Bungwe loyang'anira zachuma ku Toronto-Ontario lati chigawochi chinataya ntchito zoposa 355,000 chaka chatha chifukwa cha mliri wa COVID-19.
A Financial Responsibility Officer adanena mu lipoti latsopano lero kuti chiwerengero cha anthu osagwira ntchito ndichotsika kwambiri chaka chilichonse.
Lipotilo linanena kuti kuwonjezera pa ulova, pali anthu opitilira 765,000 aku Ontario omwe achepetsa nthawi yawo yogwira ntchito chifukwa cha mliri.
Kuwonjezeka kwakukulu kwa kusowa kwa ntchito kunali ku Peterborough, Ontario, komwe kunatsika ndi 13.5%, pamene Windsor, Ontario, inagwa ndi 10.9%.
Mu 1959, amuna atatu okhala ndi zida adathyola University of Montreal ndikuba katemera wa poliyo-75,000 Mbale zamtengo wapatali $50,000.Kodi taphunzirapo chiyani pa chochitikachi?
Mayiko awiriwa adanena Lamlungu kuti asitikali aku India ndi aku China adachoka m'dera lanyanja lomwe lili kumalire akumadzulo kwa Himalayas, kukonzekera kuthamangitsidwa kumadera ena akukangana.Kuyambira Epulo, asitikali masauzande ambiri akhala akuyang'anizana pa Line of Actual Control (LAC) kapena malire, kuphatikiza nyanja ya Pangong Tso.Loweruka, akuluakulu ankhondo awiriwa adakumana kuti awone momwe adabwerera.
(NASA inanena kudzera mu Associated Press) Kwa anthu ambiri, mawu akuti "chakudya cha astronaut" amatanthauza chithunzithunzi cha maapulosi opanda madzi ndi ayisikilimu owundana omwe amakokedwa nawo ku Dziko Lapansi mumlengalenga.Koma posachedwa, zakudya zopatsa thanzi zomwe zimabzalidwa mumlengalenga zitha kukhala mndandanda wa okonda zakuthambo.Pofuna kuyembekezera maulendo amtsogolo ku mwezi, Mars ndi kupitirira apo, mabungwe amlengalenga monga NASA ndi Canadian Space Agency, komanso "Canada Impact Program" ya Office of the Privy Council, adayambitsa "Deep Space Food Challenge. ”Uku ndi kuyitanidwa kwa ofufuza, asayansi ndi akatswiri ena kuti apange njira yopangira chakudya yomwe ingathandize openda zakuthambo kulima chakudya chawo pamisonkhano yakutali yakutali.Pamene mabungwe a zakuthambo aika mphamvu zawo pa kufufuza kwa anthu kwa mwezi, vuto limabwera.Matt Bancy, woyang'anira ntchito wamkulu wa Canadian Space Agency, adanena kuti chimodzi mwazovuta kwambiri popereka chakudya chatsopano kwa akatswiri a zakuthambo ndikuti ntchitoyo ilibe mphamvu zopanda malire zolima zinthu zaulimi, ndipo siziwononga zambiri.Anati: “Inde, titha kubweretsa zakudya zambiri zomwe zidaikidwa kale, koma anthu ali ndi nkhawa kuti ngati zakudyazo zizikhalabebe panthaŵiyi.”Kwa ntchito zomwe zitha zaka zingapo, njira yodalirika yopangira chakudya imapatsa oyenda mumlengalenga Chakudya Chotetezeka komanso chopatsa thanzi ndichofunikiranso kuchepetsa kufunikira kowonjezera chakudya kuchokera kudziko lapansi.Bansi anati: “Tangoganizani gulu la oyenda mumlengalenga asanu ndi mmodzi amene akugwira ntchito ya zaka zitatu.”“Muyenera kubweretsa chakudya chambiri.Chifukwa chake, ngati titha kukhala ndi chakudya chomwe oyenda mumlengalenga amatha kutulutsa pomwepo.Ukadaulo wopanga, womwe utithandiza kuchepetsa kuyambika mumlengalenga. ”Wopenda zakuthambo wa ku Canada David Saint-Jacques (David Saint-Jacques) akudzaza malo osungiramo madzi ku Veggie Ponds mu kapusulo ya Columbus ku International Space Station.Pamene mautumiki akuya mumlengalenga, njira zatsopano zopangira chakudya zidzafunika kuti moyo wa oyenda mumlengalenga ukhale wautali.Kuno ku Canada, gawo lolingalira za zovutazo likuyamba pa Januware 12, 2021. Mabungwe amaphunziro, makampani ndi anthu pawokha atha kupeza lingaliro lothana ndi vutoli.Gawo lachiwiri-chiwonetsero cha kukhitchini, chofuna magulu oyenerera kuti apange ma prototypes ndikupanga zitsanzo za chakudya-chidzakwezedwa kumagulu ena amagulu mu kugwa.Kuthana ndi zoopsa zama radiation pamalo akuya a Mark Lefsrud ndi gulu lake la ophunzira pafupifupi 50 (omwe amadziwika kuti gulu la Martlet kapena McGill Advanced biological regeneration kit pakuyenda mtunda wautali) akupikisana.Lefsrud, pulofesa wothandizira mu dipatimenti ya Bioresource Engineering ku McGill University, adathandizira kukulitsa malo opangira mbewu pa International Space Station, pomwe akatswiri a zakuthambo adabzala mbewu monga tirigu wamfupi.Chimodzi mwazinthu zofunika kwambiri kwa oyenda mumlengalenga omwe amachita utumwi wakuzama zakuthambo ndi kuyatsa kwa radiation, komwe kungayambitse kuwonongeka kwa maselo ndi minofu ndikuwonjezera chiwopsezo chawodwala khansa, matenda a neuroogenic komanso kukalamba msanga.Ziwopsezo zama radiation zimachulukirachulukira kuposa njira yotsika yapadziko lapansi ya International Space Station, ndipo malire apamwamba aderali amangokhala pafupifupi makilomita 1,000 kumtunda kwa dziko lapansi.Mawonedwe |Zovuta zomwe akatswiri opanga zinthu amakumana nazo pavuto lazakudya zam'mlengalenga: Zakudya zokhala ndi antioxidant zitha kuthandiza kuchepetsa ngoziyi.Pamene mautumiki amayenderana ndi maulendo otsika a Earth, oyenda mumlengalenga amatha kuwonjezera kudya kwawo zakudya zatsopano zokhala ndi ma antioxidants kuti adziteteze.Leifsruder ananena kuti mwa kuwonjezera zinthu zina m’zakudya, monga lutein, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, ndi lycopene, “openda zakuthambo ali ndi chiyambukiro chopindulitsa chodzitetezera ku kupsinjika kwa ma radiation.”Chinthu chachikulu ndicho kukoma.Okhulupirira mumlengalenga ayenera kudya zomwe zikukula mumlengalenga.Lefsrud adati: "Ngati titha kukakamiza openda zakuthambo kuti azidya kale kale, ndiye kuti ndizopindulitsa kwambiri."