
Ontario e tla lahleheloa ke mesebetsi e 355,000 ka 2020, e leng phokotseho e kholo ka ho fetisisa e tlalehiloeng

Setsi sa tlhahlobo ea lichelete sa Toronto-Ontario se boletse hore profinse e lahlehetsoe ke mesebetsi e fetang 355,000 selemong se fetileng ka lebaka la seoa sa COVID-19.
Ofisiri ea Boikarabello ba Lichelete e boletse tlalehong e ncha kajeno hore palo ea batho ba sa sebetseng ke ho theoha ho hoholo ha selemo ho tlalehiloeng.
Tlaleho e boletse hore ntle le tlhokeho ea mesebetsi, ho na le baahi ba fetang 765,000 ba Ontario ba fokolitseng lihora tsa bona tsa ho sebetsa ka lebaka la seoa sena.
Keketseho e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea ho hloka mosebetsi e ne e le Peterborough, Ontario, e oeleng ka 13.5%, ha Windsor, Ontario, e theohile ka 10.9%.
Ka 1959, banna ba bararo ba hlometseng ba ile ba kena Univesithing ea Montreal ’me ba utsoa phepelo eohle ea ente ea pholio—linkho tse 75 000, tse jang $50,000.Re ithutile’ng ketsahalong ee?
Linaha tsena tse peli li boletse ka Sontaha hore mabotho a India le China a tlohile sebakeng sa letša moeling o phehisanoang ka bophirima ho Himalayas, a itokisetsa ho itokolla libakeng tse ling tsa likhohlano.Ho tloha ka Mmesa, likete tsa masole a 'nile a tobana le moeli oa Line of Actual Control (LAC) kapa moeli oa de facto, ho kenyeletsoa le leqhoa la Pangong Tso Lake.Ka Moqebelo, balaoli ba babeli ba ile ba kopana ho hlahloba boitšireletso.
(NASA e tlalehile ka Associated Press) Ho batho ba bangata, lentsoe “lijo tsa astronaut” le etsa hore motho a nahane ka liapole tse se nang metsi le ice cream e hoammeng e huleloang le eona ho ea Lefatšeng sebakeng.Empa haufinyane, lijo tse matlafatsang tse lenngoeng sebakeng li ka ’na tsa fetoha lenane la bonohe ba linaleli.E le ho lebella mesebetsi ea nakong e tlang khoeling, Mars le ho feta, mekhatlo ea sepakapaka e kang NASA le Canadian Space Agency, hammoho le "Canada Impact Program" ea Ofisi ea Privy Council, e qalile "Deep Space Food Challenge". ”Ona ke boipiletso ho bafuputsi, bo-ramahlale le baqapi ba bang ho theha mokhoa oa tlhahiso ea lijo o tla nolofalletsa linohe tsa linaleli ho itemela lijo tsa bona nakong ea maeto a nako e telele a sebaka se tebileng.Ha mekhatlo ea sepaka-pakeng e lebisa matla a eona ho hlahlobisiseng ha motho khoeling, phephetso e ba teng.Matt Bancy, mookameli oa merero e kholo ea Canadian Space Agency, o itse bothata bo bong ba ho fana ka lijo tse ncha ho linohe tsa linaleli ke hore morero ha o na matla a sa lekanyetsoang a ho lema lihlahisoa tsa temo, 'me ha li hlahise litšila tse ngata.O itse: "E, re ka tlisa lijo tse ngata tse seng li phuthetsoe, empa batho ba tšoenyehile ka hore na boleng ba phepo bo tla bolokoa nakong ena."Bakeng sa mesebetsi e ka 'nang ea nka lilemo tse' maloa, mokhoa o tšepahalang oa tlhahiso ea lijo o fa bo-rasaense lijo tse Sireletsehileng le tse nang le phepo ke senotlolo-ho fokotsa tlhokahalo ea ho tlatsetsa lijo tse tsoang lefats'eng hape ke senotlolo.Bansi o itse: "Ak'u nahane ka sehlopha sa bo-ra-astronote ba tšeletseng mosebetsing oa lilemo tse tharo."“O hloka ho tla le dijo tse ngata.Ka hona, haeba re ka ba le lijo tseo bo-astronote ba ka li hlahisang hang-hang.Theknoloji ea tlhahiso, e tla re thusa ho fokotsa ho qala sepakapakeng. ”Sesole sa linaleli sa Canada David Saint-Jacques (David Saint-Jacques) se tlatsa letamo setsing sa Veggie Ponds ka har'a capsule ea Columbus ea International Space Station.Ha mesebetsi e ntse e kenella sepakapakeng, mekhoa e mecha ea tlhahiso ea lijo e tla hlokahala ho ts'ehetsa bophelo ba bo-ramahlale nako e telele.Mona Canada, mohato oa ho nahana ka phephetso o qala ka la 12 Pherekhong 2021. Litsi tsa thuto, lik'hamphani le batho ka bomong ba ka tla ka mohopolo oa ho tobana le phephetso ena.Mokhahlelo oa bobeli - pontšo ea kichineng, e hlokang lihlopha tse tšoanelehang ho haha ​​​​litšoantšo le ho hlahisa lisampole tsa lijo-e tla phahamisetsoa boemong bo latelang ba lihlopha nakong ea hoetla.Ho sebetsana le likotsi tsa mahlaseli sebakeng se tebileng Mark Lefsrud le sehlopha sa hae sa baithuti ba ka bang 50 (bao ka kakaretso ba bitsoang sehlopha sa Martlet kapa McGill Advanced biological regeneration kit bakeng sa maeto a malelele) baa hlolisana.Lefsrud, motlatsi oa moprofesa Lefapheng la Bioresource Engineering Univesithing ea McGill, o ile a thusa ho ntshetsa pele sebaka se tsoetseng pele sa bodulo ba dimela Seteisheneng sa Sepakapakeng sa Matjhaba, moo bonohe ba linaleli ba ileng ba jala dijalo tse kang koro e kgutshwane.E 'ngoe ea lintlha tse ka sehloohong tse lokelang ho nahanoa ke linohe tsa linaleli tse etsang mesebetsi e tebileng ea sepaka-pakeng ke ho pepesetsoa mahlaseli a kotsi, a ka bakang tšenyo ea lisele le lisele le ho eketsa kotsi ea moastronote ea ho tšoaroa ke mofetše, mafu a methapo ea kutlo le ho tsofala pele ho nako.Likotsi tsa mahlaseli li eketseha ka nqane ho tsela e tlase ea lefatše ea Seteishene sa Lefaufau sa Machaba, 'me moeli o ka holimo oa sebaka sena o lekanyelitsoe hoo e ka bang lik'hilomithara tse 1,000 ka holim'a lefatše.Litebello |Mathata a tobaneng le baqapi ba sebetsanang le phephetso ea lijo tsa sebaka se tebileng: Lijo tse nang le antioxidant e phahameng li ka thusa ho fokotsa kotsi ena.Joalo ka ha mesebetsi ea boromuoa e sebetsana le maeto ho pholletsa le litselana tse tlase tsa Lefatše, linohe tsa linaleli li ka eketsa ho ja lijo tse ncha tse nang le li-antioxidants ho itšireletsa.Leifsruder o boletse hore ka ho kenya metsoako e itseng lijong, e kang lutein, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, le lycopene, “linohe tsa linaleli li na le phello e molemo tabeng ea ho itšireletsa khatellong ea mahlaseli a kotsi.”Lebaka le ka sehloohong ke tatso.Bonohe ba linaleli ba tlameha ho ja se melang sebakeng.Lefsrud o itse: “Haeba re ka qobella bo-ramahlale hore ba je khale ka linako tsohle, ho molemo haholo.”