbọchị na 9to5Mac.Enwere ike ịhụ 9to5Mac kwa ụbọchị na ngwa pọdkastị nke iTunes na Apple, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, ma ọ bụ site na ndepụta RSS anyị raara nye Overcast na ndị egwuregwu Podcast ndị ọzọ.
HabitMinder na-akwado: Gbanwee omume gị, gbanwee ndụ gị.HabitMinder na-enyere gị aka ịzụlite àgwà ahụike ma nọgide na-enwe mmetụta nke ibu ọrụ.Bido n'efu na iOS, Mac na Apple Watch.
A ga-edekọ ihe omume ọhụrụ nke 9to5Mac kwa ụbọchị kwa ụbọchị.Debanye aha na pọdkastị anyị na iTunes / Apple Podcast, ma ọ bụ denye aha na ọkpụkpọ pọdkastị ọkacha mmasị gị iji hụ na ihe ngosi ọhụrụ dị ozugbo ewepụtara ha.Akụkọ ndị a tụlere na mmemme a:
mmWave 5G iPhone nwere ike ịbanye ọtụtụ mba/mpaghara n'afọ a.A na-anụ kepu kepu na iPhone 13 ga-enwe nyocha LiDAR Kuo n'ụdị niile: Apple ga-ahapụ AirTags, ngwaọrụ AR mbụ, AirPods ọhụrụ na ngwaahịa ndị ọzọ.A na-anụ kepu kepu Apple ịnakwere GaN iji nweta obere chaja chaja na 2021
Share your opinion! Send us an email to You can also rate us in Apple Podcast or recommend us in Overcast to help more people discover the show!
{” attributes”: {” url”: “https:\ / \ / \ / 9to5macdaily”, “itemsToShow”: 5, “showCoverArt”: true, “showEpisodeTitle”: true, “showEpisodeDescription”: true}, “Title”: “9to5Mac Daily”, “link”: “https:\ / \ / \ /”, “cover”: “https:\ / \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2018 \ / 01 \ /9to5macdaily-12.jpeg?quality = 82 & strip = all”, “track”: [{" id": "podcast-track-1", "link": "Https: \ / \ / \ / link \ / 22367 \ / 14196667 \ / 9to5mac-daily-january-05-2021", "src":" http:\ / \\ / \ / redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2021 \ / 01 \ /9to5Mac-Daily-01-05-2021.mp3 "," type ":" audio \ / mpeg", "description": "Listen to the news review of the day on 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily can be found in iTunes and Apple's Podcasts application, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or get Yin and others through our dedicated RSS feed Podcast player.\nDo you like podcasts?:\nThe Apple store on Amazon supports 9to5Mac Daily!\n\n\nNew episodes of 9to5Mac Daily are recorded every weekday. iTunes\/Apple Podcast or your favorite Odcast in your podcast player to ensure that new episodes are available as soon as they are launched.\nStories discussed in this episode:\u00a0 \n\nmmWave 5G iPhone may enter more countries/regions this year\niPhone is rumored to be equipped with LiDAR scanners in all models\nKuo: Apple will release AirTag, the first AR device, new AirPods and other products in 2021 \nApple rumored to use GaN for smaller charger designs\n\nFollow opportunities:\nTwitter: @ChanceHMiller\nListen and subscribe:\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nRSS\nStitcher\nTuneIn\nGoogle Play\n \nShare your thoughts! \nPlease leave us a message on You can also rate us in the Apple Podcast or recommend us in the Overcast to help more people discover the show! "," title":" January 5, 2021, iPhone 13 rumors, Apple AR headset","Duration":"05:40"},{"id":"podcast-track-2"," link ":" https:\ / \ / \ / link \ / 22367 \ / 14195369 \ / 9to5mac-daily-january -04-2021", "src":" http:\ / \ / \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2021 \ /01\/9to5Mac-Daily-01-04-2021.mp3","type":" audio\/mpeg","description":"Listen to the news review of the day on 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily can be found on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our RSS feed dedicated to Overcast and other Podcast players. \nEnjoy Podcast? :\NBuy Apple on Amazon to support 9to5Mac Daily! \n\n\nNew clips of 9to5Mac Daily will be recorded every working day. Subscribe to our podcast in iTunes \ / Apple Podcast or your favorite Podcast player to ensure that new episodes are available as soon as they are released. \nStories discussed in this episode:\u00a0\n\nLabor violations\u2013 Apple was slow and unwilling to act, according to the report. \nApple promotion\u2018Studio series\u2019 playlist\nFitness and Apple Music integration\nHow to completely remove Adobe Flash from Mac\nAdobe terminates support for Adobe Flash Player\n\nFollow opportunities:\nTwitter: @ChanceHMiller\ nListen and subscribe:\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nRSS\nStitcher\nTuneIn\nGoogle Play\n\nShare your thoughts! \nPlease leave us a message on You can also rate us in Apple Podcast or recommend us in Overcast to help more people discover the show! "," title":" January 4, 2021\u2013 Apple Fitness + update, Adobe Flash end "," duration":" 05:09"},{" id":" podcast-track-3"," link ":" https: \ / \ / \ / link \ / 22367 \ / 14189986 \ / 9to5mac-daily-january-01 -2021 ", "src":" http: \ / \ / dts.podtrac. com \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 12 \ /9to5Mac-Daily-01-01-2021.mp3 ", "type": "Audio \ / mpeg", "description" ::" Listen to the review of current popular stories on 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily can be found on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our RSS feed dedicated to Overcast and other Podcast players. \nSponsored by HabitMinder: Change your habits, change your life. HabitMinder helps you develop healthy habits and maintain a sense of responsibility. Get started for free \u00a0 on iOS, Mac and Apple Watch. \n\n\nA new episode of 9to5Mac Daily will be recorded every weekday. Subscribe to our podcast in iTunes \ / Apple Podcast or your favorite Podcast player to ensure that new episodes are available as soon as they are launched. \nStories discussed in this episode:\u00a0\n\nApple Silicon Macs will still appear: redesigned iMac, new MacBook Pro and more\n\nEnjoy podcasts? :\NBuy Apple support 9to5Mac Daily on Amazon! \nFollow opportunities:\nTwitter: @ChanceHMiller\nListen and subscribe:\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nRSS\nStitcher\nTuneIn\nGoogle Play\n\nShare your thoughts! \nPlease send us an email to You can also rate us in Apple Podcast or recommend us in Overcast to help more people discover the show! ", "Title": "January 1, 2021\u2013 Mac status in 2021", "Duration": "06: 26"}, {" id": "podcast-track-4", "link" :" https:\ / \ / \ / link \ / 22367 \ / 14189987 \ / 9to5mac-daily-december-31-2020", "src":" http:\ / \ / \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 12 \ /9to5Mac-Daily-12-31-2020.mp3","type":"audio \/mpeg","description": "Listen to the news review of the day on 