“Chovuta n’chakuti anthu sakonda kudya kale kwambiri, ndiye vuto n’lakuti titha kusankha zomera zina zokoma.Ndi choncho?”Wopenda nyenyezi wa NASA Shane Kimbrough amayandama pa International Space Station ndi letesi wofiira.Ananenanso kuti moyenera, dongosololi liyeneranso kukhala ndi gawo lina la automation.Ndi chifukwa chakuti oyenda mumlengalenga samayang'anira mbewu nthawi zonse pamasiteshoni.Bansi bakaamba kuti: “Tuli kuyanda kuzyiba zinji kujatikizya mbobakali kuyanda kuzyiba mbozibede kumbele.”“Tikukhulupirira kuti [titha] kuchitapo kanthu kuti tithandizire kudyetsa zidzukulu zathu padziko lonse lapansi.”Ifenso tingathe.Ntchito ya Naurvik, njira yopangira chakudya yomwe imagwiritsidwa ntchito padziko lapansi, ndi mgwirizano pakati pa gulu la Gjoa Haven, Arctic Research Foundation, Canadian Agriculture ndi Agrifood, National Research Council of Canada ndi Canadian Space Agency.Dongosolo lopanga chakudya motsogozedwa ndi anthu ku Nunavut limapereka njira yaukadaulo yotsika mtengo, yokolola zambiri pakupanga ulimi m'malo ovuta.Naurvik Greenhouse ku Gjoa Haven ndi malo osungiramo zinthu za hydroponic komwe akatswiri ammudzi akhala akulima chakudya chokhazikika kuyambira Okutobala 2019. Sitimayi pakadali pano si gawo la "Deep Space Food Challenge", koma ndi njira yodziyimira pawokha, komanso bungwe loyang'anira mlengalenga. idati itha kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati chitsanzo pazambiri zakuthambo.Katswiri wa ku Naurvik Betty Kogvik amalima zinthu zaulimi chaka chonse, amakolola letesi yachiromaine, tsabola wofiira ndi tomato wa chitumbuwa, ndikuzipereka kwa okalamba m’deralo.Zotsalira zilizonse zidzatumizidwa kuntchito kapena kusukulu.Adauza a CBC News pafoni kuti: "Izi ndizothandiza kwambiri kwa ana.""Nthawi zonse timabweretsa china kusukulu ya pulayimale ndi kusekondale."Pakadali pano, Kogvik ndi akatswiri ena a Naurvik akukula broccoli.Akukonzekera kuyamba kupanga zigamba za sitiroberi m'miyezi ingapo.Betty Kogvik, katswiri ku Naurvik, amalima zokolola zatsopano ndikuzipereka kwa okalamba ndi masukulu agulu la Gjoa Haven.Naurvik angagwiritse ntchito mphamvu zobiriwira (monga mphamvu ya dzuwa ndi mphepo) kuti agwire bwino ntchito mumdima wa maola 24 ndi kuwala kwa dzuwa kwa maola 24.Adrian Schimnowski, Chief Executive Officer ndi Director of Operations of the Arctic Research Foundation, adati imathanso kupirira kutentha kosiyanasiyana.Adauza CBC News kuti: "Ntchitoyi ndiyabwino kwambiri.Imawonetsa zotheka ndikudzutsa mafunso ambiri.Zimatipatsa malangizo ndi malingaliro amomwe tingagwiritsire ntchito mlengalenga.”Schimnowski adati, zomwezo zitha kuperekedwa Kuchepetsa kuchepa kwa chakudya komanso kuthandizira kukulitsa zokolola zazakudya m'malo ovuta kwambiri kapena malo osowa, ndikupereka matekinoloje awa kwa anthu ena okhala m'malo ovuta kuti apititse patsogolo chitetezo cha chakudya.Bansi adati: "Tikukhulupirira kuti zatsopano zomwe zachokera ku vutoli zibweretsa phindu la sayansi ndiukadaulo komanso phindu lopanga chakudya ku Canada tsiku lililonse."“Tikuyang'ana mayankho omwe atithandizedi kupita patsogolo.Pulogalamuyi imatithandiza kulima chakudya m’mlengalenga, chomwe chingatipindulitsenso padziko lapansi.”Vutoli likuyembekezeka kutha kumapeto kwa 2024, pomwe wopambana mphotho waku Canada adzalengezedwa.Pulogalamu ya NASA ya Artemis ikufunanso kuyika "mkazi woyamba ndi mwamuna wotsatira" pamwezi panthawiyo.
Brampton, Ontario Mnyamata wazaka 29 waku Brampton, Ontario akukumana ndi mlandu wofuna kupha amayi ake kumapeto kwa sabata.Apolisi aku Peel ati adaitanidwa kunyumbako Loweruka masana atalandira lipoti lachipongwe.Iwo amati anapeza mayi atabaidwa pakhomo.Anamutengera kuchipatala ali bwino.Apolisiwo anadzudzula mwana wa mayiyo kuti wathawa wapansi kunyumba kwake ndipo anamangidwa tsiku lomwelo.Tsopano akuyang'anizana ndi mlandu umodzi wofuna kupha komanso milandu itatu yophwanya malamulo ovomerezeka.Lipoti la Canadian News Agency lidasindikizidwa koyamba pa February 21, 2021.
Jean Langelier wa Emerging Markets ndi Mausoleum of the New Century, FIDEL de La Matanie, Mtsogoleri wa Innovative Biological Development, ndi wotsogolera woyamba wachindunji wa biological: katswiri wa zachuma Développement Économique Matanie.«Je suistrès, trèsheureux», ubale mu ubale wa anthu «Kuchita nawo mwambo wokumbukira konsati.Je Pense que larégionva se donner un outil pourcréerplus d'emploi et de la richesse.Zomwe zili mu Alors je suistrès.«DEM et L'économie daily newspaper.«Limbikitsani ndi kulimbikitsa kubwezeretsedwa kwa chikhalidwe cha anthu.»Jean Langelier n'a pas voulu donner davantage dedétails (Jean Langelier n'a pas voulu donner davantage dedétails), yokonzedwa ndi MRC de la Mtanie foundation ku La Matanie, ali ndi malo pa chitukuko cha zachuma.Claudie Arseneault, Mon Matane Local Press Initiative
Mafuta a nsomba ku Japan DHA & EPA + Sesame Ming E, botolo limodzi lokhala ndi ntchito 4, makapisozi 4 patsiku, chisamaliro chaumoyo chosavuta, chosavuta komanso chokwanira!Ndipo nyumbayo imachotsera 10% kwakanthawi kochepa, kotero dziwani!