“Bothata ke hore batho ha ba rate ho ja molora haholo, ka hona bothata ke hore re ka khetha limela tse ling tse monate.Ho joalo?”Sesole sa linaleli sa NASA, Shane Kimbrough, se phaphametse Seteisheneng sa Machaba sa Space Space ka lethise le lefubelu.A re ka nepo, sistimi e tlameha ho ba le tekanyo e itseng ea automation.Ke hobane litsebi tsa linaleli ha se kamehla li laolang lijalo seteisheneng.Bansi o itse: "Re batla ho fetang feela serapa sa nkhono kapa ntate-moholo mona."Re tšepa hore [re] ka nka mehato e itseng ho thusa ho fepa litloholo tsa rōna lefatšeng le ka ’nģane ho lefatše.”Le rōna re ka khona.Morero oa Naurvik, mokhoa oa tlhahiso ea lijo o sebelisoang lefatšeng, ke tšebelisano pakeng tsa sechaba sa Gjoa Haven, Arctic Research Foundation, Canadian Agriculture le Agrifood, Lekhotla la Sechaba la Lipatlisiso la Canada le Canada Space Agency.Sistimi ea tlhahiso ea lijo e etelletsoeng pele ke sechaba Nunavut e fana ka mohlala oa thekenoloji ea theko e tlase, e hlahisang lihlahisoa tse ngata bakeng sa tlhahiso ea temo libakeng tse thata.Naurvik Greenhouse e Gjoa Haven ke seteishene sa hydroponic containerization moo litsebi tsa sechaba li ntseng li lema lijo tse ncha tse tsitsitseng ho tloha ka Mphalane 2019. Seteishene sena hajoale ha se karolo ea "Deep Space Food Challenge", empa ke mohato o ikemetseng, le setsi sa sebaka. e re e ka sebelisoa e le mohlala oa mesebetsi e tebileng ea sepakapaka.Setsebi sa Naurvik Betty Kogvik o lema lihlahisoa tsa temo selemo ho pota, o kotula lettuce ea romaine, pepere e khubelu le tamati ea cherry, 'me o li isa ho batho ba hōlileng sechabeng.Lihlahisoa tse setseng li tla romelloa mosebetsing kapa sekolong.O bolelletse CBC News mohaleng: "Sena se thusa bana haholo.""Re lula re tlisa ho hong sekolong sa mathomo le se phahameng."Hajoale, Kogvik le litsebi tse ling tsa Naurvik ba ntse ba lema broccoli.Ba rera ho qala ho etsa lipache tsa fragola ka likhoeli tse 'maloa.Betty Kogvik, setsebi sa Naurvik, o lema lihlahisoa tse ncha ebe o li isa ho batho ba baholo le likolo tsa sechaba sa Gjoa Haven.Naurvik e ka sebelisa matla a tala (joalo ka matla a letsatsi le moea) ho sebetsa ka katleho lefifing la lihora tse 24 le khanya ea letsatsi ea lihora tse 24.Adrian Schimnowski, Ofisiri e ka Sehloohong le Mookameli oa Ts'ebetso ea Arctic Research Foundation, o re e khona ho mamella mocheso o fapaneng.O bolelletse CBC News: "Projeke ke mohato o motle haholo.E bontša menyetla le ho hlahisa lipotso tse ngata.E re fa malebela le mehopolo ea ho sebetsa sebakeng. ”Schimnowski o itse, se tšoanang se ka fetisoa Fokotsa khaello ea phepelo ea lijo le ho thusa ho eketsa chai ea tlhahiso ea lijo libakeng tse feteletseng kapa maemong a khaello ea lisebelisoa, le ho fana ka theknoloji ena ho lichaba tse ling tse phelang libakeng tse thata ho ntlafatsa polokeho ea lijo.Bansi o itse: "Re tšepa hore mekhoa e mecha e nkiloeng phephetsong ena e tla tlisa melemo ea saense le theknoloji hammoho le melemo ea tlhahiso ea lijo bophelong ba letsatsi le letsatsi ba Canada."“Re batla litharollo tse tla re thusa e le kannete ho hatela pele.Lenaneo lena le re lumella ho lema lijo sebakeng, e leng se ka re tsoelang molemo le lefatšeng.”Phephetso e lebelletsoe ho fela nakong ea selemo ea 2024, ha mohapi oa likhau oa Canada a tla phatlalatsoa.Lenaneo la NASA la Artemis le boetse le ikemiselitse ho beha "mosali oa pele le monna ea latelang" khoeling ka nako eo.
Brampton, Ontario Monna ea lilemo li 29 oa Brampton, Ontario o tobane le liqoso tsa ho leka ho bolaea ka mor'a ho thoe o hlasetse 'm'ae mafelong a beke.Mapolesa a sebakeng sa Peel a re a bitselitsoe lelapeng leo ka Moqebelo thapama ka mor'a ho fumana tlaleho ea tlhekefetso.Ba re ba fumane mosadi a hlabilwe ka thipa hae.O ile a isoa sepetlele a ntse a le boemong bo botle.Mapolesa a ile a qosa mora oa mosali eo ka hore o balehile ha hae ka maoto ’me a tšoaroa hamorao hona letsatsing leo.Hona joale o tobane le melato e le 'ngoe ea ho leka ho bolaea le tse tharo tsa tlōlo ea molao.Tlaleho ea Canadian News Agency e phatlalalitsoe ka lekhetlo la pele ka la 21 Hlakubele 2021.
Jean Langelier oa Limmaraka tse Hlahang le Mausoleum ea New Century, FIDEL de La Matanie, Mookameli oa Innovative Biological Development, le mookameli oa pele oa baeloji ea tobileng: setsebi sa moruo oa nts'etsopele Développement Économique Matanie.«Je suistrès, trèsheureux», kamano ea likamano tsa sechaba «Ho kenya letsoho sehopotsong sa konsarete.Je Pense que larégionva se donner un outil pourcréerplus d'emploi et de la richesse.Litaba tsa Alors je suistrès.»koranta ea letsatsi le letsatsi ea DEM et L'économie.«Khothalletsa le ho khothaletsa tsosoloso ea tlhaho ea motho.»Jean Langelier n'a pas voulu donner davantage dedétails (Jean Langelier n'a pas voulu donner davantage dedétails), e hlophisitsoeng ke MRC de la Mtanie foundation e La Matanie, e na le sebaka sa nts'etsopele ea moruo oa lehae.Claudie Arseneault, Mon Matane Local Press Initiative
Oli ea naha ea Japane ea oli ea tlhapi DHA & EPA + Sesame Ming E, botlolo e le 'ngoe e nang le mesebetsi e 4, li-capsules tse 4 ka letsatsi, tlhokomelo e bonolo, e bonolo le e pharaletseng ea bophelo bo botle!'Me lehae le theotsoe ka 10% ka nako e lekanyelitsoeng, kahoo tseba!
