

多伦多-安大略省的金融监测机构表示,去年该省因 COVID-19 大流行而失去了超过 355,000 个工作岗位。
1959 年,三名武装人员闯入蒙特利尔大学,偷走了全部脊髓灰质炎疫苗——75,000 瓶,价值 50,000 美元。我们从这次事件中学到了什么?
(美国宇航局通过美联社报道)对于许多人来说,“宇航员食物”一词会让人联想到脱水苹果酱和冷冻冰淇淋在太空中被拖到地球的画面。但在不久的将来,太空中种植的营养食品可能会成为宇航员的菜单。为了预见未来的月球、火星及更远的任务,美国宇航局和加拿大航天局等航天机构以及枢密院办公室的“加拿大影响计划”发起了“深空食物挑战”。 ”这是对研究人员、科学家和其他创新者的呼吁,开发一种粮食生产系统,使宇航员能够在长期的深空任务中种植自己的食物。当航天机构将精力集中在人类对月球的探索上时,挑战就来了。加拿大航天局高级项目经理马特·班西表示,为宇航员提供新鲜食物的主要困难之一是,任务中没有无限的电力来种植农产品,而且它们不会产生大量废物。他说:“是的,我们可以带很多预包装食品,但人们担心这段时间营养价值能否保持。”对于可能持续数年的任务,可靠的粮食生产系统为宇航员提供安全、营养的食物是关键——减少从地球补充食物的需要也很关键。班西说:“想象一下由六名宇航员组成的机组人员执行为期三年的任务。”“你需要带很多食物。因此,如果我们能有宇航员现场制作的食物。生产技术将帮助我们减少太空发射。”加拿大宇航员大卫·圣雅克(David Saint-Jacques)在国际空间站哥伦布太空舱的 Veggie Ponds 设施中填充水库。随着任务深入太空,将需要新的粮食生产系统来长期维持宇航员的生命。在加拿大,挑战的集思广益阶段于 2021 年 1 月 12 日开始。学术机构、公司和个人可以提出应对挑战的想法。第二阶段——厨房演示,要求合格的团队构建原型并生产食品样品——将于秋季升级到下一级团队。解决深空辐射风险 Mark Lefsrud 和他的约 50 名学生团队(统称为 Martlet 团队或用于长途旅行的麦吉尔高级生物再生套件)正在进行竞赛。莱夫斯鲁德是麦吉尔大学生物资源工程系的副教授,他帮助开发了国际空间站上先进的植物栖息地,宇航员在那里种植了短麦等农作物。宇航员执行深空任务的主要考虑因素之一是辐射暴露,辐射会导致细胞和组织损伤,并增加宇航员患癌症、神经源性疾病和过早衰老的风险。国际空间站近地轨道以外的辐射风险会增加,该区域的上限仅限于距地球表面约1000公里处。手表 |致力于深空食品挑战的创新者面临的挑战:高抗氧化食品可以帮助减轻这种风险。当任务涉及穿越近地轨道时,宇航员可以增加富含抗氧化剂的新鲜食物的摄入量来保护自己。莱夫斯鲁德说,通过在饮食中添加某些化合物,如叶黄素、β-胡萝卜素、玉米黄质和番茄红素,“宇航员对保护自己免受辐射应激具有有益的作用。”一个主要因素是味道。宇航员实际上必须吃太空中生长的东西。莱夫斯鲁德说:“如果我们能够强迫宇航员一直吃羽衣甘蓝,其实是非常有益的。”“困难在于人们不太喜欢吃羽衣甘蓝,所以问题是我们可以选择其他美味的植物。是吗?”美国宇航局宇航员肖恩·金布罗带着红生菜漂浮在国际空间站上。他表示,理想情况下,系统还应该具有一定程度的自动化程度。这是因为宇航员并不总是在空间站管理农作物。班西说:“我们在这里寻找的不仅仅是祖母或祖父的后院花园。”“我们希望[能够]采取一些措施来帮助养活我们的子孙后代。”我们也可以。Naurvik 项目是地球上使用的粮食生产系统,是 Gjoa Haven 社区、北极研究基金会、加拿大农业和农业食品、加拿大国家研究委员会和加拿大航天局之间的合作项目。努纳武特地区社区主导的粮食生产体系为恶劣环境下的农业生产提供了低投入、高产的技术模式。Gjoa Haven 的 Naurvik 温室是一个水培集装箱站,自 2019 年 10 月以来,社区技术人员一直在这里种植可持续的新鲜食物。该站目前不是“深空食品挑战”的一部分,但它是一项独立倡议,航天局称其可以作为深空任务的模型。瑙尔维克技术员贝蒂·科格维克 (Betty Kogvik) 常年种植农产品,收获生菜、红辣椒和圣女果,并将其送给社区的老人。任何剩余的产品将被运送到工作场所或学校。她在电话中告诉加拿大广播公司新闻:“这对孩子们真的很有帮助。”“我们总是给小学和高中带来一些东西。”目前,科格维克和其他瑙维克技术人员正在种植西兰花。他们计划在几个月内开始制作草莓园。贝蒂·科格维克 (Betty Kogvik) 是瑙维克 (Naurvik) 的一名技术员,她种植新鲜农产品,并将其运送给乔阿港 (Gjoa Haven) 社区的老年人和学校。Naurvik可以利用绿色能源(如太阳能和风能)在24小时黑暗和24小时阳光下成功运行。北极研究基金会首席执行官兼运营总监阿德里安·施姆诺夫斯基表示,它还可以承受各种温度。他告诉加拿大广播公司新闻:“这个项目是一个非常好的垫脚石。它展示了可能性并提出了许多问题。它为我们提供了如何在太空工作的技巧和想法。”施姆诺夫斯基表示,同样可以通过减少粮食供应链短缺,帮助提高极端环境或资源稀缺情况下粮食生产的产量,并将这些技术提供给生活在恶劣环境中的其他社区,以改善粮食安全。班西说:“我们希望这一挑战中产生的创新能为加拿大的日常生活带来科技效益以及粮食生产效益。”“我们正在寻找能够真正使我们前进的解决方案。该计划使我们能够在太空种植粮食,这也能让我们在地球上受益。”该挑战预计将于 2024 年春季结束,届时将宣布加拿大获奖者。美国宇航局的阿尔忒弥斯计划还旨在届时将“第一个女性和下一个男性”登陆月球。
安大略省宾顿市 一名来自安大略省宾顿市的 29 岁男子因涉嫌周末袭击母亲而面临谋杀未遂的指控。皮尔地区警方表示,他们在收到骚扰报告后于周六下午被叫到了这家人的家中。他们说,他们发现一名妇女在家中被刺伤。她被送往医院,情况稳定。警方指控该妇女的儿子徒步逃离家,并于当天晚些时候被捕。他现在面临一项谋杀未遂罪和三项违反缓刑罪。加拿大通讯社的报道于 2021 年 2 月 21 日首次发布。
新兴市场和新世纪陵墓的Jean Langelier,创新生物发展总监FIDEL de La Matanie,以及第一位直接生物总监:发展经济学家Développement Économique Matanie。«Je suistrès, trèsheureux»,公共关系关系 «参与音乐会纪念活动。我想为就业和财富做准备。Alors je suistrès 的内容。»DEM 和 L'économie 日报。«促进和促进人性的恢复。»Jean Langelier n'a pas voulu donner davantage dedétails(Jean Langelier n'a pas voulu donner davantage dedétails)由位于La Matanie的MRC de la Mtanie基金会组织,在当地经济发展中占有一席之地。Claudie Arseneault,Mon Matane 当地新闻倡议