(Fred Chatland/Canadian Press) Prime Minister akuyembekezeka kulengeza njira yatsopano sabata ino kuti asankhe Bwanamkubwa kuti alowe m'malo mwa Julie Payette.Julie Payette adasiya ntchito mwezi umodzi wapitawo.Poizoni" ndi "poizoni" malo antchito.Dominic LeBlanc, Purezidenti wa Queen's Privy Council, adati boma likudziwa kufunikira kosankha "anthu odziwika bwino aku Canada" paudindowu ndipo adati Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Justin Trudeau) Pakhala zambiri zonena m'masiku angapo otsatira.LeBron adauza a Rosemary Barton Live Lamlungu m'mawa kuti: "Mosakayika, tikuganiza kuti Chief Justice adzakhala Chief Executive Constitutionalism ndichinthu chomwe sichiyenera kukhala kwa miyezi ndi miyezi.“Ndikukhulupirira kuti sabata yamawa, tikhala ndi zonena zofulumizitsa ntchitoyi, chifukwa tazindikira kuti tiyenera kuchitapo kanthu mwachangu posankha wolowa m'malo mwa Mayi Payette.Trudeau adanena mwezi watha kuti pambuyo potsutsa zatsopano za njira yake yosankha Payette kuti atenge udindo, ndondomeko yowunikirayi idzakhala yolimba kwambiri.Adasankha udindo wake m'malo mogwiritsa ntchito alangizi a Prime Minister wakale Stephen Harper.Njira zopangira oyenerera.Chipani chotsutsa chikugwira ntchito molimbika kuti chikhale nawo pazisankho ndipo lidati Trudeau adziwike pagulu la anthu otchuka a Payette.CBC News idanenanso mu Seputembala kuti Trudeau Maofesi ambiri adalephera kuyang'ana mabwana akulu akulu awiri akale asanasankhe Payette, zomwe zingasonyeze kuti adalandira pafupifupi $200,000 pamalipiro ochotsedwa atasiya ntchito ku Montreal Science Center mu 2016 chifukwa chodandaula za chithandizo chake. .Malinga ndi magwero angapo, adasiyanso Komiti ya Olimpiki ya ku Canada mu 2017 atafufuza ziwiri zamkati (kuphatikiza nkhanza zapakamwa) za chithandizo cha ogwira ntchito.Payette ndi wachiwiri wake Assunta Di Lorenzo adati Atalandira lipoti lolimbikitsa la ndemanga za malo ogwira ntchito, adasiya ntchito pa January 21. Mu lipoti la CBC News miyezi isanu ndi iwiri yapitayo, magwero khumi ndi awiri achinsinsi adanena kuti Payette adanyozedwa, akuimbidwa mlandu komanso kunyozedwa poyera, Ofesi ya Privy Council. (PCO) idayambitsa kuwunika kwa chipani chachitatu kuti alembe ntchito Quintet Consulting.Di Lorenzo anaimbidwanso mlandu wozunza antchito.Lipotilo linanena kuti ofufuza a kuntchito adafunsa anthu 92, omwe ambiri mwa iwo adalongosola Chochitika cha "kuganizira moyenera".Ochepera 10 omwe adatenga nawo gawo adafotokoza malingaliro abwino kapena osalowerera ndale pazantchito.Quintet analemba kuti "kulalata, kukuwa, khalidwe laukali, ndemanga zonyozetsa, ndi zonena zachipongwe pagulu" zidapangitsa odwala 13 omwe adachita nawo kafukufukuyu kuti apite kutchuthi chifukwa chodwala ndipo 17 atuluke mu ofesi yonse.Malinga ndi magwero angapo, CBC News idanenanso kuti zomwe zidachotsedwa mu lipotilo zinali zonena kuti machitidwe aukali a Payette akuphatikiza kusamvera ndi antchito.Mwalandiridwa kukhudzana, zomwe zimapangitsa antchito ena kukhala owopsa.Cholinga cha lipoti lodziyimira pawokha ndikuzindikira kukula kwa vutolo.Wolemba lipotilo sanayese kupeza zowona.Chikalatacho chimadalira kokha lipoti la wofunsidwa.Rido Hall ( Rideau Hall adatsimikiza kuti pofika kumapeto kwa Januware, idalipira ndalama zonse zoperekedwa kwa kampani yamalaya yolembedwa ganyu ya Blakes komanso Jaji wakale Michel Bastarache wa Khothi Lalikulu ku Canada. C$165,000 kuphatikiza msonkho idagwiritsidwa ntchito. mgwirizano wa PCO ndi Quintet udawononganso ndalama zoposa $ 390,000. Penyani | LeBron akuti chisankho cha bwanamkubwa chikhoza kutha sabata yamawa: lipoti latsopano losasinthidwa lomwe linatulutsidwa PCO yatulutsa mtundu watsopano wa lipoti losinthidwa Loweruka usiku, ponena kuti Kukambitsirana kwa chipani chachitatu tsopano kwatha ndipo masamba angapo a lipotilo sangasinthidwe.Tsamba latsopano losasinthidwa likuwonetsa kuti Blake adayambitsa anthu Nkhawa za "kusakwanira mwachilungamo" komanso "malingaliro olowerera ndale" adachedwetsa kuwunikanso. Pa Okutobala 1, 2020, Blakes adalembera ofesi ya Quinet ndi Privy Council, akutsutsa kuti a Rideau Hall akuyenera kukhala ndi mwayi wopereka zidziwitso pazidziwitsozo, ndipo adati bungweli posachedwapa "Lasintha kwambiri, kuphatikizapo kukhudzidwa kwakukulu paofesi. , ndi kugogomezera kwambiri kuwongolera ntchito.” Kampani yazamalamuloyo inalemba kuti: “Kusintha kwa ntchito za ofesi kaŵirikaŵiri kumabweretsa nkhaŵa ndi madandaulo.Chifukwa chake, kusintha kwaposachedwa komanso kwakukulu kumapangitsa kuwunika kwa Situation ndikofunikira kwambiri. ”Blakes adanenanso kuti ogwira ntchito ku Rideau Hall anali ndi mawu okhudza malo ogwira ntchito omwe Payette anali asanakhalepo.Mu 2014, kafukufuku wokhudza ntchito za boma anapeza kuti 18% ya ogwira ntchito adayankha kuti akuzunzidwa kuntchito, pamene kafukufuku wa 2017 adapeza kuti chiwerengerochi chinakwera kufika pa 19%.Magazini ya Maclean’s inanena kuti pa nthawi ya Payette, Rideau Hall ankaonedwa kuti ndi amene ankazunzidwa kwambiri pa ntchito ya boma.Kafukufukuyu adapeza kuti 22% mwa omwe adafunsidwa omwe adagwira ntchito ku Rideau Hall adati adazunzidwa, kuchokera pa 25% mu 2018-akadali gawo lachitatu lachipongwe lomwe lidanenedwa ndi dipatimenti iliyonse kapena bungwe lililonse.Kampani yazamalamulo idapereka tchati chokhala ndi njira zomwe ofesiyo idachita kuti isinthe malo ogwirira ntchito.Blakes akulembanso kuti m'maboma ang'onoang'ono, njira yowunikiranso yomwe imawonedwa ngati "yapakati mpaka pachiwopsezo chachikulu" ikhoza kukhala "yowopsa kuukira chifukwa imalimbikitsa kulowerera ndale m'mabungwe odziyimira pawokha."Blakes adalemba kuti: "Ngati palibe kuganiziridwa Moyenera komanso kusowa kwa njira zodzitetezera pa