(Fred Chatland / Canadian Press) Tona-khōlō e lebeletsoe ho phatlalatsa mokhoa o mocha bekeng ena ho khetha 'Musisi hore a atlehe Julie Payette.Julie Payette o ile a itokolla mosebetsing khoeling e fetileng.Libaka tsa mosebetsi tse chefo” le “tse nang le chefo”.Dominic LeBlanc, mopresidente oa Lekhotla la Bofumahali la Mofumahali, o boletse hore mmuso o tseba bohlokoa ba ho khetha "batho ba hlahelletseng ba Canada" bakeng sa mosebetsi ona mme a re Tonakholo Justin Trudeau (Justin Trudeau) Ho tla ba le ho hongata ho bua matsatsing a 'maloa a tlang.LeBron o ile a bolella Rosemary Barton Live ka Sontaha hoseng: "Ha ho pelaelo hore re nahana hore Moahloli e Moholo e tla ba Mookameli oa Molaotheo ke ntho e sa lokelang ho tšoarella likhoeli le likhoeli.“Ke tšepa hore bekeng e tlang re tla be re na le seo re tla se bua mabapi le ho akofisa tšebetso, hobane rea hlokomela hore re lokela ho nka khato ka potlako ho khetha mohlahlami oa Mofumahali Payette.Trudeau o boletse khoeling e fetileng hore kamora ho nyatsoa ha mokhoa oa hae oa ho khetha Payette ho nka mosebetsi, ts'ebetso ea tlhahlobo e tla ba matla le ho feta.O ile a khetha boemo ba hae ho e-na le ho sebelisa boto ea boeletsi ea Tonakholo ea mehleng Stephen Harper.Mekhoa ea ho khothaletsa bakhethoa ba loketseng.Mokha oa bohanyetsi o sebetsa ka thata ho ba karolo ea khetho mme o khothalelitse hore Trudeau e tuma boemong ba batho ba tummeng ba Payette oa mehleng.Litaba tsa CBC li tlalehile ka Loetse hore Trudeau Liofisi tse ngata li ile tsa hloleha ho buisana le bonyane bahiri ba babeli ba ka sehloohong ba nakong e fetileng pele ba khetha Payette, e leng se ka supang hore o fumane chelete e ka bang $200,000 ea moputso oa ho tlohela mosebetsi ka mor'a hore a itokolle Setsing sa Saense sa Montreal ka 2016 ka lebaka la litletlebo mabapi le kalafo ea hae. .Ho latela mehloli e mengata, o boetse a tlohile Komiting ea Liolimpiki ea Canada ka selemo sa 2017 kamora ho etsa lipatlisiso tse peli tsa kahare (ho kenyeletsoa ho hlekefetsoa ka mantsoe) mabapi le kalafo ea basebetsi.Payette le motlatsi oa hae Assunta Di Lorenzo ba re Ka mor'a ho fumana tlaleho e khothatsang mabapi le litlhahlobo tsa sebaka sa mosebetsi, o ile a itokolla mosebetsing ka January 21. Tlalehong ea CBC News likhoeling tse supileng tse fetileng, mehloli e leshome le metso e 'meli ea lekunutu e boletse hore Payette o nyenyefalitsoe, o qosoa le ho tlotlolloa phatlalatsa, Ofisi ea Privy Council. (PCO) e bakile tlhahlobo ea mokha oa boraro ho hira Quintet Consulting.Di Lorenzo o ne a boetse a qosoa ka ho hlekefetsa basebetsi.Tlaleho e boletse hore bafuputsi ba sebaka sa mosebetsi ba ile ba buisana le batho ba 92, bao boholo ba bona ba hlalositseng Phihlelo ea "ho nahanela ka mokhoa o nepahetseng".Barupeluoa ba ka tlase ho 10 ba hlalositse maikutlo a nepahetseng kapa a ho se nke lehlakore mabapi le tikoloho ea mosebetsi.Quintet e rekotile "ho tleroha, ho tleroha, boitšoaro bo mabifi, litlhaloso tse nyenyefatsang, le ho rohaka phatlalatsa Liqoso" li khothalelitse bakuli ba 13 ba ileng ba kenya letsoho tlhahlobong hore ba nke matsatsi a phomolo a ho kula le ba 17 ho tsoa ka ofising ka botlalo.Ho ea ka mehloli e mengata, CBC News e boetse e tlaleha hore litaba tse tlositsoeng tlalehong e ne e le tseko ea hore boitšoaro bo mabifi ba Payette bo kenyelletsa ho se mamele le basebetsi.Kamohelo ea ho kopana 'meleng, e leng ho etsang hore basebetsi ba bang ba ikutloe ba sokeloa.Sepheo sa tlaleho e ikemetseng ke ho fumana boholo ba bothata.Mongoli oa tlaleho ha aa ka a leka ho fumana lintlha.Tokomane e itšetlehile feela ka tlaleho ea mohlahlobuoa.Rido Hall ( Rideau Hall e netefalitse hore ho tloha bofelong ba Pherekhong, e ne e lefile kakaretso ea litefiso tsa tšebeletso ea molao e lefuoang feme ea molao e hiriloeng Blakes le Moahloli oa mehleng Michel Bastarache oa Lekhotla le ka Holimo-limo la Canada. C$165,000 hammoho le lekhetho le sebelisitsoe. mabapi le litlhahlobo tsa sebaka sa mosebetsi Konteraka ea PCO le Quintet e boetse e bitsa chelete e fetang $390 000. Sheba LeBron o re ts'ebetso ea khetho e akaretsang ea 'musisi e ka phethoa bekeng e tlang: tlaleho e ncha e sa lokisoang e lokollotsoeng PCO e lokolotse mofuta o mocha oa tlaleho e hlophisitsoeng ka Moqebelo bosiu, e bolelang hore. Litherisano tsa batho ba boraro li se li felile 'me maqephe a' maloa a tlaleho a ke ke a fetoloa. Ka 2020, Blakes o ile a ngolla ofisi ea Quinet le Privy Council, a pheha khang ea hore Rideau Hall e lokela ho ba le monyetla oa ho fana ka lintlha tsa morao-rao mabapi le liqoso, mme a re setsi sa morao tjena "E entse liphetoho tse kholo tsa meralo, ho kenyelletsa le tšusumetso e kholo sebakeng sa ofisi. , le khatiso e eketsehileng ea ho ntlafatsa tšebetso.” Feme ea molao e ile ea ngola: “Liphetoho tse etsoang liofising hangata li baka matšoenyeho le litletlebo.Ka hona, liphetoho tsa morao-rao le tse kholo li etsa hore tlhahlobo ea Maemo e be ea bohlokoa haholo. ”Blakes o boetse a pheha khang ea hore basebetsi ba Rideau Hall ba na le polelo mabapi le tikoloho ea sebaka sa mosebetsi e bileng teng pele ho nako ea Payette.Ka 2014, phuputso ea mosebetsi oa basebeletsi ba sechaba e fumane hore karolo ea 18 lekholong ea basebetsi e ile ea arabela ka hore ke mahlatsipa a tlhekefetso mosebetsing, ha phuputso ea 2017 e fumane hore palo ena e nyolohetse ho 19%.Makasine ea Maclean's e tlaleha hore nakong eo Payette e neng e le setulong, Rideau Hall e ne e nkoa e le motho ea hlekefetsoang ka ho fetisisa tšebeletsong ea sechaba.Phuputso e fumane hore 22% ea ba arabelitsoeng ba neng ba sebetsa Rideau Hall ba boletse hore ba hlekefelitsoe, ho tloha ho 25% ka 2018-e ntse e le boemo ba boraro bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa ba tlhekefetso e tlalehiloeng ke lefapha leha e le lefe la federal kapa mokhatlo.Feme ea molao e ile ea fana ka chate e nang le mehato eo ofisi e e nkileng ho fetola maemo a mosebetsi.Blakes o boetse o ngola hore mebusong e menyenyane, ts'ebetso ea tlhahlobo e nkoang e le "tekanyetso ho isa kotsing e kholo" e ka ba "tsietsing ea ho hlaseloa hobane e khothalletsa ho kena-kenana le lipolotiki mekhatlong e ikemetseng ea mmuso."Blakes o ngotse: “Haeba ho se na ho nahanela ho leka-lekaneng ka nepo le khaello ea mehato ea ts’ireletso khahlanong le liqoso ho ka ’na ha