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily can be found on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our RSS feed dedicated to Overcast and other Podcast players. \nSponsored by HabitMinder: Change your habits, change your life. HabitMinder helps you develop healthy habits and maintain a sense of responsibility. Get started for free \u00a0 on iOS, Mac and Apple Watch. \n\n\nA new episode of 9to5Mac Daily will be recorded every working day. Subscribe to our podcasts in iTunes\/Apple Podcasts, or subscribe in your favorite podcast player to ensure that new episodes can be delivered as soon as they appear. \nStories discussed in this episode:\u00a0\n\nIntel investors stated that chip manufacturers must work hard to win Apple’s return\nGazelle will shut down its used equipment trade-in program next year\nAlready during the COVID-19 pandemic Apps promoting secret gatherings are removed from the app store\n\nEnjoy podcasts? :\NBuy Apple on Amazon to support 9to5Mac Daily! \nFollow opportunities:\nTwitter: @ChanceHMiller\nListen and subscribe:\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nRSS\nStitcher\nTuneIn\nGoogle Play\n\nShare your thoughts! \nGive us the next line on You can also rate us in the Apple Podcast or recommend us in the Overcast to help more people discover the show! "," title":" December 31, 2020\u2013\u00a0Apple and Intel, more "," duration":" 05:43"},{" id":" podcast-track-5" , "Link":" https:\ / \ / \ / link \ / 22367 \ / 14189988 \ / 9to5mac-daily-december-30-2020 "," src":" http:\ / \ / dts. \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-content \ / uploads \ / sites \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 12 \ / 9to5Mac-Daily-12-30-2020.mp3 "," type ":"Audio\/mpeg","description":"Listen to the news review of the day on 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily can be found on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our RSS feed dedicated to Overcast and other Podcast players. \nSponsored by HabitMinder: Change your habits, change your life. HabitMinder helps you develop healthy habits and maintain a sense of responsibility. Get started for free \u00a0 on iOS, Mac and Apple Watch. \n\n\nA new episode of 9to5Mac Daily will be recorded every weekday. Subscribe to our podcasts in iTunes \ / Apple Podcast, or subscribe in your favorite podcast player to ensure that new episodes are available as soon as they are released. New smartphone activation in the US\nHomePod mini added support for 18W power adapters through the 14.3 software update\nApple lost its copyright lawsuit against iOS virtualization company Corellium\n\nEnjoy podcasts? :\NBuy Apple on Amazon to support 9to5Mac Daily! \nFollow the opportunity:\nTwitter: @ChanceHMiller\nListen and subscribe:\n\nApple Podcasts\nOvercast\nRSS\nStitcher\nTuneIn\nGoogle Play\n\nShare your thoughts! \nGive us the next line on You can also rate us in the Apple Podcast or recommend us in the Overcast to help more people discover the show! "," title":" December 30, 2020\u2013\u00a0iPhone wins Christmas, HomePod mini-trace","Duration":"06:53"}],”playerId”:”jetpack-podcast-player- block-688543-1″}