milandu kungadzutse malingaliro a anthu pakulowerera ndale."Trullo adanena mu Januwale chaka chino kuti adzachita zomwe angachite pamene bwanamkubwa watsopanoyo atatha mkangano pa chisankho cha mission ya Payette Njira yovomerezeka ndi yolimba kwambiri.Ofesi ya bungwe la Privy Council inakana pempho la kampani ya zamalamulo kuti lisinthe.PCO idayankha kuti Blake sayenera kulumikizana ndi Quintet, zomwe zidayambitsa chisokonezo ndikuchedwetsa kuwunikanso.Wachiwiri kwa Mtumiki wa PCO Daniel (Daniel) analemba kuti: “Tikukupemphani kuti musachitenso izi;kalata yomwe mudatumizayi yatipangitsa kufunsa kuti tifotokoze bwino za udindo wa Quintet Consulting, zomwe zapangitsa kuti ntchitoyi ichedwe.Luxi anatero., "Zikuwoneka kuti pali kusamvetsetsana" kwa njirayi.Cholinga cha ndemangayi ndikuchita "kufufuza zenizeni" osati "kufufuza mozama."Chifukwa chake, kuwunikaku "sikungayambitse vuto lililonse lachilungamo," adatero Blakes m'kalatayo.PCO inakananso lingaliro lakuti pali "chiwopsezo cha kulowerera ndale" ndipo adanena kuti chifukwa cha nkhawa zomwe zakhala zikuchitika ndi atolankhani, PCO inalemba ntchito yodziyimira payokha ya gulu lachitatu kuti liwonetsetse kuti limapereka "upangiri waukatswiri wopanda tsankho".Dipatimentiyi inanenanso kuti ndemanga za kampani yazamalamulo zikuwoneka kuti zikupangitsa kuti Rideau Hall ikhale yodziimira payekha, koma ndi mbali ya boma ndipo iyenera kutsata ndondomeko za Komiti ya Finance.Lucy adalemba kuti: "Ngakhale nkhawa zomwe mudalemba m'kalata yanu zidayankhidwa mozama, tikukhulupirira kuti njira zomwe zaperekedwa sizingathandize Quintet Consulting kuti iwunike bwino komanso munthawi yake."Payette anaumirira kuyambira pachiyambi., Amaona kuti kuvutitsidwa kuntchito n’kofunika kwambiri.Atasiya ntchito, analemba kuti: “Aliyense ali ndi ufulu wokhala ndi malo ogwirira ntchito athanzi komanso otetezeka nthawi iliyonse ndiponso kulikonse.”“Ofesi ya Bwanamkubwa sizimawoneka choncho nthawi zonse.Pakhala pali kusamvana mu Rideau Hall miyezi ingapo yapitayo.Pepani chifukwa cha mmene zinthu zilili.”Tonse takumana ndi zochitika zosiyanasiyana, koma nthawi zonse tiyenera kuyesetsa kuchita bwino komanso kulabadira malingaliro a wina ndi mnzake… bwanamkubwa watsopano atha kuwonera gawo lonse la Rosemary Barton Live pa CBC yotsatsira CBC Gem.
(Yoperekedwa ndi Dylan Clark) Malinga ndi tsamba la boma lomwe likutsatira milandu ya COVID-19, mlandu watsopano wa COVID-19 wapezeka ku Arviat, Nunavut.Kubwezeretsa kutatu kudanenedwanso, kubweretsa chiwerengero chonse cha anthu omwe ali ndi vuto mderali kufika 28. Awa ndi malo okhawo ku Nunavut omwe ali ndi vuto la COVID-19.M'masiku asanu ndi anayi apitawa chaka chatha, anthu ammudzi adaperekanso milandu yatsopano chifukwa cha mliri womwe unayamba mu Novembala chaka chatha.Kuyambira kumapeto kwa Disembala mpaka kumapeto kwa Januware, palibe milandu yatsopano yomwe idanenedwa pafupifupi mwezi umodzi.Koma kuyambira pamenepo, anthu ambiri apezeka ndi matenda.Chiyambireni mliriwu, milandu 295 ya COVID-19 yanenedwa mderali.Munthu wina wokhala m’dzikolo anamwalira ndi matendawa.Lachisanu, mkulu wa zaumoyo ku Nunavut, Dr. Michael Patterson (Michael Patterson) anachonderera anthu kuti asamapite kumapeto kwa sabata kukaona achibale ndi abwenzi.Ananenanso m'nyuzipepala kuti: "Chofunika kwambiri ndichakuti Arviammiut samatuluka pakhomo, amasunga thupi lake, komanso kuvala chigoba ali kunja kwa nyumba."Pakadali pano, kuyenda ndi kutuluka m'midzi yaying'ono kumangopita kwa anthu omwe akuyenda pazifukwa zadzidzidzi kapena zofunikira.Akuluakulu azaumoyo amafuna aliyense yemwe wakhala akuyendera kuyambira Januware 12 kuti adzipatula ndikuwunika zomwe zikuchitika.Anthu ammudzi pano ali ndi mwayi wopeza katemera wa Moderna COVID-19, koma derali silinanene kuti ndi anthu angati omwe alandira katemera.Anthuwa ayesa pafupifupi 2500 COVID-19.Nunavummiut yemwe akukayikira kuti mwina adakumana ndi wina yemwe ali ndi COVID-19, chonde imbani foni ya COVID-19 pa 1-888-975-8601 pakati pa 10 am ndi 6pm Eastern Standard Time, kapena muwadziwitse nthawi yomweyo Community Health Center ndi nthawi yomweyo adakhala yekhayekha kunyumba kwa masiku 14.
Emily Musing wochokera ku University Health Network adanena poyankhulana ndi Rosemary Barton Live (Rosemary Barton Live) kuti chipatala chake cha katemera ku Toronto COVID-19 ndichosangalatsa komanso chosangalatsa.
Athens, Greece-Wojambula komanso wotsogolera wotchuka wachi Greek Dimitris Lignadis adawonekera kukhothi la Athens Lamlungu ndipo sanayankhe mpaka Lachitatu.Woweruza milandu anaimba milandu ingapo yogwiririra.Akuluakulu a khoti ananena kuti adzakhala m’ndende mpaka nthawi imeneyo.Bwalo lamilandu ndi ozenga milandu adzagamula limodzi kuti amutseke kapena amutulutse mlandu wake usanazengedwe.Malinga ndi magwero a khothi, Lignadis anaimbidwa mlandu wogwiriridwa ndi ana aang'ono awiri pazochitika za 2010 ndi 2015.Anakana cholakwa chilichonse.Lignadis, wazaka 56, adasiya ntchito yake pa 6 February ngati wotsogolera zaluso wa National Theatre of Greece, atanena kuti adachita.M'mwezi wapitawu, pakhala pali milandu yambiri yokhudzana ndi kugonana ndi kugwiriridwa kwa ochita masewera angapo otchuka, otsogolera ndi akuluakulu ku Greece, zomwe zachititsa #MeToo mphindi ku Greece.Munthu woyamba kulankhula anali mendulo ya golidi ya Olympic Sofia Bekatorou, yemwe anaimba mlandu mkulu wa Greek Sailing Federation kuti amugwiririra mu 1998. Mtumiki wa Chikhalidwe cha Greek Lina Mendoni adanena Lachisanu kuti adapempha Khoti Lalikulu kuti afufuze milandu yogwiriridwa ndi kuzunzidwa. .M'gulu la zisudzo.Otsutsawo adamuimba mlandu woyesa kubisa Linadis, yemwe adasankhidwa ndi boma la Conservative mu 2019. Demetris Nellas, Associated Press.