tsosa maikutlo a batho a ho kena-kenana le lipolotiki.”Trullo o boletse ka Pherekhong selemong sena hore o tla etsa seo a neng a tla se etsa ha 'musisi e mocha a ne a le ka mor'a hore ho be le khang mabapi le khetho ea mosebetsi oa Payette Ts'ebetso ea tumello e matla haholoanyane.Ofisi ea Privy Council e ile ea hana kōpo ea feme ea molao ea hore ho etsoe phetoho.PCO e arabile hore Blake ha aa lokela ho ikopanya le Quintet, e leng se ileng sa baka pherekano le ho liehisa tlhahlobo.Motlatsi oa Letona la PCO Daniel (Daniel) o ngotse: “Re u kopa hore u se hlole u etsa sena;lengolo lena leo u le rometseng le entse hore re kope tlhakisetso mabapi le karolo ea Quintet Consulting, e bakileng tieho ts'ebetsong.Luxi o boletse., “Ho bonahala ho na le ho se utloisisane” ka mokhoa ona.Morero oa tlhahlobo ena ke ho etsa "lipatlisiso tsa 'nete" ho fapana le "lipatlisiso tse hlophisitsoeng."Ka hona, tlhahlobo e ke ke ea "bakela mathata leha e le afe a tsamaiso ea toka," Blakes o hlalositse lengolong leo.PCO e ile ea boela ea hana khopolo ea hore ho na le "kotsi ea ho kena-kenana le lipolotiki" 'me ea bolela hore ka lebaka la matšoenyeho a hlahisitsoeng ke mecha ea litaba, PCO e ile ea hira mohlahlobi ea ikemetseng oa mokha oa boraro ho etsa bonnete ba hore o fana ka "likeletso tsa litsebi tse se nang lehlakore".Lekala le boetse le khothalelitse hore litlhaloso tsa feme ea molao li bonahala li etsa hore Rideau Hall e ikemele pusong, empa ke karolo ea 'muso 'me e tlameha ho latela maano a Komiti ea Lichelete.Lucy o ngotse: "Le hoja matšoenyeho ao u a hlahisitseng lengolong la hau a nkoa ka botebo, re lumela hore mekhoa e hlahisitsoeng e ke ke ea thusa Quintet Consulting ho etsa tlhahlobo e sebetsang le e nakong."Payette o ile a tsitlella ho tloha qalong., O nka ho hleka-hlekoa mosebetsing e le habohlokoa haholo.Ha a itokolla mosebetsing, o ile a ngola polelong e reng: “Motho e mong le e mong o na le tokelo ea ho ba sebakeng sa mosebetsi se phetseng hantle le se sireletsehileng ka nako leha e le efe le kae kapa kae.”“Ofisi ea ’Musisi ha e bonahale e le joalo kamehla.Ho bile le tsitsipano Holong ea Rideau likhoeling tse 'maloa tse fetileng.Ke masoabi ka boemo bona.”Kaofela re bile le liphihlelo tse fapaneng, empa ka linako tsohle re lokela ho leka ho etsa betere le ho ela hloko maikutlo a e mong le e mong… mabapi le seriti sa Ntlo ea Motlatsi oa 'Musisi oa ka le naha ea rona le ea rona Mabapi le melemo ea demokrasi, ke ile ka etsa qeto ea hore. 'musisi e mocha a ka shebella karolo e felletseng ea Rosemary Barton Live ho ts'ebeletso ea phallo ea CBC ea CBC Gem.
(E fanoe ke Dylan Clark) Ho latela webosaete ea mmuso e latellang linyeoe tsa COVID-19, nyeoe e ncha ea COVID-19 e fumanoe Arviat, Nunavut.Tsosoloso e meraro e boetse e tlalehiloe, e leng se tlisitseng palo eohle ea linyeoe tse sebetsang sechabeng ho 28. Sena ke sona feela sebaka Nunavut se nang le nyeoe ea ts'ebetso ea COVID-19.Matsatsing a robong a ho qetela a selemo se fetileng, sechaba se tlalehile linyeoe tse ncha ka lebaka la seoa se pharaletseng se qalileng ka Pulungoana selemong se fetileng.Ho tloha bofelong ba December ho isa bofelong ba Pherekhong, ha ho na linyeoe tse ncha tse tlalehiloeng nako e ka etsang khoeli.Empa ho tloha ka nako eo, ho fumanoe linyeoe tse ngata tse ncha.Ho tloha qalong ea seoa sena, ho tlalehiloe linyeoe tse 295 tsa COVID-19 sechabeng.Moahi e mong o ile a bolaoa ke lefu lena.Ka Labohlano, ofisiri e ka sehloohong ea bophelo bo botle ba sechaba ea Nunavut, Dr. Michael Patterson (Michael Patterson) o ile a kōpa baahi hore ba se ke ba qeta mafelo-beke ba etela beng ka bona le metsoalle.O itse tokollong ea boralitaba: "Ntho ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa ke hore Arviammiut ha a tsoe ka monyako, a boloka 'mele oa hae o arohane,' me o roala maske ha a le ka ntle ho ntlo."Hajoale, ho kena le ho tsoa metseng e menyenyane ho lekanyelitsoe ho batho ba tsamaeang bakeng sa maemo a tšohanyetso kapa a mantlha.Ba boholong ba tsa bophelo bo botle ba hloka hore mang kapa mang ea ntseng a etela ho tloha ka la 12 Pherekhong a itšehle thajana le ho lekola matšoao.Sechaba hajoale se na le phihlello ea ente ea Moderna COVID-19, empa sebaka seo ha se so ka se senola hore na ke batho ba bakae ba entetsoeng.Sechaba se entse liteko tse ka bang 2500 tsa COVID-19.Nunavummiut ea belaelang hore e kanna eaba o kile a ikopanya le motho ea nang le COVID-19, ka kopo letsetsa mohala oa mohala oa COVID-19 ho 1-888-975-8601 lipakeng tsa 10 hoseng le 6pm Eastern Standard Time, kapa u ba tsebise hanghang setsing sa bophelo sa Sechaba le hang-hang a koalloa lapeng ka matsatsi a 14.
Emily Musing oa University Health Network o boletse puisanong le Rosemary Barton Live (Rosemary Barton Live) hore tleliniki ea eona ea ente ea COVID-19 sebakeng sa Toronto e monate ebile e monate.
Athene, Greece-Motšoantšisi le motsamaisi ea tummeng oa Mogerike Dimitris Lignadis o hlahile lekhotleng la Athene ka Sontaha mme ha a ka a araba ho fihlela ka Laboraro.'Maseterata o qositse linyeoe tse ngata tsa peto.Ba boholong lekhotla ba ile ba re o tla lula teronkong ho fihlela ka nako eo.Lekhotla la lehae le bachochisi ba tla etsa qeto ka kopanelo hore na ba tla mo tšoara kapa ba mo lokolle pele ho nyeoe.Ho ea ka mehloli ea lekhotla, Lignadis o qosoa ka ho betoa ke bana ba babeli nakong ea liketsahalo tsa 2010 le 2015.O ile a latola phoso leha e le efe.Lignadis ea lilemo li 56 o ile a itokolla mosebetsing ka la 6 Hlakola e le motsamaisi oa bonono oa National Theatre ea Greece, kamora litlaleho tsa hore o itšoere hantle.Khoeling e fetileng, ho bile le liqoso tse ngata tsa tlhekefetso ea thobalano le peto khahlanong le batšoantšisi ba bangata ba tummeng, batsamaisi le liofisiri tsa Greece, tse bakileng motsotso oa #MeToo Greece.Motho oa pele ea ileng a bua e ne e le setsebi sa khau ea khauta ea Liolimpiki, Sofia Bekatorou, ea ileng a qosa ofisiri ea Greek Sailing Federation ka ho mo beta ka 1998. Letona la Setso sa Greece Lina Mendoni o boletse ka Labohlano hore o kōpile mochochisi oa Lekhotla le ka Holimo-limo hore a batlisise liqoso tsa peto le tlhekefetso. .Sechabeng sa theater.Bahanyetsi ba ile ba mo qosa ka ho leka ho koahela Linadis, ea ileng a khethoa ke 'muso oa hona joale oa conservative ka 2019. Demetris Nellas, Associated Press.