Jeff Benjamin (Jeff Benjamin) sonyeere Zac Hall iji mee mkparịta ụka ọpụpụ na Apple Watch Series 3 na Series 5 tupu ịkpọsa ụdị ọhụrụ ahụ.9to5Mac Watch Time bụ usoro pọdkastị nke Zac Hall kwadoro.N'usoro isiokwu a, anyị na-agwa ezigbo ndị mmadụ ka Apple Watch si emetụta ndụ ha.
HabitMinder na-akwado: Gbanwee omume gị, gbanwee ndụ gị.HabitMinder na-enyere gị aka ịzụlite àgwà ahụike ma nọgide na-enwe mmetụta nke ibu ọrụ.Bido n'efu na iOS, Mac na Apple Watch.
Ohiri isi na-akwado: Ohiri isi bụ ihe nleba anya n'ụra nke nwere ike inyere gị aka ịrahụ ụra nke ọma.Budata ya na App Store ugbu a.
Soro Zach: Instagram @apollozac Twitter @apollozac Soro Miles: Instagram @SomeOfMiles Twitter @SomeOfMiles Soro 9to5Mac: Instagram @ 9to5mac Twitter @ 9to5mac Facebook gee na denye aha:
{" Njirimara": {" url": "http: / \ / \ / 9to5macWatchTime", "itemsToShow": 5, "showCoverArt": eziokwu, "showEpisodeTitle": ezi, "showEpisodescription": ezi }, "aha": "9to5Mac Watch Time", "njikọ": "https:\ / \ / \ /", "cover": "https: \ / \ / \ / wp-content \ /uploads\/sites\/6\/2019\/06\/Watch-Time-art.jpg","tracks":[{"id":"podcast-track-12","njikọ":"http: \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5macWatchTime \ /~3 \ / AWUkiMYoeeo \ /", "src":" http: \ / \ / \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-ọdịnaya \ / bulite \ / saịtị \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 12 \ /9to5Mac-Watch-Time-12-31-2020.mp3 ", "ụdị": "audio \ / mpeg" , "Nkọwa": "Miles Somerville bụ ọkara nke ọwa YouTube 9to5Mac, ya na Jeff Benjamin. N'izu a, anyị na Miles ga-arụkọ ọrụ iji mụta ka o si eji Apple Watch.\n9to5Mac Watch Time bụ usoro podcast nke Zac Hall kwadoro. N'ime nke a usoro, anyị na-agwa ezigbo ndị mmadụ ka Apple Watch si emetụta ndụ ha, denye aha ugbu a ka ị nweta ihe omume nke ọ bụla wee gee ya ntị na-akpaghị aka oge mbụ a na-ewepụta ihe nkiri ọhụrụ kwa izu abụọ: \u00a0\ud83d\udfe3 Apple Podcasts\u00a0| \ud83d\udfe0cloudy\u00a0|\u00a0\ud83d\udfe2 Spotify\n HabitMinder kwadoro: Gbanwee omume gị, gbanwee ndụ gị.HabitMinder nwere ike inyere gị aka ịzụlite àgwà ahụike ma nọgide na-enwe mmetụta nke ibu ọrụ.\u00a0 nweere onwe ịmalite\u00a0 dị na iOS, Mac na Apple Watch.\n Pillow na-akwado: Ohiri isi bụ ihe nleba anya n'ụra nke nwere ike inyere gị aka ịrahụ ụra nke ọma.gaa lakpuo.Budata ya na Ụlọ Ahịa Ngwa ugbu a.\n\n\nSoro Zac:\nInstagram @apollozac\nTwitter @apollozac\\nSoro mileage:\nInstagram @SomeOfMiles\nTwitter @SomeOfMiles\nsoro 9to5Mac:\nInstagram @Mac:\nInstagram @SomeOfMiles \/9to5Mac\nGee ntị wee denye aha:\n\n Pọdkastị Apple\nSpotify\nOvercast\nRSS\n\nNwee anụrị Pọdkastị ahụ?\n Zụta Apple na Amazon iji kwado Oge elekere 9to5Mac!", "Title": "Mmiri na ụda Miles Somerville na YouTube", "Oge oge": "28:16"}, {" id": "podcast-track-13", "Link": "http:\ / \" / feedproxy \ / ~~ r \ / 9to5macWatchTime \ /~3 \ / oYyQ5dyKbGE \ /", "src":" http: \ / \ / \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-ọdịnaya \ / bulite \ / saịtị \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 10 \ /9to5Mac-Watch-Time-10-23-2020.mp3", "Ụdị": "audio \ / mpeg", "nkọwa": "Arthur Ware, ma ọ bụ @bt_spanky na Instagram, bụ onye agha agha na Mississippi onye na-ewepụ ịda mbà n'obi site na Apple Watch Mgbe e mesịrị, achọpụtara m agbụrụ Spartan na marathon.Nke a bụ akụkọ ya na njem na-aga n'ihu na atụmatụ 9to5Mac Watch Time.