Ontario lero yanena za 1087 zatsopano za COVID-19 ndi 13 zakufa zatsopano zokhudzana ndi kachilomboka.Secretary of Health a Christine Elliott ati chiwerengerochi chikuphatikiza milandu 344 yatsopano ku Toronto, 156 ku Peel ndi 122 ku York.Chigawo cha York chikabwerera ku dongosolo loyankha mliri wachigawo cholembedwa mofiira Lolemba, malamulo a Lolemba achotsedwa.Koma Elliott adati pa Twitter m'mawa uno, "Kubwerera ku chimango sikutanthauza kubwereranso wamba."Dongosolo lachigawo likunena kuti ogulitsa ambiri omwe akugwira ntchito m'malo ofiira ayenera kuchepetsa makasitomala ku 50% ya kuchuluka kwanthawi zonse., Ndipo kusonkhana pamasom’pamaso kumatha kukhala anthu 5 m’nyumba ndi anthu 25 panja.Madipatimenti azaumoyo aku Toronto, Peel ndi North Bay Parry Sound okha ndi omwe akhala akuyitanitsa nthawi zonse m'chigawo chonsecho.Akuluakulu azaumoyo ku Toronto ndi Peel apempha kuti achulukitse kuchuluka kwa milandu yatsiku ndi tsiku kwa milungu iwiri, ndipo North Bay ikuyesetsa kuthana ndi vuto lakuchita opaleshoni pamilandu yokhudzana ndi kusintha kwa COVID-19 komwe kudapezeka koyamba ku UK.Zambiri pa Sabata zidawonetsa kuti pakadali pano pali odwala 660 omwe ali m'chipatala chifukwa cha COVID-19, kutsika kuchokera 699 dzulo.Koma chigawochi chati zipatala zopitilira 10% sizinapereke zambiri, zomwe zimachitika Loweruka ndi Lamlungu.Chigawochi chati odwala 277 adalandira chithandizo chambiri, pomwe 181 adawunikiridwa pa makina olowera mpweya ndipo mayeso pafupifupi 48,200 adamalizidwa.Eliot adawonjezeranso kuti kuyambira Loweruka usiku, Ontario idalandira Mlingo 556,533 wa katemera wa COVID-19.Lipoti la Canada lidasindikizidwa koyamba pa February 21, 2021.
Pa selectEasy.hk, Zhuosi Gallery ndi malo ogulitsa mankhwala akuluakulu amatha kuchotsera 10%.Nthawi yotsatsira ndi mpaka February 28. Chonde onani tsamba lovomerezeka kuti mudziwe zambiri.
Calgary-Amayi omwe banja lawo lakhala likuvutika ndi zachuma komanso m'maganizo, chifukwa cha chithandizo cha ziweto zomwe zidamuthandiza kulipirira mphaka wake wovulala panthawi yamdima kwambiri.Shannon Miller adati mwana wake wamwamuna wazaka 18, Jordan, wangomaliza kumene mankhwala a chemotherapy a mtundu wosowa wa khansa ya mafupa ndi yofewa.Pokambirana ndi atolankhani aku Canada, Miller adati: "Ndi zamisala.Chaka chinali choipa kwambiri.”Mwana wake wamwamuna wazaka 14, Josh, akuvutika ndi nkhaŵa ndipo wakhala akugwira ntchito zolimba kuchiza matenda a mchimwene wake.Miller ananena kuti Josh anapempha bwenzi lake Nala kuti amuthandize maganizo, koma anafunika opaleshoni yodula kuti akonze chothyoka m’chiuno."Nara wakhala wotonthoza mtima wake nthawi zonse.Pamene anali ndi nkhawa, adamusisita ndikugona naye.Ngakhale panopo, atsekeredwa mumsewu m’chipinda chathu chochezera, ndipo iye akugona m’chipinda chathu chochezera., Chifukwa sangagone popanda Nara.Miller ndi mwamuna wake onse alibe ntchito chifukwa cha COVID-19.Ananenanso kuti thandizo la abwenzi ndi zochitika za GoFundMe sizinali zokwanira kulipirira vet.Melissa David, yemwe anayambitsa parachute ya ziweto, anati: "Akadzandiyitana ... ndidzamuuza kuti awonongeke."Kampaniyo imapereka chisamaliro chothandizidwa ndi ziweto, kuphatikiza chakudya, kwa eni ziweto omwe akufunika.Basket ndi chithandizo chamankhwala.David adati Miller akuda nkhawa ndi zomwe banjali lidataya mphaka pa mwana wake.David anati: “Ndiwo thanzi lake la maganizo.”Miller adanena kuti Nara akuwoneka kuti akuyenera kuthandizidwa.Iye anati: “Tinaganiza kuti tim’gwetse pansi kwa masiku atatu, ndipo Josh analira zonse zimene anachita.Iye anawonongeka.Imeneyo sinali nthawi yabwino,” “Tsopano ali wokondwa.Ndikusangalala basi.Kwa mnyamata wachichepere, kukhala wosangalala kumatanthauza kanthu kena.”David anayamba kupereka mabasiketi amphatso 25 mpaka 30 pamwezi chaka chatha.Mu December chaka chatha, atalandira kalata yochokera kwa anawo n’kupempha Santa kuti athandize ziweto zawo m’malo mobweretsa mphatso za Khirisimasi, ndalama zimene ankafuna mwezi uliwonse zinaposa madengu 600.Pambuyo pa mayankho a 4,000 m'masiku atatu, kuphatikizapo ogwira ntchito zachitukuko a 35 ochokera ku Canada, pali ntchito yambiri yoti ichitike.David anati: “Pakali pano dziko la Canada lilibe cholinga chothandiza ana kuchotsa ziweto m’nyumba zawo.Alumikizana ndi mabungwe ambiri a ana.”"Zikuwonekeratu kuti tikufuna mapulogalamu odzipereka kuthandiza ana kusunga ziweto."David adati, Gawo loyamba linali mu Epulo, mothandizidwa ndi Mikael Backlund ku Calgary Flame Center.Wosewera wa NHL adataya galu wake Lily koyambirira kwa chaka chino, ndipo kampeni ya cholowa cha Lily ilimbikitsa anthu kuti agule zida za Isitala kwa ana ndi ziweto zomwe zikufunika."Izi ndizothandiza kwathunthu mwana yemwe ati asiyane ndi chiweto.Tigwira ntchito kuthandiza mwana uyu ndi chiwetochi—kaya ndi ma leashes, makola, chisamaliro cha ziweto, katemera, zilolezo… mpaka apitilize okha.”Backlund, yemwe wapereka matikiti a ice hockey ku bungwe lachifundo, adanena kuti kutaya Lily kumakhala kovuta kwa iye ndi mkazi wake, ndipo ali wokondwa kuthandiza.Iye anati: “Tikuganiza kuti lingakhale lingaliro labwino kuchita zabwino m’dzina la mwana wathu wamkazi wamkazi.”"Iyi ndi njira yabwino yoyambira ndi dengu la Isitala ... ndikuthandiza ana awa kusunga ziweto ndikuyembekeza kupeza ndalama, Kuti tipitilize pulogalamuyi."Wodzipereka Kelly MacQuarrie wakhala akunyamula ziweto zachifundo mothandizidwa ndi mwana wake wamwamuna wazaka zisanu ndi chimodzi Camden.Iye anati: “Amakonda nyama, amakonda nyama.Akuganiza kuti zingakhale zomvetsa chisoni kuti ana ena amalephera kuweta ziweto.”Camden adanena kuti amakonda amphaka a ginger, ndipo amamvetsetsa chifukwa chake amafuna kunyamula madengu a ziweto.“Chifukwa amafunikira chakudya kapena akhoza kufa.Kuthandiza ziweto ndi chinthu chabwino. ”David adati akuyembekeza kuti zachifundo zifalikira kumadera onse mdziko muno zaka zitatu zikubwerazi kuti abweretse ana ndi ziweto pamodzi.“N’zomvetsa chisoni kuganiza kuti ana ambiri akumana ndi zimenezi popanda kuthandizidwa.”Lipoti la Canadian News Agency lidatulutsidwa koyamba pa February 21, 2021. -Follow @BillGraveland pa Twitter, Bill Graveland waku Canada News Agency
Malinga ndi zomwe adatulutsa lipoti la UN lomwe a Reuters adawona, a Eric Prince, wamkulu wachitetezo komanso wothandizira Purezidenti wakale wa US a Donald Trump, "osachepera" adathandizira kupeŵa zida zankhondo ku Libya.Woyang'anira zilango wodziyimira pawokha wa UN adadzudzula kalongayo kuti akufuna kuti achitepo kanthu kwa Mtsogoleri wa Kum'mawa kwa Libya, Halifa Haftar mu Epulo 2019, yemwe amadziwika kuti "ntchito ya projekiti," ndikuthandizira kugula ndege zitatu.