(弗雷德·查特兰/加拿大出版社)预计总理本周将宣布一项新程序,以选举州长接替朱莉·帕耶特。朱莉·帕耶特一个月前辞职了。有毒”和“中毒”的工作场所。女王枢密院主席多米尼克·勒布朗表示,政府意识到选择“杰出加拿大人”担任这一职务的重要性,并表示总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)未来几天还会有更多话要说。勒布朗周日早上告诉罗斯玛丽·巴顿直播:“毫无疑问,我们认为首席大法官将成为行政长官,宪政主义不应该持续数月。“我希望在下周,我们能够就加快这一进程提出一些意见,因为我们认识到我们需要迅速采取行动,选择帕耶特夫人的继任者。特鲁多上个月表示,在他选择帕耶特出任该职位的方式受到新批评后,审查程序将更加严格。他选择了个人立场,而不是利用前总理斯蒂芬·哈珀的顾问委员会。推荐合适候选人的程序。反对党正在努力参与选举过程,并建议特鲁多以前宇航员帕耶特的名人身份受到欢迎。CBC新闻9月报道称,特鲁多多处办公室在任命帕耶特之前未能与至少两名主要过去雇主核实,这可能表明她在2016年因待遇投诉从蒙特利尔科学中心辞职后获得了约20万美元的遣散费。据多个消息来源称,她还在对工作人员的待遇进行了两次内部调查(包括言语骚扰)后于2017年离开了加拿大奥委会。帕耶特和她的副手阿桑塔·迪·洛伦佐表示,在收到一份关于工作场所审查的令人鼓舞的报告后,他于 1 月 21 日辞职。七个月前,在 CBC 新闻报道中,十二名机密消息人士声称,帕耶特受到贬低、指控和公开羞辱,枢密院办公室(PCO) 引发了第三方审查,聘请了 Quintet Consulting。迪洛伦索还被指控欺凌员工。报道称,工作场所调查人员采访了92人,其中大多数人描述了“客观考虑”的经历。不到 10 名参与者描述了对工作环境的积极或中立的感受。Quintet 记录了“大喊大叫、尖叫、攻击性行为、贬低性评论和公开侮辱指控”,促使参与评估的 13 名患者请病假,17 名患者完全离开办公室。据多个消息来源称,CBC新闻还报道称,从报告中删除的内容是声称帕耶特的攻击性行为包括不服从员工。欢迎身体接触,这让一些员工感到受到威胁。独立报告的目标是确定问题的范围。报告的作者并没有试图去发现事实。该文件仅取决于受访者的报告。里多霍尔(Rideau Hall)证实,截至1月底,已向聘请的律师事务所Blakes和加拿大最高法院前法官米歇尔·巴斯塔拉奇(Michel Bastarache)总共支付了16.5万加元的法律服务费(加税)。与工作场所审查有关。PCO 与 Quintet 的合同也花费了超过 390,000 美元。观看 | 勒布朗表示州长的总体选拔过程可能会在下周完成:发布新的未经编辑的报告 PCO 于周六晚发布了经过编辑的报告的新版本,指出第三方磋商现已完成,报告中有几页可以未经编辑。新的未经编辑的页面显示,布莱克引发了人们对“程序公正性不足”和“政治干预的看法”的担忧,从而推迟了审查进程。10月1日, 2020年,布莱克斯写信给奎内特和枢密院办公室,认为里多厅应该有机会提供有关指控的背景资料,并表示该机构最近“发生了重大结构性变化,包括对办公空间产生重大影响” ,并更加重视绩效改进。”该律师事务所写道:“办公室运营的变化通常会引起担忧和投诉。因此,近期发生的实质性变化使得情况审查显得尤为重要。”布莱克斯还辩称,里多大厅的员工在帕耶特任职之前就曾发表过一份关于工作场所环境的声明。2014年,一项公共服务就业调查发现,18%的员工回应称自己是工作中骚扰的受害者,而2017年的调查发现,这一数字上升至19%。《麦克林杂志》报道称,在帕耶特任职期间,里多·霍尔被评为公共服务中最受骚扰的人。调查发现,在 Rideau Hall 工作的受访者中,有 22% 的受访者声称受到过骚扰,低于 2018 年的 25%,这仍然是所有联邦部门或机构报告的骚扰程度第三高的水平。该律师事务所提交了一份图表,其中包含该办公室为改变工作环境而采取的步骤。布莱克斯还写道,在少数派政府中,被认为“中度到高风险”的审查程序可能“容易受到攻击,因为它促进了对独立政府机构的政治干预。”布莱克斯写道:“如果没有适当平衡的考虑,并且缺乏针对指控的程序性保护措施,很可能会引发人们对政治干预的看法。”特鲁洛今年1月表示,他会像新州长在帕耶特任务选择出现争议后那样,让批准程序更加健全。枢密院办公室拒绝了律师事务所的变更请求。PCO回应称,布莱克不应该联系五重奏,这造成了混乱并延误了审查。PCO助理副部长丹尼尔(Daniel)写道:“我们要求你们不要再这样做了;您发送的这封信让我们要求澄清 Quintet Consulting 的角色,这导致了流程的延误。”鲁西说道。,这个过程“似乎存在误解”。此次审查的目的是进行“事实调查”而不是“正式调查”。因此,布莱克斯在信中概述说,审查“不会造成任何程序公平性问题”。PCO还否认存在“政治干预风险”的说法,并表示,鉴于媒体提出的担忧,PCO聘请了独立第三方审计员,以确保其提供“专业的无党派建议”。该部门还表示,律师事务所的评论似乎使Rideau Hall独立于政府,但它是政府的一部分,必须遵守财务委员会的政策。露西写道:“尽管您在信中提出的担忧已经得到认真对待,但我们认为所提出的程序无助于Quintet Consulting进行有效、及时的审查。”帕耶特从一开始就坚持。,她非常重视职场骚扰问题。辞职时,她在一份声明中写道:“每个人都有权随时随地享受健康安全的工作环境。”“州长办公室的情况似乎并不总是如此。过去几个月,里多大厅气氛紧张。对于目前的情况,我感到很抱歉。”我们都经历过不同的经历,但我们应该始终努力做得更好并关注彼此的观点……就我的副总督府和我们国家的完整性以及我们民主的好处而言,我的结论是:新州长可以在 CBC 流媒体服务 CBC Gem 上观看 Rosemary Barton Live 的整集节目。
(迪伦·克拉克提交)根据追踪 COVID-19 病例的政府网站,努纳武特地区的阿尔维亚特发现了一例新的 COVID-19 病例。还报告了三处恢复病例,使社区活跃病例总数达到 28 例。这是努纳武特地区唯一出现 COVID-19 活动病例的地方。去年最后 9 天,由于去年 11 月开始的更广泛的疫情爆发,社区报告了新病例。12月下旬至1月下旬,约一个月没有新增病例报告。但自那以后,又发现了数十起新病例。自大流行开始以来,社区共报告了 295 例 COVID-19 病例。一名居民死于这种疾病。周五,努纳武特地区首席公共卫生官迈克尔·帕特森博士(Michael Patterson)恳求居民不要在周末探望亲友。他在新闻稿中说:“最重要的是,阿维亚米特不出门,保持身体疏远,外出时戴口罩。”目前,进出小村庄的旅行仅限于出于紧急或基本目的旅行的人。卫生当局要求自 1 月 12 日以来到访过的任何人进行自我隔离并监测症状。该社区目前可以接种 Moderna COVID-19 疫苗,但该地区尚未透露有多少人接种了疫苗。该社区已进行近 2500 次 COVID-19 检测。Nunavummiut 怀疑自己可能与 COVID-19 感染者接触过的人,请在东部标准时间上午 10 点至下午 6 点之间拨打 COVID-19 热线 1-888-975-8601,或立即通知他们社区卫生中心和立即居家隔离14天。