Ontario kajeno e tlalehile linyeoe tse 1087 tse ncha tsa COVID-19 le mafu a macha a 13 a amanang le vaerase.Mongoli oa bophelo bo botle Christine Elliott o re palo ena e kenyelletsa linyeoe tse 344 tsa Toronto, tse 156 tsa Peel le tse 122 tsa York.Ha sebaka sa York se khutlela morerong oa karabelo ea seoa sa profinse e ngotsoeng ka bofubelu ka Mantaha, litaelo tsa ntlo eohle tsa Mantaha li tla hlakoloa.Empa Elliott o itse ho Twitter hoseng hona, "Ho khutlela moralong ha ho bolele ho khutlela ho tloaelehileng."Letlhomeso la porofense le tlhalosa gore bontsi jwa barekisi ba ba dirang mo kgaolong e khibidu ba tshwanetse go fokotsa bareki go 50% ya bokgoni jo bo tlwaelegileng., 'Me likopano tsa sefahleho li ka amohela feela batho ba ka bang 5 ka matlung le batho ba 25 ka ntle.Ke mafapha a bophelo bo botle a Toronto, Peel le North Bay Parry Sound feela a bileng ka litaelo tse ling tsa nako eohle ho pholletsa le profinse.Basebeletsi ba phahameng ba bophelo bo botle ba sechaba Toronto le Peel ba kopile mehato ea ho eketsa palo ea linyeoe tsa letsatsi le letsatsi bakeng sa libeke tse peli, mme North Bay e ntse e sebetsa ho rarolla bothata ba ho eketseha ha linyeoe tse amanang le phetoho ea COVID-19 e ileng ea fumanoa pele UK.Lintlha ka Sontaha li bonts'itse hore hajoale ho na le bakuli ba sepetlele ba 660 ka lebaka la COVID-19, ho tloha ho 699 letsatsi pele ho moo.Empa profinse e boletse hore lipetlele tse fetang 10% ha li fane ka data, e leng ntho e tloaelehileng mafelo-beke.Porofense e boletse hore bakuli ba 277 ba fumane tlhokomelo e matla, mme ba 181 ho bona ba ile ba hlahlojoa mochining oa moea mme liteko tse ka bang 48,200 li ile tsa phethoa.Eliot o boetse a re ho tloha ka Moqebelo bosiu, Ontario e amohetse litekanyetso tse 556,533 tsa ente ea COVID-19.Tlaleho e tlalehiloeng ke Canada e phatlalalitsoe ka lekhetlo la pele ka la 21 Hlakubele 2021.
Ho, Zhuosi Gallery le litlhare tse kholo li ka thabela theolelo ea 10%.Nako ea papatso ke ho fihlela la 28 Hlakola. Ka kopo sheba webosaete ea semmuso bakeng sa lintlha.
Calgary-'M'e eo lelapa la hae le neng le hula ka thata licheleteng le maikutlong, ka lebaka la mokhatlo oa lithuso oa liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng o mo thusitseng ho lefella katse ea hae e neng e lemetse tlhokomelo ea bongaka nakong eo ho neng ho le lefifi haholo.Shannon Miller o re mora oa hae ea lilemo li 18 Jordan o sa tsoa qeta chemotherapy bakeng sa mofuta o sa tloaelehang oa mofetše oa masapo le lisele tse bonolo.Puisanong le mecha ea litaba ea Canada, Miller o itse: “Hoa hlanya.E ne e le selemo se mahlonoko.”Mora oa hae ea lilemo li 14, Josh, o tšoenyehile ’me o ’nile a sebetsa ka thata ho phekola boloetse ba moen’ae.Miller o ile a re Josh o ile a kōpa motsoalle oa hae oa nama ea Nala hore a mo tšehetse maikutlong, empa o ne a hloka opereishene e turang ho lokisa leqeba la noka.“Nara esale e le matšeliso a hae a felletseng.Ha a ikutloa a tšoenyehile, a mo pholla ’me a robala le eena.Le hona joale, o ntse a koaletsoe ka kotopong ka phaposing ea rōna ea ho phomola, ’me o ntse a robetse ka kamoreng ea rōna ea ho phomola., Hobane ha a khone ho robala ntle le Nara.Miller le monna oa hae ka bobeli ha ba sebetse ka lebaka la COVID-19.O boletse hore thuso ea metsoalle le mesebetsi ea GoFundMe ha ea lekana ho lefella ngaka ea liphoofolo.Melissa David, mothehi oa parachute ea liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng, o itse: "Ha a mpitsa ... ke tla mo joetsa hore a oele."Khampani e fana ka tlhokomelo ea liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng, ho kenyeletsoa lijo, ho beng ba liphoofolo tsa lapeng tse hlokang.Basket le litšebeletso tsa bongaka.David o re Miller o tšoenyehile ka phello ea tahlehelo ea lelapa la katse ho mora oa hae.David o itse: “Eo ke bophelo ba hae ba kelello.”Miller o re Nara o ne a bonahala a tlameha ho koalloa.O ile a re: “Re ne re nahana hore re lokela ho mo beha fatše ka matsatsi a mararo, ’me Josh o ile a lla ntho e ’ngoe le e ’ngoe eo a e entseng.O ne a senyehile.Eo e ne e se nako e monate,” “Hona joale o thabile.Ke nyakallo feela.Ho moshanyana ea lilemong tsa bocha, ho thaba ho tlōla ho bolela ho hong.”David o qalile ho fana ka libaskete tsa limpho tse 25 ho isa ho tse 30 ka khoeli selemong se fetileng.Ka December selemong se fetileng, ka mor’a hore a fumane lengolo le tsoang ho bana ’me a kōpe Santa hore a thuse liphoofolo tsa bona tse ruuoang lapeng ho e-na le ho tlisa limpho tsa Keresemese, tlhokahalo ea khoeli le khoeli e ile ea nyolohela ho libaskete tse fetang 600.Ka mor'a likarabo tsa 4,000 ka matsatsi a mararo, ho kenyelletsa le basebeletsi ba sechaba ba 35 ba tsoang Canada, ho hlakile hore ho na le mosebetsi o mongata o lokelang ho etsoa.David o itse: “Hona joale Canada ha e na merero ea ho thusa bana ho tlosa liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng malapeng a bona.Ba ikopanye le mekhatlo e mengata ea bana.”"Ho hlakile hore re hloka mananeo a ikemiselitseng ho thusa bana ho rua liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng."David o itse, Mohato oa pele e bile ka Mmesa, ka thuso ea Mikael Backlund Setsing sa Flame Calgary.Sebapali sa NHL se lahlehetsoe ke ntja ea hae Lily pejana selemong sena, 'me lets'olo la lefa la Lily le tla khothaletsa sechaba ho rekela bana le liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng tse hlokang Paseka."Sena ke ho thusa ngoana ea tla arohanngoa le phoofolo ea lapeng.Re tla sebeletsa ho thusa ngoana enoa le phoofolo ena ea lapeng-ebang ke lithapo, likhoele, tlhokomelo ea bongaka ba liphoofolo, liente, mangolo a tumello…ho fihlela ba itsoella pele ka bo bona.”Backlund, ea faneng ka litekete tsa hockey ea leqhoa ho mokhatlo oa liphallelo, o boletse hore ho lahleheloa ke Lily ho thata ho eena le mosali oa hae, 'me o thabela ho thusa.O itse: "Re nahana hore e ka ba mohopolo o motle ho etsa ntho e ntle ka lebitso la khosatsana ea rona.""Ena ke tsela e ntle ea ho qala ka baskete ea Paseka ... 'me u thuse bana bana ho boloka liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng le ho tšepa ho bokella chelete, E le hore re ka ntšetsa pele lenaneo."Moithaopi Kelly MacQuarrie o ntse a tsamaisa liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng bakeng sa liphallelo ka thuso ea mora oa hae ea lilemo li tšeletseng Camden.O ile a re: “O rata liphoofolo, o rata liphoofolo.O nahana hore ho ka ’na ha e-ba masoabi hore bana ba bang ba hlolehe ho rua liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng.”Camden o re o rata likatse tsa ginger, 'me o utloisisa hore na ke hobane'ng ha a batla ho tsamaisa libaskete tsa liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng.“Hobane ba hloka lijo kapa ba ka shoa.Ho thusa liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng ke ntho e ntle. ”David o re o tšepa hore mokhatlo oa liphallelo o tla atolohela likarolong tsohle tsa naha lilemong tse tharo tse tlang ho kopanya bana le liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng.“Ho utloisa bohloko ho nahana hore bana ba bangata hakana ba fetile phihlelong ena ntle le thuso.”Tlaleho ea Canadian News Agency e qalile ho lokolloa ka la 21 Hlakola, 2021. —Follow @BillGraveland on Twitter, Bill Graveland oa Setsi sa Litaba sa Canada.