\n9to5Mac Watch Time bụ usoro pọdkastị nke Zac Hall kwadoro.N'usoro isiokwu a, anyị na-agwa ezigbo ndị mmadụ ka Apple Watch si emetụta ndụ ha.Denye aha ugbu a ka ikiri ihe omume ọ bụla wee wepụta mmemme ọhụrụ kwa izu abụọ ọ bụla.Ha ga-ege ntị ozugbo: \u00a0\ud83d\udfe3 Pọdkastị Apple\u00a0 |\ud83d\udfe0cloudy\u00a0 |\u00a0\ud83d\udfe2 Spotify \n Kalori na-akwado: \u00a0 gụọ calorie ozugbo na iPhone, iPad, Mac na Apple Watch, egwu nnukwu, mmiri na nri niile.\ u00a0 Gbalịa ya n'efu.\n Pillow na-akwado: Pillow bụ ihe nleba anya n'ụra nke nwere ike inyere gị aka ịrahụ ụra nke ọma.Budata ya na Ụlọ Ahịa Ngwa ugbu a.\n\n\n Soro Zac:\nInstagram @apollozac\nTwitter @apollozac\\n Soro Arthur:\nInstagram @bt_spanky\nEzi akụkọ n'azụ ndị Spartans na Apple Watch Commercial\n\n\ nhttps: \ / \ / / na-ekiri?v = N-x8Ik9G5Dg\n\n\nSoro 9to5Mac:\nInstagram @9to5mac\nTwitter @9to5mac\nFacebook\\/9to5Mac\nNtị&Denye aha:\n\nApple Podcast\nSpotify\nOvercast\nRS Enjoy podcast ?\n Zụrụ Apple na Amazon iji kwado oge nlele 9to5Mac!", "Title": "Arthur Ware meriri ihe mgbochi wee ghọọ onye na-eme egwuregwu Spartan", "oge": "01:16:11"}, {" id": "podcast-track-14", "njikọ": " http " : \ / \ / \ / ~ r \ / 9to5macWatchTime \ / ~ 3 \ / neWD34qO9Eg \ /" src":" http: \ / \ / \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp-ọdịnaya \ / bulite \ / saịtị \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 09 \ /9to5Mac-Watch-Time-09-23-2020.mp3 "," ụdị ":" audio \ / mpeg "," nkọwa":" Anastasia Folorunso, onye na-akwado pọdkastị nke egwu na-abụghị omenala, tụlere ihe omume Apple Watch Series 6 na Zac, elekere ọhụrụ k chere watchOS 7, ọrụ Apple Fitness + na-abịa na ndị ọzọ.\n 9to5Mac Watch Time bụ usoro pọdkastị nke Zac Hall kwadoro.N'usoro isiokwu a, anyị na-agwa ezigbo ndị mmadụ ka Apple Watch si emetụta ndụ ha.Denye aha ugbu a ka ikiri ihe omume ọ bụla wee wepụta mmemme ọhụrụ kwa izu abụọ ọ bụla.Ha ga-ege ntị ozugbo: \u00a0\ud83d\udfe3 Pọdkastị Apple\u00a0 |\ud83d\udfe0cloudy\u00a0 |\u00a0\ud83d\udfe2 Spotify \n HealthView na-akwado:\u00a0 dashboard ahụike na ahụike siri ike maka iPhone na Apple Watch.Gbalịa ya n'efu.\u00a0\nNdị Pillow na-akwado: Pillow bụ ihe nleba anya n'ụra nke nwere ike inyere gị aka ịrahụ ụra nke ọma.Budata ya na Ụlọ Ahịa Ngwa ugbu a.\n\n\nSoro Zac:\nInstagram @apollozac\nTwitter @apollozac\\n Soro Anastasia:\nTwitter @a_folorunso\\n Soro 9to5Mac:\nInstagram @apollozac\nMacbook @witter9 \/9to5Mac\nGee ntị wee denye aha:\n\n Pọdkastị Apple\nSpotify\nOvercast\nRSS\n\nNwee anụrị Pọdkastị ahụ?\n Zụta Apple na Amazon iji kwado Oge elekere 9to5Mac!", "Title": "Anastasia Folorunso na Apple Watch Series 6, watchOS 7 na Fitness+", "Oge oge": "47:42"}, {" id": "podcast-track-15", "njikọ":" http: \ / \ / \ / ~ r \ / 9to5macWatchTime \ / ~ 3 \ / GBGMzpClWow \ /", "src":" http: \ / \ / \ / redirect.mp3 \ / 9 ruo \ / wp-ọdịnaya \ / bulite \ / saịtị \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 09 \ / 9to5Mac-Watch-Time-09-09-2020-1.mp3 ", "ụdị": "audio \ / mpeg" , "Nkọwa": "Jeff Benjamin (Jeff Benjamin) sonyeere Zac Hall iji gbaa Apple Watch Series 3 na Series 5 ajụjụ ọnụ tupu ha ewepụta ụdị ọhụrụ.9to5Mac Watch Time bụ usoro pọdkastị nke Zac Hall kwadoro.N'usoro isiokwu a, anyị na-agwa ezigbo ndị mmadụ ka Apple Watch si emetụta ndụ ha.Denye aha ugbu a ka ikiri ihe omume ọ bụla wee wepụta mmemme ọhụrụ kwa izu abụọ ọ bụla.Ha ga-ege ntị ozugbo: \u00a0\ud83d\udfe3 Pọdkastị Apple\u00a0 |\ud83d\udfe0cloudy\u00a0 |\u00a0\ud83d\udfe2 Spotify \n Na-akwado site na Pillow: Pillow bụ ihe nleba anya n'ụra nke nwere ike inyere gị aka ịrahụ ụra nke ọma.Budata ya na App Store ugbu a.