大学健康网络的 Emily Musing 在接受罗斯玛丽·巴顿直播 (Rosemary Barton Live) 采访时表示,其多伦多地区的 COVID-19 疫苗接种诊所令人兴奋且令人愉快。
希腊雅典——希腊著名演员兼导演迪米特里斯·利格纳迪斯周日出现在雅典法庭,直到周三才做出回应。一名治安法官指控多起强奸案。法院当局表示,在此之前他将继续留在监狱中。当地法院和检察官将在审判前共同决定是否拘留或释放他。据法庭消息称,利格纳迪斯被指控在 2010 年和 2015 年的事件中被两名未成年人强奸。他否认有任何不当行为。2 月 6 日,56 岁的利格纳迪斯因行为不端而辞去了希腊国家剧院艺术总监的职务。近一个月来,希腊多位著名演员、导演和官员遭受性骚扰和强奸的指控越来越多,引发了希腊的#MeToo时刻。第一个发言的是奥运金牌得主索菲亚·贝卡托鲁,她指控希腊帆船联合会的一名官员在1998年强奸了她。希腊文化部长丽娜·门多尼周五表示,她已要求最高法院检察官调查强奸和骚扰指控。在戏剧界。反对派指责她试图掩盖 2019 年由现任保守党政府任命的利纳迪斯。美联社德米特里斯·内拉斯 (Demetris Nellas)
安大略省今天报告了 1087 例新的 COVID-19 病例和 13 例与该病毒相关的新死亡病例。卫生部长 Christine Elliott 表示,这一数字包括多伦多 344 例新病例、皮尔区 156 例和约克 122 例。当约克地区周一恢复该省红色编码的疫情应对计划时,周一的全屋订单将被取消。但埃利奥特今天早上在推特上表示,“回归框架并不意味着回归平凡。”该省框架规定,大多数在红色区域经营的零售商必须将顾客数量限制在正常容量的 50%。,而面对面聚会室内最多只能容纳5人,室外最多只能容纳25人。全省只有多伦多、皮尔和北湾帕里桑德卫生部门处于全职轮流状态。多伦多和皮尔区的高级公共卫生官员呼吁采取措施,将每日病例计数延长两周,北湾正在努力解决与英国首次发现的 COVID-19 突变相关病例激增的问题。周日的数据显示,目前有 660 名因 COVID-19 住院的患者,低于前一天的 699 名。但该省表示,有超过10%的医院没有提交数据,这种情况在周末很常见。该省表示,277 名患者接受了重症监护,其中 181 人接​​受了呼吸机检查,并完成了近 48,200 次检查。艾略特补充说,截至周六晚上,安大略省已接种了 556,533 剂 COVID-19 疫苗。加拿大报告的报告首次发布于2021年2月21日。
卡尔加里——一位母亲的家人在经济和情感上都陷入困境,这要感谢一家宠物慈善机构在特别黑暗的时期帮助支付她受伤的猫的医疗费用。香农·米勒 (Shannon Miller) 说,她 18 岁的儿子乔丹 (Jordan) 刚刚完成了针对一种罕见骨和软组织癌的化疗。米勒在接受加拿大媒体采访时表示:“这太疯狂了。这是糟糕的一年。”她14岁的儿子乔什患有焦虑症,一直在努力治疗弟弟的疾病。米勒说,乔什向他的猫朋友娜拉寻求情感支持,但她需要昂贵的手术来修复髋部骨折。“奈良一直是他绝对的安慰。当他感到焦虑的时候,他就抚摸她,陪她睡觉。即使现在,她也被关在我们客厅的隧道里,而他则睡在我们客厅里。,因为没有奈良他就睡不着。”米勒和她的丈夫都因新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 而失业。她说,朋友的帮助和 GoFundMe 活动不足以支付看兽医的费用。宠物降落伞的创始人梅丽莎·大卫(Melissa David)说:“当她打电话给我时……我会告诉她坠落。”该公司为有需要的宠物主人提供补贴宠物护理,包括食品。篮子和医疗服务。大卫说,米勒担心家里失去猫对她儿子的影响。大卫说:“这就是他的心理健康状况。”米勒表示,奈良似乎不得不被安乐死。她说:“我们以为我们必须让她安乐三天,乔希所做的一切都哭了。他被毁了。那不是一个好时机,”“现在他很兴奋。简直喜出望外。对于一个十几岁的男孩来说,欣喜若狂是有意义的。”David 从去年开始每月提供 25 至 30 个礼篮。去年12月,她收到孩子们的来信,要求圣诞老人帮助他们的宠物而不是带来圣诞礼物后,每月的需求激增至600多个篮子。三天内收到了 4,000 份回复,其中包括来自加拿大的 35 名社会工作者,显然还有更多工作要做。大卫说:“加拿大目前没有任何计划帮助儿童将宠物带出家中。他们已经联系了很多儿童机构。”“很明显,我们需要专门帮助儿童饲养宠物的计划。”大卫说,第一步是在四月份,在卡尔加里火焰中心的米凯尔·贝克兰德的帮助下。这位 NHL 球员今年早些时候失去了他的狗莉莉,莉莉的遗产活动将敦促公众为有需要的儿童和宠物购买复活节礼篮。“这完全是为了帮助即将与宠物分离的孩子。我们将努力帮助这个孩子和这只宠物——无论是皮带、项圈、兽医护理、疫苗、许可证……直到他们继续自己生活。”贝克兰德向该慈善机构捐赠了冰球门票,他表示失去莉莉对他和妻子来说很困难,他很乐意提供帮助。他说:“我们认为以我们小公主的名义做一件好事是个好主意。”“这是从复活节篮子开始的好方法……帮助这些孩子饲养宠物并希望筹集一些资金,以便我们可以继续该计划。”志愿者凯莉·麦奎里(Kelly MacQuarrie)在她六岁儿子卡姆登的帮助下一直在为慈善事业运送宠物。她说:“他爱动物,他爱动物。他认为,对于一些孩子来说,无法养宠物可能会很悲伤。”卡姆登说,他更喜欢姜黄色的小猫,他明白为什么要为宠物运输篮子。“因为他们需要食物,否则他们可能会死。帮助宠物是一件好事。”大卫表示,她希望该慈善机构能够在未来三年内扩展到​​全国各地,让孩子和宠物走到一起。“想到这么多孩子在没有帮助的情况下经历了这种经历,真是令人心碎。”加拿大通讯社的报道于 2021 年 2 月 21 日首次发布。——在 Twitter 上关注 @BillGraveland,加拿大通讯社的 Bill Graveland
法国BLAUSASC-加拿大车手迈克尔·伍兹周日在为期三天的环法-码头和杜瓦尔比赛中获得亚军。迪安·詹卢卡·布兰比拉 (Dian Gianluca Brambilla) 以 13 秒击败意大利。讲台上的人们。伍兹在周六赢得第二阶段比赛后进入了最后一天的比赛,他的总排名落后了五秒。荷兰车手 Bauke Mollema 与 Brambilla 一起驾驶 Trek-Segafredo,排名第三。在周日的比赛中,伍兹在以色列初创国家队的第一场比赛中落后布兰比拉 13 秒。这位来自渥太华的34岁男子说:“我很失望我无法保留黄色球衣。”“但总的来说,我不能抱怨。车队参加了一场精彩的比赛。”伍兹周五处于第一赛段。第四名。加拿大通讯社报道由加拿大通讯社于2021年2月21日发布。