Woyendetsa waku France wa BLAUSASC-Canada Michael Woods adapambana mpikisano wamasiku atatu wa Tour de France-Marina ndi Duval Lamlungu.Dian Gianluca Brambilla adamenya Italy mumasekondi 13.Anthu pa podium.Woods adalowa tsiku lomaliza la masewerawa atapambana gawo lachiwiri Loweruka, ndipo adatsalira masekondi asanu m'masanjidwe onse.Dalaivala wachi Dutch Bauke Mollema akwera Trek-Segafredo pamodzi ndi Brambilla, yemwe ali wachitatu.M'masewera ake oyamba mumitundu ya timu ya Israeli yoyambira, Woods anali masekondi 13 kumbuyo kwa Brambilla pamasewera a Lamlungu.Bambo wazaka 34 wa ku Ottawa anati: “Ndakhumudwa kuti sindingathe kusunga jeresi yachikasu.”“Koma kwenikweni, sindingathe kudandaula.Gululi lidachita nawo mpikisano waukulu. "Woods anali mu gawo loyamba Lachisanu.Malo achinayi.Lipoti la Canadian News Agency lidasindikizidwa ndi Canadian News Agency pa February 21, 2021.
Poganizira ndalama zomwe mumapeza mukapuma pantchito komanso chitetezo chamankhwala, mutha kulembetsanso kuchotsera msonkho.Pali mwayi woti kuchotsera msonkho wanu pachaka kumatha kufika HK$68,000!
Le Royaume-Uni's Suite Suite d'une campagnelancée yofunsira satifiketi yolumikizirana mkati mwa iTunes.
Apolisi a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) adanena kuti munthu wina anamwalira Loweruka galimoto yake itatembenuka pamene akuyesera kutuluka mu dzenje pa Highway 1. Loweruka.Apolisi atafika, adapeza ogwira ntchito zadzidzidzi pamalopo, kuyesa kupulumutsa moyo wa bambo wazaka 63 zakubadwa.Ambulansi ya ndege ya STARS idatumizidwa kuti ikathandize, koma bamboyo adadziwika kuti wamwalira pamalopo.Apolisi adanena kuti kufufuza kwawo koyambirira kunapeza kuti mwamunayo adathamangitsa galimoto yake m'mphepete mwa msewu wakum'mawa ndi kumadzulo kwa Highway 1 pamene akuyesera kuyendetsa galimoto yake pa Highway 1. Pambuyo pofufuza apolisi, msewu waukulu wa 1 wopita kummawa ndi kumadzulo. inatsekedwa kwa maola angapo.Kutulutsa kwa atolankhani kuchokera ku Royal Canadian Mounted Police idati msewuwu udatsegulidwanso cha m'ma 6pm Central Standard Time.Qu'Appelle, katswiri wokonzanso magalimoto ku RCMP kuchokera ku Weben, ndi Saskatchewan Coroner Service nawonso adapezekapo.Apolisi ati kafukufuku akupitilirabe.
(Chithunzi cha fayilo ya Bernard Lebel/Radio Canada) Nyumba yosungirako anthu okalamba ku Edmundston ikunena za imfa yake yachisanu ndi chimodzi chifukwa ikupitiriza kuyankha ku mliri wa mwezi wa COVID-19.Malinga ndi Unduna wa Zaumoyo, kuyambira Lachisanu, a Manoir Belle Vue atsimikizira milandu 92, kuphatikiza okhala 51 ndi antchito 41.Malowa adalengeza kuti amwalira m'mawu ake pa Facebook m'mawa uno, ndipo adati imfa zachitika masiku aposachedwa.Inanenanso za milandu iwiri yatsopano yokhudzana ndi okhalamo pamayesero am'mbuyomu.New Brunswick yatsimikizira kuti imfa ina ya COVID-19 inachitika m'chigawochi Lamlungu masana.WorkSafe New Brunswick (WorkSafe New Brunswick) posachedwapa idayendera Manoir Belle Vue ndipo idapeza "zopanda kanthu" mu mapulani ake okhudza mliri.Panalibe chindapusa, ndipo chigawocho sichinafotokoze mwatsatanetsatane.Pambuyo pa masiku 14 akukulitsidwa, milandu yatsopano ya COVID-19 ikupitilizabe kupezeka.Kachilomboka katsimikiziridwa m'nyumba zina zosungirako anthu okalamba m'dera la Edmundston, lomwe linabwerera ku siteji ya lalanje pakati pausiku Lachinayi.Kuphatikiza pa kulengeza za kufa kwa COVID-19 pa 25 Lamlungu, chigawochi chidanenanso za anthu 4 atsopano a kachilomboka komanso 3 ena achira.Pali milandu 87 ku New Brunswick.Odwala awiri ali m’chipatala ndipo m’modzi wa iwo ali m’chipatala chachikulu.Pali mlandu watsopano ku Moncton, munthu wazaka zake za m'ma 20.Umoyo wa anthu umati izi zikugwirizana ndi maulendo.Pali milandu itatu yatsopano mdera la Edmundston, kuphatikiza anthu awiri osakwana zaka 19 ndi m'modzi wazaka 30.Milandu yambiri yogwira ntchito ku New Brunswick idakali ku Edmonston ndi Great Falls (District 4), komwe kuli milandu 73.Malinga ndi zosintha za Lamlungu, pali milandu 8 yomwe ikugwira ntchito mdera la Moncton (District 1).Pali 3 ku St.Dera la Campbellton (District 5) ndi dera lokhalo m'chigawochi pomwe palibe milandu yomwe idanenedwapo.Chiyambireni mliriwu, New Brunswick yatsimikizira milandu 1,424 ya COVID-19 ndipo 1,311 achira.Public Health idayesa mayeso 223,595, kuphatikiza mayeso 606 Loweruka.Kuwonekera kwa ndege ku New Brunswick Public Health inanena kuti ndege ya February 8 ikhoza kukumana ndi COVID-19.Apaulendo pamaulendo apa pandege otsatirawa akuyenera kudziyang'anira okha zizindikiro ndikuwunika zizindikiro: Air Canada Flight 8906-Mukachoka ku Montreal kupita ku Moncton nthawi ya 7:10 pm, zoyenera kuchita ngati zizindikiro zachitika.Anthu okhudzidwa atha kukhala ndi zizindikiro za COVID-19, Mutha kudziyesa nokha pa intaneti.Health Health idati zizindikilo za anthu omwe ali ndi COVID-19 ndi: kutentha thupi kuposa 38 ° C.Kutsokomola kwatsopano kapena kuwonjezereka kwa chifuwa chosatha.chikhure.Mphuno yothamanga.mutu.Kutopa kwatsopano, kupweteka kwa minofu, kutsekula m'mimba, kutaya kukoma kapena kununkhiza.Kuvuta kupuma.Kwa ana, zizindikiro zimaphatikizaponso mawanga ofiirira pa zala ndi zala.Anthu omwe ali ndi chimodzi mwazizindikirozi ayenera: Kukhala kunyumba.Imbani Tele-Care 811 kapena dokotala wawo.Fotokozani zizindikiro ndi mbiri yaulendo.Tsatirani malangizo.