Ho latela lintlha tse qotsitsoeng tlalehong ea UN e bonoeng ke Reuters, Eric Prince, molaoli oa ts'ireletso le motšehetsi oa Mopresidente oa mehleng oa Amerika, Donald Trump, "bonyane" o thusitse ho qoba thibelo ea libetsa Libya.Setsebi se ikemetseng sa likotlo tsa UN se ile sa qosa khosana ka ho fana ka ts'ebetso ea sesole sa poraefete ho Molaoli oa Bochabela oa Libya, Halifa Haftar ka Mmesa 2019, e tsejoang e le "ts'ebetso ea morero," le ho thusa ho e rekela lifofane tse tharo.
Mokhanni oa Lefora oa BLAUSASC-Canadian Michael Woods o hapile sebaka sa bobeli ho Tour de France-Marina le Duval ea matsatsi a mararo ka Sontaha.Dian Gianluca Brambilla o hlotse Italy ka metsotsoana e 13.Batho ba sethaleng.Woods o ile a kena letsatsing la ho qetela la papali ka mor'a ho hapa sethaleng sa bobeli ka Moqebelo, 'me o ne a le morao ka metsotsoana e mehlano ka kakaretso.Mokhanni oa Dutch Bauke Mollema o palame Trek-Segafredo hammoho le Brambilla, ea boemong ba boraro.Papaling ea hae ea pele ka mebala ea sehlopha sa naha sa Iseraele se qalang, Woods o ne a le ka morao ho Brambilla ka metsotsoana e 13 papaling ea Sontaha.Monna ea lilemo li 34 oa Ottawa o itse: “Ke nyahamisitsoe ke hore ha ke khone ho boloka jeresi e tšehla.Empa ka kakaretso, ha ke khone ho tletleba.Sehlopha se nkile karolo peisong e kholo. ”Woods o ne a le mothating oa pele ka Labohlano.Sebaka sa bone.Tlaleho ea Canadian News Agency e phatlalalitsoe ke Setsi sa Litaba sa Canada ka la 21 Hlakubele 2021.
Ho ela hloko chelete ea ho tlohela mosebetsi le tšireletso ea meriana, u ka boela ua etsa kopo ea ho fokotsa lekhetho.Ho na le monyetla oa hore theolelo ea hau ea lekhetho ea selemo e ka ba holimo ho HK$68,000!
Foromo ea kopo ea Le Royaume-Uni's Suite d'une campagnelancée bakeng sa setifikeiti sa tšebelisano-'moho ea ka hare ho iTunes.
Sepolesa sa Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) se re monna e mong o shoele ka Moqebelo ka mor'a hore koloi ea hae e fetohe ha a ntse a leka ho tsoa ka foro ho Highway 1. ka Moqebelo.Ha mapolesa a fihla, a ile a fumana basebetsi ba tšohanyetso sebakeng sa ketsahalo, ba leka ho pholosa bophelo ba monna ea lilemo li 63.HO rometsoe ambulense ea sefofane ea STARS ho tla thusa, empa ho ile ha phatlalatsoa hore monna eo o hlokahetse sebakeng seo.Mapolesa a re lipatlisiso tsa bona tsa pele li fumane hore monna o ile a khanna koloi ea hae ka har'a sekoti pakeng tsa litsela tse ka bochabela le tse ka bophirimela tsa Highway 1 ha a ntse a leka ho khanna koloi ea hae ho tloha Highway 1. Ka mor'a lipatlisiso tsa mapolesa, tsela e kholo ea 1 e lebisang bochabela le bophirimela. e ile ea koaloa lihora tse 'maloa.Phatlalatso ea boralitaba e tsoang ho Royal Canadian Mounted Police e boletse hore tsela e kholo e ile ea buloa hape hoo e ka bang ka 6pm Central Standard Time.Qu'Appelle, setsebi sa kaho ea sephethephethe sa RCMP se tsoang Weben, le Saskatchewan Coroner Service le bona ba bile teng ketsahalong eo.Mapolesa a re lipatlisiso li ntse li tsoela pele.
(Bernard Lebel/Radio Canada file photo) Lehae la maqheku Edmundston le tlaleha lefu la lona la botšelela hobane le ntse le tsoela pele ho arabela seoa sa khoeli le khoeli sa COVID-19.Ho latela Lekala la Bophelo bo Botle ba Sechaba, ho tloha ka Labohlano, Manoir Belle Vue o netefalitse linyeoe tse 92, ho kenyeletsoa baahi ba 51 le basebetsi ba 41.Setsi sena se phatlalalitsoe se shoele polelong ea Facebook hoseng hona, mme se boletse hore lefu le etsahetse matsatsing a morao tjena.E boetse e tlaleha linyeoe tse peli tse ncha tse amang baahi moketjaneng o fetileng oa tlhahlobo.New Brunswick e netefalitse hore lefu le leng la COVID-19 le etsahetse profinseng ka Sontaha thapama.WorkSafe New Brunswick (WorkSafe New Brunswick) e sa tsoa hlahloba Manoir Belle Vue mme ea fumana "likheo" morerong oa eona oa ts'ebetso ea seoa.Ho ne ho se na tefiso, 'me profinse ha ea ka ea fana ka lintlha tse tobileng.Kamora matsatsi a 14 a incubation, linyeoe tse ncha tsa COVID-19 li ntse li tsoela pele ho fumanoa.Kokoana-hloko e netefalitsoe mahaeng a mang a maqheku sebakeng sa Edmundston, a ileng a khutlela sethaleng sa lamunu har'a mp'a bosiu ka Labone.Ntle le ho phatlalatsa lefu la COVID-19 ka la 25 ka Sontaha, profinse e boetse e tlaleha linyeoe tse 4 tse ncha tsa vaerase le tse ling tse 3 tse folileng.Ho na le linyeoe tse 87 New Brunswick.Bakuli ba babeli ba sepetlele ’me e mong oa bona o tlhokomelong ea bakuli ba kulang haholo.Ho na le nyeoe e ncha Moncton, motho ea lilemong tsa hae tsa bo-20.Bophelo bo botle ba sechaba bo re sena se amana le maeto.Ho na le linyeoe tse tharo tse ncha sebakeng sa Edmundston, ho kenyeletsoa batho ba babeli ba ka tlase ho lilemo tse 19 le a le mong ea lilemong tsa bo-30.Boholo ba linyeoe tse sebetsang New Brunswick li ntse li tsepame Edmonston le Great Falls (Setereke sa 4), moo ho nang le linyeoe tse 73.Ho latela ntlafatso ea Sontaha, ho na le linyeoe tse 8 tse sebetsang sebakeng sa Moncton (Setereke sa 1).Ho na le 3 Seterekeng sa St. John's (Setereke sa 2), 1 Seterekeng sa Fredericton (Setereke sa 3), 1 Seterekeng sa Bathurst (Setereke sa 6), Setereke sa Miramichi (Setereke sa 7) Ho na le se seng.Sebaka sa Campbellton (Setereke sa 5) ke sebaka se le seng feela profenseng moo ho sa tlalehoang linyeoe tse sebetsang.Ho tloha ha seoa sena se qala, New Brunswick e netefalitse kakaretso ea linyeoe tse 1,424 tsa COVID-19 mme tse 1,311 li folile.Bophelo bo Botle ba Sechaba bo entse liteko tse 223,595, ho kenyeletsoa le liteko tse 606 ka Moqebelo.Tlhahiso ea sefofane New Brunswick Public Health e tlaleha hore sefofane sa la 8 Hlakubele se ka pepesetsoa COVID-19.Bapalami ba lifofaneng tse latelang ba lokela ho itebela matšoao 'me ba hlahlobe matšoao: Sefofane sa Air Canada 8906-Ha se tloha Montreal se ea Moncton ka 7:10 pm, seo u lokelang ho se etsa haeba matšoao a hlaha.Batho ba amehileng ba kanna ba ba le matšoao a COVID-19, U ka etsa liteko tsa ho itlhahloba inthaneteng.Bophelo bo botle ba sechaba bo boletse hore matšoao a batho ba nang le COVID-19 a kenyelletsa: feberu e kaholimo ho 38 ° C.Ho khohlela ho hocha kapa ho mpefala ha sefuba se sa foleng.metso o bohloko.Nko e mathang.hlooho e opang.Mokhathala o mocha, bohloko ba mesifa, letšollo, tahlehelo ea tatso kapa monko.Ho hema ka thata.Ho bana, matšoao a boetse a kenyelletsa matheba a pherese menoaneng le menoaneng.Batho ba nang le le leng la matšoao ana ba lokela ho: Lula hae.Letsetsa Tele-Care 811 kapa ngaka ea bona.Hlalosa matšoao le nalane ea maeto.Latela litaelo.