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加拿大皇家骑警 (RCMP) 表示,周六,一名男子在 1 号高速公路上试图驶出沟渠时翻车,导致一名男子死亡。警方赶到后,发现急救人员正在现场,试图挽救这名63岁男子的生命。一架STARS空中救护车被派去提供帮助,但该男子在现场被宣布死亡。警方表示,初步调查发现,该男子在试图将汽车驶离1号公路时,将车从1号公路东行车道和西行车道之间的沟中开出。经警方调查,1号公路通往东、西的一条车道关闭了几个小时。加拿大皇家骑警的一份新闻稿称,高速公路于中部标准时间下午 6 点左右重新开放。来自 Weben 的加拿大皇家骑警交通重建专家 Qu'Appelle 和萨斯喀彻温省验尸官服务处也出席了现场。警方表示,调查仍在进行中。
(Bernard Lebel/加拿大广播电台资料图)埃德蒙斯顿的一家疗养院报告了第六例死亡病例,因为该疗养院仍在继续应对长达一个月的 COVID-19 疫情。据公共卫生部称,截至周五,Manoir Belle Vue已确诊92例,其中包括51名居民和41名工作人员。该设施今天早上在脸书上发表声明宣布死亡,并表示最近几天发生了死亡事件。它还报告了上一轮测试中涉及居民的两起新病例。新不伦瑞克省确认周日下午该省又发生了一起 COVID-19 死亡事件。新不伦瑞克省工作安全局(WorkSafe New Brunswick)最近检查了Manoir Belle Vue,发现其疫情行动计划存在“空白”。没有罚款,省政府也没有提供具体细节。经过 14 天的潜伏期后,继续发现新的 COVID-19 病例。埃德蒙斯顿地区的其他疗养院也证实了该病毒,这些疗养院于周四午夜恢复到橙色阶段。除了周日 25 日宣布 COVID-19 死亡外,该省还报告了 4 例新病例和 3 例康复病例。新不伦瑞克省有87例。两名患者正在医院接受治疗,其中一名正在重症监护室。蒙克顿有一个新病例,是一名20多岁的人。公共卫生部门表示,这与旅行有关。埃德蒙斯顿地区新增三例病例,其中两名年龄在19岁以下,一名年龄在30多岁。新不伦瑞克省大部分活跃病例仍集中在埃德蒙斯顿和大瀑布城(第4区),那里有73例病例。根据周日的更新,蒙克顿地区(第一区)有 8 例活跃病例。圣约翰区(第2区)有3个,弗雷德里克顿区(第3区)有1个,巴瑟斯特区(第6区)有1个,米拉米奇区(第7区)有1个。坎贝尔顿地区(第 5 区)是该省唯一没有报告活跃病例的地区。自大流行开始以来,新不伦瑞克省已确认总共 1,424 例 COVID-19 病例,其中 1,311 例已康复。公共卫生部门进行了 223,595 次检测,其中周六进行了 606 次检测。航班暴露 新不伦瑞克省公共卫生部门报告称,2 月 8 日的航班可能暴露于 COVID-19。乘坐以下航班的乘客应自我监测症状并检查是否有症状: 加拿大航空 8906 航班 - 晚上 7:10 从蒙特利尔飞往蒙克顿时,如果出现症状该怎么办。相关人员可能有COVID-19症状,可以在线进行自我评估测试。公共卫生部门表示,COVID-19 患者的症状包括:发烧 38°C 以上。新发咳嗽或慢性咳嗽恶化。咽喉痛。流鼻涕。头痛。新出现的疲劳、肌肉疼痛、腹泻、味觉或嗅觉丧失。呼吸困难。在儿童中,症状还包括手指和脚趾上出现紫色斑点。有这些症状之一的人应该: 呆在家里。致电 Tele-Care 811 或他们的医生。描述症状和旅行史。请按照说明进行操作。
开罗政府发言人表示,联合国支持的利比亚政府内政部长的车队周日在首都的黎波里遭到袭击。的黎波里卫生部发言人阿明·哈希米表示,武装人员在的黎波里的一条高速公路上开枪打伤了法蒂·巴沙加车队中的至少一名警卫。他说,巴萨加在袭击中幸存下来,他的警卫追赶袭击者,杀死了其中一人,并拘留了另外两人。周日早些时候,巴沙哈会见了利比亚国家石油公司负责人穆斯塔法·萨纳拉,讨论石油设施的安全以及如何加强石油公司的独立性,以“确保所有利比亚人公平分配财富”。没有组织声称对此次袭击负责,这凸显了北非各县的不安全局势。美国驻利比亚大使理查德·诺兰德谴责了这次袭击,并呼吁进行调查,追究肇事者的责任。诺兰表示:“巴沙加部长消除流氓民兵影响的努力得到我们的全力支持。”由于2011年北约支持的起义被推翻并杀死了长期独裁者卡扎菲,石油资源丰富的利比亚陷入混乱。该国分为两个政府,一个在东部,另一个在西部。每个政府都得到大量民兵和外国军队的支持。本月早些时候,由利比亚双方人民组成的联合国选拔机构任命了一个由三人总统委员会和总理组成的临时政府,领导该国参加定于12月24日举行的选举。部长职务上,阿卜杜勒·哈米德·穆罕默德·德贝巴最终当选为过渡内阁总理。论坛还选举利比亚东部外交官穆罕默德·尤尼斯·门菲(Mohammad Younes Menfi)领导主席委员会。美联社萨米·马格迪
Throughout the summer, Rebel News played a videotape of Mayor Patrick Brown on an indoor skating rink at the Earnscliffe Entertainment Center in Brampton, without a mask. The August 4 video showed Brown standing next to a hockey bag with his name posted on it. Rebel journalist David Menzies was with the photographer. At that time, someone revealed to the media that Brown would attend the stadium every week to play hockey with his friends, but the public was banned from the pandemic. Under the limit of the game. The camera finally zoomed in on Brown, and in the video Menzies was seen asking the mayor. He was standing next to the bag with his name on it, which was full of equipment, if he was playing games there. Brown looked surprised, and sent some azzs, and then said that he was just there to check the facilities. Brown claimed that the hockey bag containing the equipment was not his name. Videos taken by Rebel News in the next few weeks and subsequent videos show that Brown playing hockey on the court has become all the rage, garnering thousands of views. On YouTube and other social