Gwiritsani ntchito khadi yanzeru kugula kwa ogulitsa ogula tsiku lililonse ndikulandila 5% kubweza ndalama chaka chilichonse!Makasitomala atsopano akulandila mpaka $1,600 kubweza ndalama, lembani tsopano!
Mneneri wa boma la Cairo wati gulu la nduna ya zamkati ya boma la Libya mothandizidwa ndi UN idaukiridwa likulu la Tripoli Lamlungu.Mneneri wa Unduna wa Zaumoyo ku Tripoli, Amin Hashmi, adati anthu omwe anali ndi zida adawombera ndi kuvulaza mlonda m'modzi pagulu la Fathi Bashagha mumsewu waukulu ku Tripoli.Ananenanso kuti Basagha adapulumuka pachiwopsezocho ndipo alonda ake adathamangitsa wachiwembuyo, kupha m'modzi ndikutsekera ena awiri.Kumayambiriro kwa Lamlungu, Bashagha anakumana ndi Mustafa Sanalla, mtsogoleri wa Libyan National Petroleum Corporation, kuti akambirane za chitetezo cha malo opangira mafuta ndi momwe angalimbikitsire ufulu wa makampani amafuta kuti "awonetsetse kuti chuma chigawidwe mwachilungamo pakati pa anthu onse a ku Libya".Palibe bungwe lomwe lidanene kuti ndilomwe lidachita chiwembuchi, zomwe zikuwonetsa kusatetezeka kumadera aku North Africa.Kazembe wa US ku Libya, a Richard Norland, adadzudzula zachiwembuchi ndipo adapempha kuti afufuze kuti olakwawo ayankhe.Noland anati: “Zoyesayesa za Nduna Bashaga zothetsa mphamvu za zigaŵenga zachiwembu tikuzichirikiza mokwanira.”Libya yolemera ndi mafuta idagwa m'chipwirikiti chifukwa zipolowe zothandizidwa ndi NATO mu 2011 zidagwetsedwa ndikupha wolamulira wankhanza wakale Gaddafi.Dzikoli lagawidwa m’maboma awiri, lina lakum’mawa ndi lina la Kumadzulo.Boma lililonse limathandizidwa ndi magulu ankhondo ambiri komanso magulu ankhondo akunja.Kumayambiriro kwa mwezi uno, bungwe la United Nations losankha chisankho lopangidwa ndi anthu a ku Libya kumbali zonse ziwiri, linasankha boma laling'ono, lopangidwa ndi anthu atatu a pulezidenti ndi nduna yaikulu, kuti atsogolere dzikolo pachisankho chomwe chiyenera kuchitika pa December 24. Pambuyo pa kutha kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko. paudindo wa nduna, Abdul Hamid Mohamed Debeba pomaliza adasankhidwa kukhala nduna yayikulu ya nduna zapakati.Msonkhanowu udasankhanso Mohammad Younes Menfi, kazembe waku Libya wochokera kum'mawa kwa dzikolo, kuti atsogolere komiti ya Purezidenti.Associated Press Samy Magdy
Throughout the summer, Rebel News played a videotape of Mayor Patrick Brown on an indoor skating rink at the Earnscliffe Entertainment Center in Brampton, without a mask. The August 4 video showed Brown standing next to a hockey bag with his name posted on it. Rebel journalist David Menzies was with the photographer. At that time, someone revealed to the media that Brown would attend the stadium every week to play hockey with his friends, but the public was banned from the pandemic. Under the limit of the game. The camera finally zoomed in on Brown, and in the video Menzies was seen asking the mayor. He was standing next to the bag with his name on it, which was full of equipment, if he was playing games there. Brown looked surprised, and sent some azzs, and then said that he was just there to check the facilities. Brown claimed that the hockey bag containing the equipment was not his name. Videos taken by Rebel News in the next few weeks and subsequent videos show that Brown playing hockey on the court has become all the rage, garnering thousands of views. On YouTube and other social media, Brown has been widely criticized for playing hockey with friends, while children and others are not allowed to do so. Prior to this, the mayor had visited social media many times, asking residents to keep distance from society and respect instructions to avoid possible spread of the virus in the community. Rebel News, through lawyer Aaron Rosenberg, filed a complaint against Brown’s conduct to Brompton’s Commissioner of Corruption Muneeza Sheikh. It pointed out that Brown “may have violated” many of the rules in the New York City Code of Conduct, including Article 4 (Use of City Property), Article 7 (Improper Use of Influence), and Article 15 (Disposable Behavior) And Article 18 (Failure to follow the municipal council policies and procedures). The complaint also indicated that Brown may have violated New York City’s mandatory facial masking laws a few days after watching the video, provincial reopening guidelines, and may have participated in amending the rules, outlining the use of city facilities by citizens on the New York City website . Rebel news. Sheikh ruled that Brown did not violate any aspect of the code of conduct she was allowed to consider. She was unable to investigate whether Brown violated the provincial restrictions or Brampton’s mask ordinance, because these were not under her jurisdiction. She said her task is to monitor issues that apply to the Code of Conduct, City Regulations, and procedures involving the ethical behavior of board members. She wrote in the report that she is not responsible for checking whether the council members have violated the law or violated city regulations that are not related to the Code of Conduct. “My conclusion is that I can infer that if Mayor Brown violated the Mask Act, the Emergency Order and/or ordered changes to the website, he will also violate the aforementioned Code. It is not clear why she excluded The application of Rules 7 and 15 of the Code of Conduct, which prevent board members from using improper influence and acting in shameful ways. The provincial framework shows that indoor recreational activities are restricted in Phase 2 and are restricted to amateur or professional athletes Use. Melee games are not allowed. The framework says: “Except for indoor practice ranges and gun clubs, indoor entertainment is not allowed. Nevertheless, Brown admitted that he had been playing hockey in the arena since late June. The video taken about six weeks later clearly recorded the game being played. Sheikh hinted in the report that certain types are allowed in Ontario. Before using the indoor facilities of the city, it is not her jurisdiction to investigate whether the city government opened the arena. For example, what she can check is whether Brown abused his power to open his arena. Given that the focus of the complaint was on August 4 (the city at the time) In the third stage), she believes that the city allowed all residents to rent out the stage for private use that day. But Brown admitted that he has been with friends since June 24, when the city was still in the second stage of restrictions. Use the facility. It is not clear why Brown played the game in the second stage. At that time, the use of indoor facilities was extremely limited and the ice rink was not open for public use. Sheikh did not address this issue in her report. Sheikh also accepted Brown’s position, Brown is not playing hockey there, but just to “meet his friends.” But this is not what he claims in the video, which captures him saying that he is there “just to check our facilities.” The film Earlier in China, a well-equipped player was asked where Brown is. The man told Menzies: “He hasn’t shown up yet. “Menzies then asked the mayor if it was in progress. The player said. But Sheikh said that she watched the Rebel News video and she chose not to accept the content in the video, but accepted what Brown told her in an interview during the investigation. Content. The report stated that if Brown was playing games there, he would show up before the start of the group’s ice game. Brown claimed that a friend had borrowed his name bag. Sheikh said that she confirmed this to that friend. However, this is not what Brown said at the time. At the time, Brown claimed that he must often give the bag to someone because