Sebelisa karete e bohlale ho reka ho barekisi ba khethiloeng letsatsi le letsatsi 'me u fumane puseletso ea 5% ea chelete selemo se seng le se seng!Bareki ba bacha ba amohela puseletso ea chelete e fihlang ho $1,600, etsa kopo hona joale!
'Muelli oa mmuso oa Cairo o boletse hore mokoloko oa Letona la Litaba tsa ka Hare la Libya le tšehelitsoeng ke UN le hlasetsoe motse-moholo Tripoli ka Sontaha.Amin Hashmi, 'muelli oa Lekala la Bophelo la Tripoli, o boletse hore banna ba hlometseng ba thuntse le ho lematsa bonyane molebeli a le mong mokolokong oa Fathi Bashagha tseleng e kholo ea Tripoli.O boletse hore Basagha o ile a pholoha tlhaselo eo mme balebeli ba hae ba lelekisa mohlaseli, ba bolaea e mong mme ba ts'oara ba bang ba babeli.Pejana ka Sontaha, Bashagha o ile a kopana le Mustafa Sanalla, hlooho ea Libyan National Petroleum Corporation, ho buisana ka tšireletseho ea lisebelisoa tsa oli le mokhoa oa ho matlafatsa boikemelo ba lik'hamphani tsa oli ho "netefatsa kabo e nepahetseng ea leruo har'a batho bohle ba Libia".Ha ho mokhatlo o itseng o ikarabellang tlhaselong ena, e totobatsang ho se sireletsehe ha libaka tsa Afrika Leboea.Moemeli oa US ho la Libya, Richard Norland, o ile a nyatsa tlhaselo eo mme a kopa hore ho etsoe lipatlisiso ho etsa hore batlōli ba molao ba ikarabelle.Noland o itse: “Boiteko ba Letona Bashaga ba ho felisa tšusumetso ea masole a mabe bo re tšehelitse ka botlalo.”Libya e ruileng ka oli e ile ea oela moferefere hobane bofetoheli bo tšehelitsoeng ke NATO ka 2011 bo ile ba lihuoa 'me ba bolaea mohatelli oa nako e telele Gaddafi.Naha e arotsoe ka mebuso e ’meli, e ’ngoe e le Bochabela ’me e ’ngoe e le ka Bophirimela.'Muso o mong le o mong o tšehetsoa ke palo e kholo ea masole le mabotho a tsoang linaheng tse ling.Pejana khoeling ena, mokhatlo oa Machaba a Kopaneng oa khetho o entsoeng ka batho ba Libyan mahlakoreng ka bobeli o ile oa khetha 'muso oa nakoana, o entsoeng ka lekhotla la batho ba bararo ba mopresidente le tonakholo, ho etella pele naha likhethong tse reriloeng ka la 24 Tšitoe. Ka mor'a ho fela ha tonakholo. maemo a letona, Abdul Hamid Mohamed Debeba qetellong o ile a khethoa e le tonakholo ea khabinete ea nakoana.Seboka sena se boetse se khethile Mohammad Younes Menfi, modiplomate oa Libya ea tsoang ka bochabela ho naha, ho etella pele komiti ea mopresidente.Associated Press Samy Magdy
Throughout the summer, Rebel News played a videotape of Mayor Patrick Brown on an indoor skating rink at the Earnscliffe Entertainment Center in Brampton, without a mask. The August 4 video showed Brown standing next to a hockey bag with his name posted on it. Rebel journalist David Menzies was with the photographer. At that time, someone revealed to the media that Brown would attend the stadium every week to play hockey with his friends, but the public was banned from the pandemic. Under the limit of the game. The camera finally zoomed in on Brown, and in the video Menzies was seen asking the mayor. He was standing next to the bag with his name on it, which was full of equipment, if he was playing games there. Brown looked surprised, and sent some azzs, and then said that he was just there to check the facilities. Brown claimed that the hockey bag containing the equipment was not his name. Videos taken by Rebel News in the next few weeks and subsequent videos show that Brown playing hockey on the court has become all the rage, garnering thousands of views. On YouTube and other social media, Brown has been widely criticized for playing hockey with friends, while children and others are not allowed to do so. Prior to this, the mayor had visited social media many times, asking residents to keep distance from society and respect instructions to avoid possible spread of the virus in the community. Rebel News, through lawyer Aaron Rosenberg, filed a complaint against Brown’s conduct to Brompton’s Commissioner of Corruption Muneeza Sheikh. It pointed out that Brown “may have violated” many of the rules in the New York City Code of Conduct, including Article 4 (Use of City Property), Article 7 (Improper Use of Influence), and Article 15 (Disposable Behavior) And Article 18 (Failure to follow the municipal council policies and procedures). The complaint also indicated that Brown may have violated New York City’s mandatory facial masking laws a few days after watching the video, provincial reopening guidelines, and may have participated in amending the rules, outlining the use of city facilities by citizens on the New York City website . Rebel news. Sheikh ruled that Brown did not violate any aspect of the code of conduct she was allowed to consider. She was unable to investigate whether Brown violated the provincial restrictions or Brampton’s mask ordinance, because these were not under her jurisdiction. She said her task is to monitor issues that apply to the Code of Conduct, City Regulations, and procedures involving the ethical behavior of board members. She wrote in the report that she is not responsible for checking whether the council members have violated the law or violated city regulations that are not related to the Code of Conduct. “My conclusion is that I can infer that if Mayor Brown violated the Mask Act, the Emergency Order and/or ordered changes to the website, he will also violate the aforementioned Code. It is not clear why she excluded The application of Rules 7 and 15 of the Code of Conduct, which prevent board members from using improper influence and acting in shameful ways. The provincial framework shows that indoor recreational activities are restricted in Phase 2 and are restricted to amateur or professional athletes Use. Melee games are not allowed. The framework says: “Except for indoor practice ranges and gun clubs, indoor entertainment is not allowed. Nevertheless, Brown admitted that he had been playing hockey in the arena since late June. The video taken about six weeks later clearly recorded the game being played. Sheikh hinted in the report that certain types are allowed in Ontario. Before using the indoor facilities of the city, it is not her jurisdiction to investigate whether the city government opened the arena. For example, what she can check is whether Brown abused his power to open his arena. Given that the focus of the complaint was on August 4 (the city at the time) In the third stage), she believes that the city allowed all residents to rent out the stage for private use that day. But Brown admitted that he has been with friends since June 24, when the city was still in the second stage of restrictions. Use the facility. It is not clear why Brown played the game in the second stage. At that time, the use of indoor facilities was extremely limited and the ice rink was not open for public use. Sheikh did not address this issue in her report. Sheikh also accepted Brown’s position, Brown is not playing hockey there, but just to “meet his friends.” But this is not what he claims in the video, which captures him saying that he is there “just to check our facilities.” The film Earlier in China, a well-equipped player was asked where Brown is. The man told Menzies: “He hasn’t shown up yet. “Menzies then asked the mayor if it was in progress. The player said. But Sheikh said that she watched the Rebel News video and she chose not to accept the content in the video, but accepted what Brown told her in an interview during the investigation. Content. The report stated that if Brown was playing games there, he would show up before the start of the group’s ice game. Brown claimed that a friend had borrowed his name bag. Sheikh said that she confirmed this to that friend. However, this is not what Brown said at the time. At the time, Brown claimed that he must often give the bag to someone because he often receives a hockey bag. This is unreasonable because the business card on the bag is