media, Brown has been widely criticized for playing hockey with friends, while children and others are not allowed to do so. Prior to this, the mayor had visited social media many times, asking residents to keep distance from society and respect instructions to avoid possible spread of the virus in the community. Rebel News, through lawyer Aaron Rosenberg, filed a complaint against Brown’s conduct to Brompton’s Commissioner of Corruption Muneeza Sheikh. It pointed out that Brown “may have violated” many of the rules in the New York City Code of Conduct, including Article 4 (Use of City Property), Article 7 (Improper Use of Influence), and Article 15 (Disposable Behavior) And Article 18 (Failure to follow the municipal council policies and procedures). The complaint also indicated that Brown may have violated New York City’s mandatory facial masking laws a few days after watching the video, provincial reopening guidelines, and may have participated in amending the rules, outlining the use of city facilities by citizens on the New York City website . Rebel news. Sheikh ruled that Brown did not violate any aspect of the code of conduct she was allowed to consider. She was unable to investigate whether Brown violated the provincial restrictions or Brampton’s mask ordinance, because these were not under her jurisdiction. She said her task is to monitor issues that apply to the Code of Conduct, City Regulations, and procedures involving the ethical behavior of board members. She wrote in the report that she is not responsible for checking whether the council members have violated the law or violated city regulations that are not related to the Code of Conduct. “My conclusion is that I can infer that if Mayor Brown violated the Mask Act, the Emergency Order and/or ordered changes to the website, he will also violate the aforementioned Code. It is not clear why she excluded The application of Rules 7 and 15 of the Code of Conduct, which prevent board members from using improper influence and acting in shameful ways. The provincial framework shows that indoor recreational activities are restricted in Phase 2 and are restricted to amateur or professional athletes Use. Melee games are not allowed. The framework says: “Except for indoor practice ranges and gun clubs, indoor entertainment is not allowed. Nevertheless, Brown admitted that he had been playing hockey in the arena since late June. The video taken about six weeks later clearly recorded the game being played. Sheikh hinted in the report that certain types are allowed in Ontario. Before using the indoor facilities of the city, it is not her jurisdiction to investigate whether the city government opened the arena. For example, what she can check is whether Brown abused his power to open his arena. Given that the focus of the complaint was on August 4 (the city at the time) In the third stage), she believes that the city allowed all residents to rent out the stage for private use that day. But Brown admitted that