he often receives a hockey bag. This is unreasonable because the business card on the bag is removable and inserted. In the plastic card, it’s not clear why anyone kept Brown’s removable business card. Despite the key evidence, Sheikh did not include the person’s name in the report, nor did he explain why the hockey bag sitting next to Brown in the video It was full of equipment, and all the other players were already there. Playing on the ice. Sheikh did not explain why this friend put a bag of equipment with Brown’s name next to the ice while the others were already playing. As Sheikh told Menzies in the video, there is nowhere in Sheikh’s report that Brown was there to inspect the facility. She also did not mention the name of the staff who accompanied Brown and brought him to the arena that day, although He was the main witness but did not appear to have been interviewed. The only complaint Brown agreed was that he did not wear a mask when he entered the facility on August 4. The head of law enforcement and regulatory services claimed at the time that Brown did not need to wear a mask if a facility It was rented for private purposes, and Sheikh accepted this request in the report. After reviewing the New York City mask ordinance and its amendments, the guidelines could not determine the situation. Regulation 135-2020 stipulates that all public places must be worn Masks include “indoor communities, sports and recreational facilities, and clubs.” People engaged in sports or fitness activities do not need to wear masks, as long as their activities are within the emergency order. There is no mention of private gatherings. In Sheikh In the report, Morrison said that if Brown was in the building on August 4 and was a participant, then he would not have to wear a mask. Brown repeated in Sheikh’s report that he would not be there that day. Competition. It’s not clear why Sheikh accepted this suggestion, but used Morrison’s mask that only applies to “participants.” Article 12(7) of the by-law also stipulates that employees of municipalities Masks are not allowed in non-public places. Morrison confirmed this in Sheikh’s report and pointed out that “if Mayor Brown is not a participant, but an employee or agent of Brampton, Then Mayor Brown does not need to wear a mask. Throughout Sheikh’s investigation, Brown did not declare that he had been there as an employee. He said that he “visited his friends before going back to the next scheduled event.” “On August 8, the day Rebel Media released Brown’s video, the New York City website made the following statement on the facility regulations: “The arena is open to members/main user groups for figure skating and ice hockey training and improvements. Gameplay. After the video spread quickly on the 8th Saturday (that is, Saturday), the wording on the webpage was changed on the Sunday one day later. The updated webpage read: “In order to protect the safety of the community and prevent the spread of COVID-19, Lampton Recreation Center (sic) city and indoor facilities are not open for walk-in public use. The arena is open for figure skating and ice hockey training/improved gameplay. The complaint included the obvious cover-up of the facts by changing prescribed rules that would forgive Brown’s use on the grounds that Brown might abuse his power. Sheikh called the evidence of such changes to the website to cover Brown’s actions “indirect.” At the time, New York City The spokesperson told The Pointer that New York City will regularly update its website to reflect any changes to New York City facilities. The day after the video was released, someone made changes to the website on a Sunday. The complaint did not include the page. The revisions coincided with Brown’s excuses. Sheikh accepted a statement in which Brown said he did not require changes to the website in this way. Sheikh pointed out that she could not check whether Brown violated any provisions in the New York City Code of Conduct , Because the complainant did not provide a “reasonable and possible basis” for how Brown’s behavior violated the Code. “When providing the minimum details and implied infringements due to the violation of this Code, the Integrity Commissioner has no responsibility to attempt to file a feasible complaint. The ambiguity and defects of the complaint inevitably affected my decision. Sheikh said that the inference of the complaint is that “if skating in public places is not allowed on August 4, the only reason for Mayor Brown to do so is if he abuses his power to obtain ice time” or “improper influence on the city.” Sheikh really believes that Brown’s best to wear a mask in the arena. “Modeling this kind of socially conscious behavior on his friends and acquaintances, as well as any urban workers who may have become urban workers, is A small matter. Now. Although he did not use the “model” standard as instructed by the “Code of Conduct”, she did not believe that failing to show “model” behavior would violate any rules. She did not adopt the “Code” prohibiting shameful behavior in the investigation results, although There is all evidence that Brown has changed his story. Although he claims that he is still playing hockey on the field and that he violated the current provincial rules, the report fails to explain Sheikh’s previous relationship with Brown. If this shows interest Conflict. When Brown was the party leader, Sheik’s husband’s company was paid to work for a personal computer in Ontario; when Brown faced allegations of sexual misconduct that led to his downfall from the provincial regime, she publicly defended Brown (Brown denies these allegations.) It is not clear how Sheikh, who has no experience in municipal law or served as an ICAC commissioner, got a job shortly after Brown became mayor. Legal scholar and director Duff Conacher (Duff) Conacher is in line with Democracy Watch, an expert on government accountability, that Sheikh’s relationship with Brown undermines her credibility as the Commissioner of the Independent Commission of Brampton. “The Commissioner of the Independent Commission is essentially a member of the Ethics Committee. The judge is not even biased. Her relationship with Patrick Brown crossed the line, and as a result, she would have to resign and let others act as decision-makers whether there were any complaints about him. Conacher told CBC News after being hired. Brampton’s former integrity commissioner, Guy Jono, and then Brown’s election, explained that because the two knew each other and resigned from their previous jobs together within a few weeks , The connection may be regarded as a conflict. Sheikh’s report was not discussed at the board meeting on Wednesday. The board voted to discuss matters related to the Commissioner of Independent Corruption on the board date next month, and she will be present to answer any questions. Electronic Email: nida.zafar@thepointer.com Twitter: @nida_zafar Tel: 416 890-7643 COVID-19 is affecting all Canadians. At a time when everyone needs important public information, The Pointer cancels the pandemic and public interest Remuneration for all reports to ensure that every resident of Brampton and Mississauga can use the facts. For those who are able, we recommend that you consider subscribing. This will help us report the community more than ever Important public interest issues to know. You can sign up for a 30-day free trial here. After that, The Pointer will charge $10 per month, and you can cancel at any time on the website. Thank you. Nida Zafar, Local News Journalist advocacy journalist
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Nthawi yotumiza: Feb-22-2021