\n Fantastical Premium nke Flexibits na-akwado: \u00a0 Gaa na iji chekwaa 20% maka afọ mbụ gị!\n\n\nSoro Zac:\nInstagram @apollozac\nTwitter @apollozac\\n Soro 9to5Mac:\nInstagram @9to5mac\nTwitter @9to5mac\nFacebook\\/9to5Mac na denye aha: nListen Pọdkastị \ nSpotify \ nOvercast \ nRSS \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n https: \ / \ / \ / ekiri?v = ZMfgo8DPDHQ & atụmatụ = \ n \ n \ n Enwe pọdkastị?\n Zụta Apple na Amazon iji kwado Oge elekere 9to5Mac!", "Title": "Jeff Benjamin na Apple Watch Series 3 na Series 5 na-aga n'ihu ụdị ọhụrụ", "Oge oge": "36:06"}, {" id": "podcast-track-16", "njikọ" ":" http: \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5macWatchTime \ /~3 \ / eL7GYOmx_cQ \ /", "src": "http: \ / \ / \ /redirect.mp3 \ / \ / wp -content \ / bulite \ / saịtị \ / 6 \ / 2020 \ / 06 \ /9to5Mac-Watch-Time-06-26-2020.mp3 "," ụdị": "audio \ / mpeg", "nkọwa":" Zac Hall na Michael Potuck nke 9to5Mac unzipped watchOS 7 yana mmelite Apple kachasị ọhụrụ iji lelee oge mgbasa ozi 9to5Mac pụrụ iche a.\n9to5Mac Watch Time bụ usoro pọdkastị nke Zac Hall kwadoro.N'usoro isiokwu a, anyị na-agwa ezigbo ndị mmadụ ka Apple Watch si emetụta ndụ ha.\n\nCleanMyMac X na-akwado: \u00a0Get\u00a0CleanMyMac X\u00a030% dị irè ruo Julaị 5. \n MacStadium kwadoro: Nweta 50% ego maka ọnwa isii mbụ nke Mac\u00a0mini na ndebanye aha WW22DC.\n Pillow na-akwado: Pillow bụ ihe nleba anya n'ụra nke nwere ike inyere gị aka ịrahụ ụra nke ọma.Budata ya na App Store ugbu a.\ n \ n Debanye aha ugbu a ka ikiri ihe omume ọ bụla, ma gee ntị ozugbo ka ewepụtara ihe ngosi ọhụrụ kwa izu abụọ: \u00a0 \ ud83d \ udfe3 Pọdkastị Apple \ u00a0 |\ ud83d \ udfe0 urukpuru \ u00a0 |\ u00a0 \ ud83d \ udfe2 Spotify\n\n\n Njikọ ndị a tụlere n'ime ihe omume a:\n\nwatchOS 7 (maka Apple Watch): nsuso ụra, ịkekọrịta ihu, mmega ahụ ọhụrụ gụnyere ịgba egwu, nchọpụta ịsa aka, ndenye aha ndị ọzọ, akara na ikwu!\n\n Soro Zac:\nInstagram @apollozac\nTwitter @apollozac\\nSoro 9to5Mac:\nInstagram @9to5mac\nTwitter @9to5mac\nFacebook\nebe a\u2019 AM na-eji vidiyo na-amalite taa (Vidiyo) mgbe 11 AM EST gasịrị): \nhttps: \ / \ / \ / lelee?v = i49T9t86MmQ\nGee ntị wee denye aha:\n\nPodcasts Apple\nSpotify\nOvercast\nRSS\n\nNwee anụrị pọdkastị?\n Zụta Apple na Amazon iji kwado Oge elekere 9to5Mac!"," aha":" Kedu ihe dị ọhụrụ na watchOS 7?Nleba anya ụra, ịkekọrịta ihu, ịsa aka, wdg." "ogologo oge":"56:58"}],"playerId":"jetpack-podcast-player-block-688543-2″}
Enwere ike iji 9to5Mac Happy Hour na iTunes na ngwa pọdkastị Apple, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, ma ọ bụ site na ndepụta RSS anyị raara nye Overcast na ndị egwuregwu Podcast ndị ọzọ.
Sun Basket na-akwado: Mgbe ị gara wee jiri koodu mgbasa ozi Happyhour, ị nwere ike chekwaa $35 na usoro gị.