he has been with friends since June 24, when the city was still in the second stage of restrictions. Use the facility. It is not clear why Brown played the game in the second stage. At that time, the use of indoor facilities was extremely limited and the ice rink was not open for public use. Sheikh did not address this issue in her report. Sheikh also accepted Brown’s position, Brown is not playing hockey there, but just to “meet his friends.” But this is not what he claims in the video, which captures him saying that he is there “just to check our facilities.” The film Earlier in China, a well-equipped player was asked where Brown is. The man told Menzies: “He hasn’t shown up yet. “Menzies then asked the mayor if it was in progress. The player said. But Sheikh said that she watched the Rebel News video and she chose not to accept the content in the video, but accepted what Brown told her in an interview during the investigation. Content. The report stated that if Brown was playing games there, he would show up before the start of the group’s ice game. Brown claimed that a friend had borrowed his name bag. Sheikh said that she confirmed this to that friend. However, this is not what Brown said at the time. At the time, Brown claimed that he must often give the bag to someone because he often receives a hockey bag. This is unreasonable because the business card on the bag is removable and inserted. In the plastic card, it’s not clear why anyone kept Brown’s removable business card. Despite the key evidence, Sheikh did not include the person’s name in the report, nor did he explain why the hockey bag sitting next to Brown in the video It was full of equipment, and all the other players were already there. Playing on the ice. Sheikh did not explain why this friend put a bag of equipment with Brown’s name next to the ice while the others were already playing. As Sheikh told Menzies in the video, there is nowhere in Sheikh’s report that Brown was there to inspect the facility. She also did not mention the name of the staff who accompanied Brown and brought him to the arena that day, although He was the main witness but did not appear to have been interviewed. The only complaint Brown agreed was that he did not wear a mask when he entered the facility on August 4. The head of law enforcement and regulatory services claimed at the time that Brown did not need to wear a mask if a facility It was rented for private purposes, and Sheikh accepted this request in the report. After reviewing the New York City mask ordinance and its amendments, the guidelines could not determine the situation. Regulation 135-2020 stipulates that all public places must be worn Masks include “indoor communities, sports and recreational facilities, and clubs.” People engaged in sports or fitness activities do not need to wear masks, as long as their activities are within the emergency order. There is no mention of private gatherings. In Sheikh In the report, Morrison said that if Brown was