removable and inserted. In the plastic card, it’s not clear why anyone kept Brown’s removable business card. Despite the key evidence, Sheikh did not include the person’s name in the report, nor did he explain why the hockey bag sitting next to Brown in the video It was full of equipment, and all the other players were already there. Playing on the ice. Sheikh did not explain why this friend put a bag of equipment with Brown’s name next to the ice while the others were already playing. As Sheikh told Menzies in the video, there is nowhere in Sheikh’s report that Brown was there to inspect the facility. She also did not mention the name of the staff who accompanied Brown and brought him to the arena that day, although He was the main witness but did not appear to have been interviewed. The only complaint Brown agreed was that he did not wear a mask when he entered the facility on August 4. The head of law enforcement and regulatory services claimed at the time that Brown did not need to wear a mask if a facility It was rented for private purposes, and Sheikh accepted this request in the report. After reviewing the New York City mask ordinance and its amendments, the guidelines could not determine the situation. Regulation 135-2020 stipulates that all public places must be worn Masks include “indoor communities, sports and recreational facilities, and clubs.” People engaged in sports or fitness activities do not need to wear masks, as long as their activities are within the emergency order. There is no mention of private gatherings. In Sheikh In the report, Morrison said that if Brown was in the building on August 4 and was a participant, then he would not have to wear a mask. Brown repeated in Sheikh’s report that he would not be there that day. Competition. It’s not clear why Sheikh accepted this suggestion, but used Morrison’s mask that only applies to “participants.” Article 12(7) of the by-law also stipulates that employees of municipalities Masks are not allowed in non-public places. Morrison confirmed this in Sheikh’s report and pointed out that “if Mayor Brown is not a participant, but an employee or agent of Brampton, Then Mayor Brown does not need to wear a mask. Throughout Sheikh’s investigation, Brown did not declare that he had been there as an employee. He said that he “visited his friends before going back to the next scheduled event.” “On August 8, the day Rebel Media released Brown’s video, the New York City website made the following statement on the facility regulations: “The arena is open to members/main user groups for figure skating and ice hockey training and improvements. Gameplay. After the video spread quickly on the 8th Saturday (that is, Saturday), the wording on the webpage was changed on the Sunday one day later. The updated webpage read: “In order to protect the safety of the community and prevent the spread of COVID-19, Lampton Recreation Center (sic) city and indoor facilities are not open for walk-in public use. The arena is open for figure skating and ice hockey training/improved gameplay. The complaint included the obvious cover-up of the facts by changing prescribed rules that would forgive Brown’s use on the grounds that Brown might abuse his power. Sheikh called the evidence of such changes to the website to cover Brown’s actions “indirect.” At the time, New York City The spokesperson told The Pointer that New York City will regularly update its website to reflect any changes to New York City facilities. The day after the video was released, someone made changes to the website on a Sunday. The complaint did not include the page. The revisions coincided with Brown’s excuses. Sheikh accepted a statement in which Brown said he did not require changes to the website in this way. Sheikh pointed out that she could not check whether Brown violated any provisions in the New York City Code of Conduct , Because the complainant did not provide a “reasonable and possible basis” for how Brown’s behavior violated the Code. “When providing the minimum details and implied infringements due to the violation of this Code, the Integrity Commissioner has no responsibility to attempt to file a feasible complaint. The ambiguity and defects of the complaint inevitably affected my decision. Sheikh said that the inference of the complaint is that “if skating in public places is not allowed on August 4, the only reason for Mayor Brown to do so is if he abuses his power to obtain ice time” or “improper influence on the city.” Sheikh really believes that Brown’s best to wear a mask in the arena. “Modeling this kind of socially conscious behavior on his friends and acquaintances, as well as any urban workers who may have become urban workers, is A small matter. Now. Although he did not use the “model” standard as instructed by the “Code of Conduct”, she did not believe that failing to show “model” behavior would violate any rules. She did not adopt the “Code” prohibiting shameful behavior in the investigation results, although There is all evidence that Brown has changed his story. Although he claims that he is still playing hockey on the field and that he violated the current provincial rules, the report fails to explain Sheikh’s previous relationship with Brown. If this shows interest Conflict. When Brown was the party leader, Sheik’s husband’s company was paid to work for a personal computer in Ontario; when Brown faced allegations of sexual misconduct that led to his downfall from the provincial regime, she publicly defended Brown (Brown denies these allegations.) It is not clear how Sheikh, who has no experience in municipal law or served as an ICAC commissioner, got a job shortly after Brown became mayor. Legal scholar and director Duff Conacher (Duff) Conacher is in line with Democracy Watch, an expert on government accountability, that Sheikh’s relationship with Brown undermines her credibility as the Commissioner of the Independent Commission of Brampton. “The Commissioner of the Independent Commission is essentially a member of the Ethics Committee. The judge is not even biased. Her relationship with Patrick Brown crossed the line, and as a result, she would have to resign and let others act as decision-makers whether there were any complaints about him. Conacher told CBC News after being hired. Brampton’s former integrity commissioner, Guy Jono, and then Brown’s election, explained that because the two knew each other and resigned from their previous jobs together within a few weeks , The connection may be regarded as a conflict. Sheikh’s report was not discussed at the board meeting on Wednesday. The board voted to discuss matters related to the Commissioner of Independent Corruption on the board date next month, and she will be present to answer any questions. Electronic Email: Twitter: @nida_zafar Tel: 416 890-7643 COVID-19 is affecting all Canadians. At a time when everyone needs important public information, The Pointer cancels the pandemic and public interest Remuneration for all reports to ensure that every resident of Brampton and Mississauga can use the facts. For those who are able, we recommend that you consider subscribing. This will help us report the community more than ever Important public interest issues to know. You can sign up for a 30-day free trial here. After that, The Pointer will charge $10 per month, and you can cancel at any time on the website. Thank you. Nida Zafar, Local News Journalist advocacy journalist
Lenaneo la Nova Scotia Community College la "Road to Ship Building" ke lenaneo le lumellang lihlopha tse neng li e-na le boemo bo tlase ho indasteri ea kaho ea likepe ho fumana boiphihlelo mosebetsing.Tyrell Young le Macey Rolfe, ba babeli ba fumaneng mangolo lenaneong, ba ile ba kopanya chelete ea tšepe ho keel ea HMCS William Hall ea nakong e tlang.

Nako ea poso: Feb-22-2021