CleanMyMac X na-akwado: Mụtakwuo maka CleanMyMac X wee budata ya n'efu na
{" àgwà": {" url": "http: \ / \ / \ / 9to5cast \ /iUSC", "itemsToShow": 5, "showCoverArt": eziokwu, "showEpisodeTitle": ezi, "showEpisodeDescription ": Ezi}," aha ":"9to5Mac obi ụtọ hour","njikọ":" https: \ / \ / \ /"," mkpuchi":" https: \ / \ / \ /wp -content \ / bulite \ / saịtị \ / 6 \ / 2018 \ / 02 \ /9to5mac-happy-hour-podcast-artwork-downsized.jpg?quality=82&strip=all”,”track”: [{" id": "Podcast-track-23", "njikọ": "http: \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~3 \ / 7Y_ffqMplOM \ /", "src":" http: \ / \ / \ / ~ r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ / ~ 5 \ / FEPkFrX0URU \ /HappyHour_12-30-20.mp3 ", "ụdị": "audio \ / mpeg", "Nkọwa": "9to5Mac's Benjamin Mayo na Zac Hall tụlere akụkọ kachasị ọhụrụ gbasara 5G UWB, iOS 14 shortcut triggers, na ngwa ngwa Apple 2020 na mmelite ọrụ. \n Helix Sleep na-akwado: Mụtakwuo ma gaa Maka ajụjụ ajụjụ ụra Helix, biko gaa na\n Sun Basket na-akwado: \u00a0 Gaa na \\ /happyhour\u00a0 wee jiri koodu nkwado wee chekwaa $35 na iwu\n CleanMyMac X na-akwado: Mụtakwuo ozi na CleanMyMac X na na \ Happy hour bụ n'efu ibudata.\ n \ n \ n Soro \ nZac Hall \ u00a0 @ apollozac \ nBenjamin Mayo \ u00a0 @ bzamayo \ nSubscribe \ n \ n Apple Podcasts \ nOvercast \ nSpotify \ n \ n \ n \ nhttps: \ / \ / \ / dzarEeZ_8_g "," aha":" Apple \ u2019s 2020 na ntụleghachi"," Ogologo oge":" 01:43 :25"},{" id":" podcast-track-24", njikọ":" http:\ / \ / \ / ~ r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ / ~ 3 \ / z5guym5vY_w \ /" src":" http: \ / \ / \ / ~ r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~5 \ / vBRvRZxb1vA \ /HappyHour_12-21-20.mp3 "," ụdị": "audio \ / mpeg", "nkọwa":" Benjamin Mayo nke 9to5Mac na Zac Hall na-atụle watchOS 7.2 Mgbanwe, atụmatụ ọhụrụ nke HomeKit, HomePod audio maka Apple TV, AppleTV+ ncheta mbụ na echiche Zac nke ngwaahịa AirPod Max.\n BetterHelp na-akwado: Malite iji ya ozugbo wee nwee mbelata 10% maka ọnwa mbụ.A ga-etinye koodu mbelata "\u201cmachappyhour" na-akpaghị aka.\n Fundrise na-akwado: \u00a0 na-anabata ntinye ego ụlọ n'ọdịnihu.\n Pillow na-akwado:\u00a0Pillow bụ ihe nleba anya n'ụra nke nwere ike inyere gị aka ịrahụ ụra nke ọma.Budata ya na App Store ugbu a.\ n \ n \ n Soro \ nZac Hall \ u00a0 @ apollozac \ nBenjamin Mayo \ u00a0 @ bzamayo \ nSubscribe \ n \ n Apple Pọdkastị \ nOvercast \ nSpotify ", "Title": "AirPods Max nyochaa, Apple TV + ncheta" , " Ogologo oge ": "01:27:10"}, {" id": "podcast-track-25", "njikọ": "http:\ / \ / .com \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~3 \ / rol4gPonZk8 \ /"," src":" http: \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~5\/U5m9bgLhC7w\/ 9to5Mac-Obi ụtọ- Hour-12-18-2020.mp3","ụdị":"audio\/mpeg", "nkọwa":"9to5Mac's Benjamin Mayo na Zac Hall tụlere nzuzo nke Stadia maka iOS, App Store Tags, mmeghachi omume Facebook na nke ọhụrụ ikike nsuso, Apple TV+ na iOS 14.3, Tim Cook jụrụ usoro akụkọ e bipụtara na Gawker mgbe Apple nwetara na ntọhapụ nke Apple Fitness +.\n Ọrụ LinkedIn na-akwado: \u00a0 gaa na \\/HAPPYHOUR\u00a0 iji nweta mbelata $50 na ọkwa mbụ gị!\nExpressVPN na-akwado: \u00a0 nweta ikike nzuzo ịntanetị ozugbo wee nweta ngwugwu afọ 3 n'efu na \\n RemoteHQ na-akwado: \u00a0 na \ \/happyhour na-anwale ọdịnihu nke nzukọ mebere ọnwa atọ.