in the building on August 4 and was a participant, then he would not have to wear a mask. Brown repeated in Sheikh’s report that he would not be there that day. Competition. It’s not clear why Sheikh accepted this suggestion, but used Morrison’s mask that only applies to “participants.” Article 12(7) of the by-law also stipulates that employees of municipalities Masks are not allowed in non-public places. Morrison confirmed this in Sheikh’s report and pointed out that “if Mayor Brown is not a participant, but an employee or agent of Brampton, Then Mayor Brown does not need to wear a mask. Throughout Sheikh’s investigation, Brown did not declare that he had been there as an employee. He said that he “visited his friends before going back to the next scheduled event.” “On August 8, the day Rebel Media released Brown’s video, the New York City website made the following statement on the facility regulations: “The arena is open to members/main user groups for figure skating and ice hockey training and improvements. Gameplay. After the video spread quickly on the 8th Saturday (that is, Saturday), the wording on the webpage was changed on the Sunday one day later. The updated webpage read: “In order to protect the safety of the community and prevent the spread of COVID-19, Lampton Recreation Center (sic) city and indoor facilities are not open for walk-in public use. The arena is open for figure skating and ice hockey training/improved gameplay. The complaint included the obvious cover-up of the facts by changing prescribed rules that would forgive Brown’s use on the grounds that Brown might abuse his power. Sheikh called the evidence of such changes to the website to cover Brown’s actions “indirect.” At the time, New York City The spokesperson told The Pointer that New York City will regularly update its website to reflect any changes to New York City facilities. The day after the video was released, someone made changes to the website on a Sunday. The complaint did not include the page. The revisions coincided with Brown’s excuses. Sheikh accepted a statement in which Brown said he did not require changes to the website in this way. Sheikh pointed out that she could not check whether Brown violated any provisions in the New York City Code of Conduct , Because the complainant did not provide a “reasonable and possible basis” for how Brown’s behavior violated the Code. “When providing the minimum details and implied infringements due to the violation of this Code, the Integrity Commissioner has no responsibility to attempt to file a feasible complaint. The ambiguity and defects of the complaint inevitably affected my decision. Sheikh said that the inference of the complaint is that “if skating in public places is not allowed on August 4, the only reason for Mayor Brown to do so is if he abuses his power to obtain ice time” or “improper influence on the city.” Sheikh really believes that Brown’s best to wear a mask in the arena. “Modeling this kind of socially conscious behavior on his friends and acquaintances, as well as any urban workers who may have become urban workers, is A small matter. Now. Although he did not use the “model” standard as instructed by the “Code of Conduct”, she did not believe that failing to show “model” behavior would violate any rules. She did not adopt the “Code” prohibiting shameful behavior in the investigation results, although There is all evidence that Brown has changed his story. Although he claims that he is still playing hockey on the field and that he violated the current provincial rules, the report fails to explain Sheikh’s previous relationship with Brown. If this shows interest Conflict. When Brown was the party leader, Sheik’s husband’s company was paid to work for a personal computer in Ontario; when Brown faced allegations of sexual misconduct that led to his downfall from the provincial regime, she publicly defended Brown (Brown denies these allegations.) It is not clear how Sheikh, who has no experience in municipal law or served as an ICAC commissioner, got a job shortly after Brown became mayor. Legal scholar and director Duff Conacher (Duff) Conacher is in line with Democracy Watch, an expert on government accountability, that Sheikh’s relationship with Brown undermines her credibility as the Commissioner of the Independent Commission of Brampton. “The Commissioner of the Independent Commission is essentially a member of the Ethics Committee. The judge is not even biased. Her relationship with Patrick Brown crossed the line, and as a result, she would have to resign and let others act as decision-makers whether there were any complaints about him. Conacher told CBC News after being hired. Brampton’s former integrity commissioner, Guy Jono, and then Brown’s election, explained that because the two knew each other and resigned from their previous jobs together within a few weeks , The connection may be regarded as a conflict. Sheikh’s report was not discussed at the board meeting on Wednesday. The board voted to discuss matters related to the Commissioner of Independent Corruption on the board date next month, and she will be present to answer any questions. Electronic Email: nida.zafar@thepointer.com Twitter: @nida_zafar Tel: 416 890-7643 COVID-19 is affecting all Canadians. At a time when everyone needs important public information, The Pointer cancels the pandemic and public interest Remuneration for all reports to ensure that every resident of Brampton and Mississauga can use the facts. For those who are able, we recommend that you consider subscribing. This will help us report the community more than ever Important public interest issues to know. You can sign up for a 30-day free trial here. After that, The Pointer will charge $10 per month, and you can cancel at any time on the website. Thank you. Nida Zafar, Local News Journalist advocacy journalist
新斯科舍社区学院的“造船之路”计划是一个允许造船行业历史上代表性不足的群体获得该领域经验的计划。该项目的两名毕业生 Tyrell Young 和 Macey Rolfe 将硬币焊接到了未来 HMCS William Hall 的龙骨上。