\ n \ n \ n Soro \ nZac Hall \ u00a0 @ apollozac \ nBenjamin Mayo \ u00a0 @ bzamayo \ n ndebanye aha \ n \ n Pọdkastị Apple \ nOvercast \ nSpotify ", "aha": "Nri nri nzuzo, Apụl Fitness + Mmalite Ahụmahụ" Ogologo oge":" 01:14:20"}, {" id": "podcast-track-26", "link": "http:\ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~3 \ / 4kXO36jN7G0 \ /", "src": "http: \ / \ / \ / ~ r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ / ~ 5 \ / dft8HwaiJeY \ / 9to5Mac - Obi ụtọ -Hour-12-11-2020.mp3","ụdị":"audio//mpeg", "nkọwa":" Benjamin Mayo na Zac Hall nke 9to5Mac tụlere ntọhapụ nke Apple ọhụrụ MagSafe Duo chaja, nke na-achọ ịmalite Apple Fitness +, a ọhụrụ atụmatụ nke iOS 14. 3. Atụmanya maka elu-ọgwụgwụ Apple mgbawa Mac na ịtụnanya mpụta mbụ nke Apple AirPods Max.\n TextExpander na-akwado: \u00a0Visit\\u00a0, wee họrọ "9to5Mac Happy Hour" iji chekwaa 20% nke afọ mbụ!\nSite n'isi: \u00a0 Ị kwesịrị inwe obi ụtọ karịa, ebe isi na-eme ka ntụgharị uche dị mfe.Biko gaa na \\u00a0 ka ịmalite nnwale otu ọnwa efu.\n BetterHelp na-akwado: Malite iji ya ugbu a wee nwee mbelata 10% maka ọnwa mbụ.A ga-etinye koodu mbelata "\u201cmachappyhour" na-akpaghị aka.\ n \ n \ n Soro \ nZac Hall \ u00a0 @ apollozac \ nBenjamin Mayo \ u00a0 @ bzamayo \ nSubscribe \ n \ n Apple Pọdkastị \ nOvercast \ nSpotify ", "aha": "MagSafe ahụmahụ mmadụ abụọ, iOS 14.3, mara ọkwa AirPods Max "," Ogologo oge":" 01:24:38"},{" id":" podcast-track-27" njikọ":" http: \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ / ~ 3 \ / YDG3PyA9XcY \ /", "src": "http: \ / \ / \ /~r \ / 9to5cast \ / iUSC \ /~5 \ / 6wV-cby4Ov0 \ /9to5Mac-Obi ụtọ-Hour-12-04-2020-1.mp3", "ụdị": "audio \ / mpeg", "nkọwa":" Benjamin Mayo na Zac Hall tụlere. Kedu ka ikpe akpụkpọ anụ ọhụrụ nke Apple maka iPhone 12 si arụ ọrụ, mwepụta MagSafe Duo, Apple Music Replay na Spotify Wrapped, MacBook Pro na MacBook Air asịrị na 2021, nhọrọ ngwa Apple kwa afọ, Apple Fitness + na-achọ ịhapụ, yana ngwaahịa Apple dị omimi nwere ike wepụta ya. Disemba 8. \n Amazon Alexa kwadoro: Naanị nweta ngwugwu abụọ nke Sengled smart color na-agbanwe agba na, ị ga-enweta mbelata $10.\n RemoteHQ na-akwado:Tr y Enwere ike ịme ọdịnihu nke nzuko mebere n'ime ọnwa atọ na-abịa na X na-akwado: \u00a0 nwaa CleanMyMac X n'efu\u00a0&\u00a0 nweta mbelata 30% iji bulie ma hichaa Mac gị.\ n \ n \ n Soro \ nZac Hall \ u00a0 @ apollozac \ nBenjamin Mayo \ u00a0 @ bzamayo \ n subscription \ n \ n Apple Podcasts \ nOvercast \ nSpotify \ n \ n \ n \ nhttps: \ / \ / \/ekiri?v = E6LnwmaW2yE""Title":"MagSafe Duo Release, Best App of the Year, Mystery of Apple Products", "Muraration":"01:01:18"}],"playerId":"jetpack-podcast-player -mgbochi -688543-3 ″}
Stacktrace nke 9to5Mac dị na iTunes na ngwa pọdkastị Apple, enwere ike nweta Stacktrace site na ndepụta RSS anyị raara nye Overcast na ndị egwuregwu Podcast ndị ọzọ.
MacStadium na-akwado: Zụrụ igwe ojii M1 Mac mini maka $99, ma ọ bụ jiri koodu mgbasa ozi 9TO5MAC ka ọ nụ ụtọ ọnwa abụọ mbụ nke mbelata ọnụ ahịa nke ọgbọ nke atọ ma ọ bụ nke anọ (Intel).Tinye ihe onyinye Mac mini ebe a.
Mepụta obere ngwa SwiftUI Sundell's WidgetKit Swift na-amalite ịchọpụta FusionCast AirBuddy
Debanye aha:
Oge nzipu: Jan-06-2021